spy ace

Chapter 1353 Drawings

Chapter 1353 Drawings
Huazhang went on to say: "Although the two sides are not all that kind of villa-like buildings, there are similar ones. The most common ones are high-end apartments on the third and fourth floors. If you look from the outside, the brothers below have discovered that every high-end There are jobs under the apartment building, and it looks like they should be professional people.

Also, in each apartment building, especially the first floor, there should be porters, security guards and the like.Because they had gone through peripheral investigations and indeed seen people like security guards entering and leaving that apartment.The handover of one of the pairs was also witnessed by our brothers.But it doesn't matter if you look at it more carefully, after all, they can't get close to check. "

After hearing this, Fan Keqin asked again: "Do you know the distribution of streets and surrounding areas?"

"I know." Huazhang said: "For this reason, they drew a picture. I brought it back, brother, wait for a while." As he spoke, he put down half a sausage.

Immediately, he got up, and moved a wall lamp on the wall to the base connected to the wall, and gently moved it up a few centimeters, revealing a corner of a piece of paper.Then she pinched the paper with her fingers and pulled it out completely.Then carefully reset the base, and then leaned closer to see if there was anything abnormal on the wall. After confirming, he turned around and walked back.
After handing the paper to Fan Keqin, Hua Zhang said: "This is the street map where the high-end apartment they drew."

"Okay. Let me take a look." Fan Keqin reached out to take it, and then unfolded the blueprint to watch it carefully.I found that this is a very ordinary quarto large white paper with a pencil drawing on it.

The painting is still very good, there are eight streets and seven streets in each direction.Every street is marked with the street name.The buildings on both sides of the street are also drawn.Of course, it’s not the kind of complete painting, but a small house. For a three-story house, use three upper and lower partitions, for a two-story house, use two partitions, and so on.

If the buildings are connected, they will be close together.If there is an alley, or a narrow passage formed, or a very narrow street, a passage will be vacated and marked in words.

Some houses have a number written on them, and Fan Keqin knows that this is the house number.However, some small houses are empty without any number written on them.And in this picture, the more you go to the middle of the house, the less you draw, and some even have blank spaces, with the words "unobserved" written.

There is also a star symbol on it, and a small warning word is written in the symbol, but there are also star symbols that write the word Xun, and others are the word Bao and Xian.

The police are undoubtedly the police department, the police station and other pseudo-government police departments.The patrol is also easy to understand, the city patrol camp or a certain city patrol office.The constitution is naturally the military police.But what is the guarantee?
security guard?defend?But does the puppet government have a department like the Security Bureau?

Fan Keqin asked: "What does the word Bao mean? Why haven't I heard of a pseudo-government agency with the word Bao?"

Hua Zhang smiled and said: "I was the same as you at the time. You Cai told me that it was a high-end apartment area, and there was a special security department. The people inside... how should I put it, it seems a bit semi-militarized. There are not many people. But He reflected that the quality of the security department is uneven. There are strong guys in their twenties, and people in their forties and fifties whose physical fitness is obviously in decline. The equipment is also inconsistent. Some people have a A wooden stick, like a police baton.

But their leaders seem to have guns.But still the same problem, this security department only patrols and performs duties in the high-end apartment area.That is, the central position, the brothers below, can't get close to the investigation, so it's really not clear how it is. "

Fan Keqin understood, it was a bit like a professional security team for later generations.Of course, I'm not talking about the kind of security guards in the community, otherwise the head of the family wouldn't be equipped with a gun, right?

Then, Fan Keqin roughly counted, there are three stars with the word "warning" written on them, which are located in the upper middle position, lower left position, and slightly lower position on the right side of the blueprint.into an irregular triangle.

In addition, there is only one word Xun, which is located on Heluo Street in the upper left corner.The word Xian is also in one place, in the lower right corner.In the distribution of the entire street, in fact, the Japanese and puppet support points are relatively dense.

One of the buildings is worth noting, that is, a place where the Japanese consulate is marked on the house.In fact, the Japanese consulate also has its own military power, although the main function of the military power is to protect the consulate.But once something happens to that side, it is also possible if the devil soldiers inside come out to support the incident.

For example, after all, in name, what kind of embassy, ​​consulate and so on, the soldiers inside cannot carry guns after they come out.But now the little devils are rampant, and they are the godfather of the puppet government, so they must be casual.Not to mention taking a gun to the streets, even killing a few innocent people on the street, it is estimated that in the end, the big things will be turned into small things, and the small things will be turned into small things.

The location of the Japanese Consulate is basically in the lower part of the center.But it is less than three streets away from the center of the entire drawing.

Fan Keqin looked at the picture in detail, concentrated his attention on writing down the content, and said: "I have already remembered this picture, please burn it for now, if necessary, I will draw it."

"Okay." Huazhang said: "Actually, I also remembered it, and I will burn it after you read it." Then, he took the paper, lit it and threw it in the ashtray.

Seeing the completely burnt dust, the two started to eat and drink again. After eating everything, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, then asked again: "Just found those people once? Didn't come out again?" Pass?"

"No." Huazhang said: "All in all, Damon Shingo came out alone... Oh, it was the time I just told you about going to the Mei Agency. Later, he went to the high-end apartment with two other people."

Fan Keqin said: "Mei Agency, have you checked in detail?"

"No." Huazhang said: "At that time, we started to investigate after Damon Shingo went there, but we didn't investigate deeply. After all, what I think is that our goal this time is not to deal with the Mei Agency, but to find the A few sources who followed us. Damon Shingo is not in the Mei organization now, so I let the brothers just taste it."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "It's hard to say now. The pictures are pretty good, especially the outer circle, which can be of good reference value. But the central area, you can't get in. Hmm... that's a problem. Ah." Then, he took a puff of cigarette and thought again.

(End of this chapter)

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