spy ace

Chapter 1355 The Consulate

Chapter 1355 The Consulate

Seeing an aisle between the two buildings, Fan Keqin turned around and walked in at a normal pace.After that, he walked straight again, and observed the surrounding situation while walking.

After walking for a while, Fan Keqin turned out from the buildings.Sure enough, it turned into that kind of small western-style building in front of my eyes.To be precise, they are not all small western-style buildings, because some of them are in that Chinese style.There are also more concise styles.

But it can be seen that these small buildings are all villas.Of course, there are also larger ones.Some come with yards and some don't.Among them, those with courtyards are basically the kind with transparent iron railings.Of course, there are also courtyard walls with masonry structures that are invisible to the eyes.

This area should be roughly similar buildings.Since he had asked Huazhang in detail, Fan Keqin naturally knew where the mansion of Mei's office was.As for Fan Keqin at this time, he was not on the street of the Mei Agency, but shuttled through the buildings on the opposite side.

These buildings are like trees in the woods, and plum organs are like stones in the woods.Since most of these small buildings are independent, it seems that the trees in the forest are relatively sparse.Therefore, when people walk through it, due to their movement, they will always see the stone through the gaps between the trees.

Fan Keqin didn't walk on the street where the Mei Agency was located, so he could observe the Mei Agency in this way.But even if someone inside the Mei organ could see him, it wouldn't arouse any suspicion.

That's it, Fan Keqin walked at the far end, walked a small half circle, and basically got a good view of the front of the Mei organ.Speaking of the mansion where the Mei Agency is located, Fan Keqin compared it with other architectural references. The main building, that is, the mansion itself does not occupy too much area, about fifty by forty.There are two floors in total.

In addition, there is a courtyard outside the main building of the Mei Agency. If this is counted, the occupied area becomes larger.There are many trees planted in the courtyard, so although the courtyard walls are also the kind of iron railings, these trees still block a lot of sight.Only the section from the gate of the courtyard to the main body of the mansion can be seen clearly.

Along the way, Fan Keqin was at the far end, making a big circle, so naturally he had more time to observe.

It was also because of this that Fan Keqin noticed that the plainclothes at the entrance of Mei's office were not fixed.He definitely saw the other two people walk out of the mansion, followed the original two people at the door, as if they usually met and said hello, and then the original two people walked into the mansion.It must have been a changing of the guard.

There were also people coming out or going in from the mansion on the second floor, all of them in plain clothes.A few more people came out of the mansion and turned into the bushes planted in the yard.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and there are no lush leaves to cover it.Therefore, Fan Keqin could vaguely see that these people should be smoking and chatting about something.As for why they didn't chat in the mansion... then who knows.

Ten minutes later, Fan Keqin had circled the side of the mansion.There is nothing to see from the side. Although the main building of the mansion can be seen through those trees, there is nothing else.

Followed Fan Keqin to the back of the mansion to observe.It's almost the same situation as the front.But behind the mansion is the back street.Relatively deserted, Fan Keqin still didn't dare to get too close.It is because it is deserted, so walking next to the mansion and backing the street will be very eye-catching.

Then Fan Keqin came to another side, which looked similar to the left side he had passed before.They are all trees, and the main body of the mansion can be seen through the sparse trees.

When Fan Keqin arrived at this time, he didn't hesitate.Turn around and walk straight away from the mansion.After another ten minutes, Fan Keqin was already sitting on a bench in a small open park nearby.

There were not many people in the small park at this time, only a few couples of young men and women having sex in the park.Fan Keqin quietly lit a cigarette, slowly thinking about everything he had observed.Combined with the previous investigation and understanding reported by Huazhang.Start running through the possibilities in your head.

But now is definitely not a good time to customize any plan.After all, the high-end apartment area of ​​the Japanese consulate has not been investigated yet.Therefore, Fan Keqin was actually just "reviewing" the situation he had just investigated in his mind.Everything about the Meiguan mansion and the surrounding areas is recalled and tried hard to remember.

Finally, Fan Keqin threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it and crushed it.When I got up and left the park, I saw a few rickshaws on the opposite side, and then I boarded one and told the other party where it was.Start to go to the high-end apartment area.

After about twenty minutes, Fan Keqin got out of the car and paid.His current position is actually just entering the edge of the map he looked at yesterday.Three streets further inside is the central area.

So Fan Keqin continued to walk along the street, and after a while, he saw the Japanese Consulate in his sight.

This consulate is, on the contrary, smaller than the former mansion of Mei's agency.But it also depends on how it is calculated.After all, the location here is more prosperous than the one where the Mei Agency is located.Land is also more expensive.It seems that a normal two-bedroom apartment of fifty meters or so in the center of SH in later generations must be more valuable than a large house in the suburbs covering an area of ​​several acres.

Of course, this might be a bit inappropriate, after all, the location of the Mei Agency is not in the suburbs, and there are quite a lot of small western-style buildings around it.is the traffic is not very convenient.If you don't have a car, you have to walk a long way to get on public transport.

For example, when Fan Keqin came over, he just walked for a while, passed through a park, and then walked for about ten minutes before seeing the rickshaw.In addition, the planning is definitely not as good as later generations, and some supporting facilities around it can't keep up.

But the consulate here is different, there are basically everything around.There are quite a lot of buyers and sellers on both sides of the street, residential areas, shops and so on.

Fan Keqin was strolling along the street opposite the consulate normally. When passing by, he roughly estimated that the total length of the front building of the consulate was only about [-] meters.When passing by, the side is only [-] meters away, that is to say, the overall area of ​​the consulate is only about [-] square meters.

There is no yard, it is directly next to the street.But there is a sentry platform at the door, on which stands a heavily armed kid.Behind the sentry platform is a sentry box, and the upper half of the sentry box is made of glass...

(End of this chapter)

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