spy ace

Chapter 1357 2 Songs

Chapter 1357 Two Songs

Those who speak foreign languages, although they can converse fluently with foreigners, seem to have no obstacles.But if you want to say that you don't have an accent at all, that's pure nonsense.

It was too late for Fan Keqin to learn.So there's really no need to bother.But he speaks German very well, and now Germany is an ally of the little devils, so there is no problem at all in pretending to be a German overseas Chinese in an emergency.

Fan Keqin was naturally not panicked. In addition, Fan Keqin still knew how to avoid having the other party check his documents. After all, he was very proficient in forensic science after studying and practicing for decades together in his two lifetimes.

To give the simplest example, police officers check ID cards, which many people know.But why police officers check your ID is not everyone knows.

You think you are walking on the street normally, but suddenly a person in front of you shows you your ID card from a police officer, please show your ID card for a routine check.One of them may be normal security patrols.

In this area, within a few minutes, the only person passing by is you, a man in his prime.Others may exist, some people who want to do bad things look at it, fuck it, there are police officers patrolling here.Business can't be opened today, hurry up!Thus playing a deterrent effect.

So when a police officer asks you for an ID card, you must actively cooperate.Because it may be related to the safety of this entire area.Besides, it won't waste a few minutes of your time to check the documents.

Another thing is that there may be some illegal elements hiding here in this area.They are doing investigation work, you happen to appear here, and your height and clothes may be similar, so naturally they will check you.But don't worry, if you're fine, you're fine.

Another kind of experience is the experience of the old police. For example, at the entrance of a certain highway bridge, at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, two young men walked over, walked through the bridge, and were talking, and suddenly saw that the patrolman stopped talking. .At this time, the experienced old police officers will take the initiative to step forward to check your documents just in case.

If you do this, it's better if nothing happens, but if something happens, you can find it in time.Even if the person who is about to carry out illegal activities is found, but has not yet been carried out, it can also deter the other party in time so that he does not dare to continue.In short, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.Therefore, when the police officers check your ID card, they really need to cooperate as much as possible.Don't be afraid of trouble, it really won't take you long.

Of course, nothing can be generalized, these are just a few of them.Fan Keqin is naturally an expert. The situations, people, identities, etc. that he faces at this time and place are definitely different, but the principles are still somewhat common.Therefore, he walked in more confidently, humming in his mouth the only Japanese song "Shiretoko Journey" that he could sing in his previous life.The other is called "Northern Spring".

It is said that Fan Keqin sang this song "Shiretoko Journey" in a low voice. Many people may not know the name, but once the tune is played, I believe many people will be familiar with it.There is a famous inventor of relaxation poses, once sung in a movie with the same name as a dating show.This old song was actually very popular in the past.At that time, it happened that China and Japan established diplomatic relations and friendly relations, and naturally some classic old songs were passed down.The same goes for North Spring.Speaking of the name, many people may not know it now, but when the tune sounds, it feels very familiar.

Fan Keqin walked normally, singing softly in his mouth, this state is very relaxed.It's like a person who has nothing to do and walks home in a good mood, so it's easy to sing in a low voice unconsciously while walking.

His reason for doing this is because although he is not good at Japanese, he must have an accent, but the songs are different.This situation is like a person with a strong dialect accent, but it is the same reason that he can't feel it when he sings.

Now that Fan Keqin has done this on the ground, he really feels that it's not that his subordinates are not good, but that it can really be called loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

It seems that there are only normal patrolling personnel on the street, not much different from the outside.But in fact, when people with real problems come here, it is difficult to get close to the central area.

In this way, Fan Keqin walked through another street corner and felt that he could not go any further.Because the more you go to the center of the high-end apartment, the fewer pedestrians on the street.Just imagine, you are walking alone on the whole street, and it is difficult for others not to pay attention to you.

Of course, it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that you are alone, there must be a few passers-by.But again, if there is a patrol passing by at this time, it doesn't matter whether you are acting suspiciously or not.But it's definitely easier for them to notice you.That's for sure.

Fan Keqin almost understood the main reason.Because when he walked through a street again, he could almost see the central area.Although it was impossible to see the streets there from his perspective, he could still deduce them from the exposed buildings.

It's like being in the official house street of Manchukuo.There are high-end residences inside, and there are actually not many people living in high-end residences. For example, a building and a villa. How many people live in that building?
Furthermore, most of the high-end residences here are high-level officials in the little devil's consulate.It is still daytime and basically all go to work, so there are fewer people at home, and naturally, the number of people strolling on the street will decrease.

So at the current position, Fan Keqin didn't dare to go in rashly.As soon as he turned a corner, he went directly into a restaurant next to him.It's a French restaurant.

After entering it, Fan Keqin asked for a seat by the window, ordered two dishes, and began to eat slowly.In fact, with the appearance of looking at the street view outside the window, it is possible to look at the central area in front of the slanting street.

When he was almost done eating, he paid the money and walked out instead of going in.Instead, cross the aisle, and start moving horizontally along the current street.

This is the same method he used to observe Mei's organ.It's just that Mei's mansion is a building, but what he wants to observe now is a whole street.

The streets are long, so Fan Keqin can't achieve the best effect by using this method.Can only observe the appearance of a section.

(End of this chapter)

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