spy ace

Chapter 1348 Tracking

Chapter 1348 Tracking
Asano Kazuo continued: "So, they will definitely find ways to get rid of this person before he tells all the secrets in his heart. Right?"

Hearing what he said, Dubin and Damon Shingo understood.Eiji Osuka nodded in confirmation immediately, and said, "I just have an idea in this regard, and Asano-kun can immediately think of a specific implementation method. It's really beyond my reach."

Kazuo Asano said with a smile: "Osuka-kun is being humble again, but well, I will accept this compliment for now. However, if we want to do this well, there are certain difficulties. We have to fully solve it. Row."

"That's right." Dubin said: "I'm wondering if we can answer our purpose. You know, even if we have everything arranged properly, there is one thing we can't guarantee, that is, whether the ghost will be responsible for this. If not, then everything we do will be useless."

"It may not be useless." Damon Shingo thought for a while, and said: "If this matter is arranged, just like Asano-kun said, the Chongqing government will never ignore it. In other words, there will definitely be fish. .As for whether it is a ghost fish... In fact, we have nothing to lose, don't we? And there must be something to gain. It is still worth doing this."

Dubin nodded after hearing this, and said: "Well, Mr. Damen is right, it is like this. Then we need to solve two things first, the first is the choice of the target. The second is, the task of this task. Executor."

Damon Shingo said: "The conditions for this goal... Asano-kun has already said just now, that is, the important figures of the Chongqing government. Or people who can get in touch with some confidential positions. I feel that the latter should be possible. After all, the activities in Chongqing , it is really difficult. If you move too much, you may not be able to complete the task. So choose a big person... This difficulty will be raised to a very high level. If you are a person who can get in touch with a confidential position, the position is the key , but not that kind of big man, he should also be able to achieve our strategic and tactical goals."

Dubin nodded, and said, "For example, the ... confidential room of a certain confidential department, or the confidential secretary of a certain important person?"

"Yes." Eishi Osuka said: "This idea is very good. According to the executor...we still have someone available in Chongqing."

Damon Shingo was a little worried, and said, "Chongqing... can't you choose another city as your target?"

Kazuo Asano said: "Chongqing now represents a different meaning. Choosing a goal in another city... may not be able to answer our purpose."

Osuga Hideshi said: "I think what Damon-kun is worried about is Chongqing's unique identification system. You don't have to worry about this. Just imagine, if a person who knows a lot of secrets like this is lost, and the executor must follow the escort, the target We don’t really want to know any secrets, we just need to secretly kill someone and show signs that he’s coming anyway.”

Speaking of this, Osuka Yingshi paused, and said again: "Then the executor, evacuate directly from Chongqing. Of course, the best thing is that we have to perform enough scenes. Choose a person whose face and body shape are similar to the target .Then in...Nanjing, at the railway station or dock in Nanjing, it’s a little drama. Of course, the drama can’t be too much. When assigning tasks to the executors, just tell them what to do and what to do. gone."

Kazuo Asano nodded and said, "Well, do you all agree with this plan? If you agree, let's start discussing the specific details around this plan now."

Several people nodded at the same time, and Du Bin first said: "The executor can use the mountain team from our Secret Service Headquarters. It is also a pocket team, with a small number of people and few actions, and it is definitely enough to kidnap or make a person disappear. One of them was originally from an old criminal investigation background, and he is very professional for the subsequent layout of some scenes."

Damon Shingo said: "Don't you need agents from the Mei Agency to participate?"

Before Dubin could speak, Eishi Osuka directly waved his hand in denial, and said, "We don't want Japanese agents to participate, but we need the higher-ups of Mei's agency to know that there is such a plan. Otherwise, there won't be enough drama."

That's it, the four people began to draw up specific action steps and various details around this plan.Several people discussed this discussion until midnight, but there are still some issues that have not been completed.Therefore, Dubin directly arranged for several people to live in the secret service headquarters so that the discussion could continue the next day.

After going on like this for three days, the plan finally took shape, and several people began to follow the plan, contact the executor, and order specific tasks.

On this day, Damon Shingo finally walked out of the Secret Service Headquarters, and he needed to explain the plan of "should be said" to the high-level of Mei's agency.As they discussed before, if there is no important Japanese secret service involved, then the drama is really not enough.

After leaving the Secret Service headquarters, Damon Shingo got into the car and drove to the Nanjing headquarters of the Mei Agency.But when he left the gate of the secret service headquarters and got into the car, it was a short process.A slanted angle, the third floor window of a certain building.A graceful-looking woman put down her binoculars.Immediately picked up the phone at his feet, dialed a number, and it didn't take long for the other side to connect.The woman quickly said: "My house is leaking, and I need to find a repairman. The number is [-]."

"Understood." After the other party replied, the call ended immediately.

On the other end of the phone, an agent in his thirties immediately said, "Quick, the license plate number is [-]. It's coming in our direction." He understood that zero is useless information.

After saying this, two agents in plain clothes jumped up from their chairs, quickly opened the door and went downstairs, and pushed out the bicycle from the corridor.

The whole process, from Ji Mina's phone call to the time they went downstairs, took less than thirty seconds.So they had just pushed their bicycles downstairs when they saw a black car on the avenue, a Buick with the license plate number [-], passing by in front of the building.

These two agents, who are very good at tracking, immediately got on the bike and followed them seemingly normally...

In other words, they are not afraid that the target they are following is going to the other side?Of course not afraid, because the layout of the tracking points is very particular.For example, a building is at a certain point on a street.Then there are tracking points at both ends of this street...

(End of this chapter)

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