spy ace

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335
Discussed with Sun Guoxin how to resettle these people.Fan Keqin left immediately and walked out of the director's office.Fan Keqin was not needed for the rest of the work today, Zhuang Xiaoman just finished all the bits and pieces.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, Fan Keqin went back for a while. Tonight is New Year's Eve.So he drove to the telegraph office first, and sent a blessing telegram to his father, uncle, and aunt.

However, I may not be able to go back to my hometown in Zigong this year, but it is not certain.The main thing is to see when the action troops of the US War Information Bureau will come. If they come early, then they may not be able to go back.For this uncertain situation, it is better not to say.Save the old man at home to rejoice in the air.The content only said that I need to wait for some news, and after confirming it, I will give the elders a letter.

Then Fan Keqin bought a case of wine and a case of drinks, and went home directly.Entering the house, Fan Keqin saw that Lu Xiaoya was making noodles, and the minced meat beside him had been prepared.For dishes and the like, what should be cut has already been cut, as long as it is done.

Fan Keqin immediately began to flicker, saying: "Oh, look, my family is so virtuous, and everything that should be done has been done. What would I do without you."

Lu Xiaoya laughed and said, "Don't sell it cheap. Wash your hands quickly and help me make dumplings."

In other words, dumplings are a symbol of Chinese cuisine. In fact, some places in the south do not have this custom.However, these days, refugees from all over the world are mixed together. Although the old Jiangtou is a "master of micromanagement", he is still right in saying that there is no distinction between people, old and young, and places without distinction.Therefore, they are mixed together, the customs of the south are also learned by the northerners, and the customs of the north are also learned by the southerners.China is also a very inclusive country.It is mixed with various customs. If it were not for the invasion of little devils, it would definitely be stronger than it is now.In addition, Lu Xiaoya's mother is from the north, so it's normal to eat dumplings.

"Hey, it's done." Fan Keqin agreed, and immediately went to wash his hands.It is said that he was a northerner in his previous life, but he is a southerner in this life, but no matter which side he is from, as long as he is a descendant of Yan and Huang.

While washing his hands, Fan Keqin yelled, "Oh, did you call Dad?"

"Ah? Hit me." Lu Xiaoya glanced at him, and said, "Don't be surprised, just startle me."

"Hey." Fan Keqin said, "How about it, daddy won't come over?"

Lu Xiaoya said: "Ah, it's hard to say, let's go tomorrow."

"Okay. Then I'll call Dad." Fan Keqin said, came to the phone, picked up the receiver and called Lu Suiyun.This is ritual.It was her business for Lu Xiaoya to talk to her father, but she had to say a few words.

After the call was connected, Fan Keqin asked Lu Suiyun to come over to celebrate the New Year, and said that he would show off his skills in the kitchen.Let him come over and have a good taste, and finally said, drink a few more glasses during the Chinese New Year, Lu Xiaoya can't drink enough, even the couple can't drink together, so Lu Suiyun has to do it himself.

The invitation was very sincere.However, Lu Suiyun still couldn't come, saying that he invited several old brothers from the hospital, who also celebrated the New Year alone in the local area, to his home to celebrate the New Year together.

Since this is the case, there is no other way, Fan Keqin said that tomorrow he and Lu Xiaoya will go to pay New Year greetings to the elders.Then he put down the phone and came back... Washing his hands again, he came to the table and opened the bag at the same time as Lu Xiaoya.

Lu Xiaoya's rolling speed is not good, while Fan Keqin's rolling is like a ruthless rolling machine.After saving up a lot, I started to turn into a "dumpling making machine with so much emotion" again, swish making dumplings.He stared at Lu Xiaoya's eyes.

After rolling out the last bit of dough into dumpling wrappers, Fan Keqin turned around and went into the kitchen to start cooking again, leaving Lu Xiaoya to make dumplings by herself for a while.When Fan Keqin finished the food, Lu Xiaoya's side was just finished.Put it directly on the balcony on the second floor. It's cold now and it won't break easily.

Fan Keqin put the drink beside Lu Xiaoya, and opened the drink himself, ready to have a big drink with Lu Xiaoya.Then, taking advantage of the strength of the wine, he would be a monster with classmate Lu Xiaoya.

That's it, the two of them were talking and laughing, fighting and making trouble, even though it was just two of them, this year was also very good.There is a saying: The sound of guns is rumbling, the applause is thunderous, warm and enthusiastic, and the momentum is like a rainbow.Your heart will burn again, your feet will jump again, and you will show off infinitely... Get moving...

The next day, the two of them cleaned up neatly, without any damage on their bodies - they went to Lu Suiyun's house.

At this time, the old buddies in Lu Suiyun's family hadn't left yet.That's just right, it just so happened that I was singing with Lu Xiaoya yesterday, and didn't drink much.

Ever since, Fan Keqin, Lu Suiyun and a few elders had a good meal.He and Lu Xiaoya stayed until the evening before leaving.When we got home, it wasn't even seven o'clock, so early?Then I can't say I can't say I can't, let's continue to bathe in love.

That's it, Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya have been at home, singing and so on, after three days off.On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, it was finally confirmed that I might not be able to return to my hometown in Zigong.Without saying anything, send another telegram to your father and the others to explain the situation.

Another day passed quickly, and on the fifth day of the lunar new year, Fan Keqin drove to the Security Bureau.The operational troops of the War Situation Bureau are about to arrive today, so I have to take a look.Call Zhao Debiao, Bai Fengtai, Kang Changming, Wang Zhanyuan and other field captains, and give them instructions like this.Fan Keqin watched from the side.

Sure enough, after a while, a convoy of trucks drove in.The Meidi family, numbered more than [-], came down like dumplings.Judging by the looks of these people alone, there are about forty people of Asian race.The rest are white and black.But black people are the fewest, only fourteen or five in total.

However, in Fan Keqin's eyes, this situation is actually not surprising.This was originally the operational force of the Asian Division of the War Information Bureau, and it was normal for there to be quite a few Asians in it.However, Fan Keqin knew the information of these people, and they were all from the Meidi family.

After these Meidi family members got off the car, they could be described as crying and howling. Some looked around, some took pictures everywhere, and some smoked and chatted in small groups.

Exaggerated?It's not an exaggeration at all, the Meidi family is like this.Think about it, during the Anti-Japanese War, Chinese soldiers have been fighting since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War. Have you heard that after the war, let these troops pull all the troops to the rear, and then take a vacation?no.

(End of this chapter)

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