spy ace

Chapter 1360 Defection

Chapter 1360 Defection

In this case, what can someone do if they are a few minutes late?With this kind of heart in mind, no one took it seriously.

As a result, half an hour later, Shan Daolin hadn't arrived yet.Liao Daxing, the section chief, felt something was wrong.Immediately called Shan Daolin's family personally, but no one answered.Although at this time he still believed that Shan Dalin might have encountered something on the way and was delayed.He didn't think about defecting at all.But in the final analysis, the internal affairs department is too important, so he didn't dare to be sloppy, and he couldn't do nothing and wait.So he immediately sent two of his subordinates to check on Shan Daolin's house.Inform yourself immediately when there is news.

That's it, when the two arrived at Shan Dalin's house, they found that Shan Dalin was not at home at all.After knocking for a long time, no one answered, so I went downstairs to find a phone to call Liao Daxing to report the situation, and asked if Shan Daolin had gone to work in Corey.

As a result, Liao Daxing felt even worse when he received the call, so he directly ordered them to open the door of Shan Daolin's house and go in to see the situation.

In fact, at this time, without confirming the situation, Liao Daxing was still very cautious in his words, in a caring way.Worried about getting sick or something at home, he used this concern and kindness as an excuse to ask the two subordinates to open the door.

After receiving the order, his subordinates returned to Shan Daolin's house again. After prying open the door, they found that something was wrong. The house could not be said to be a mess, but it must have been tidied up and prepared.

It's like the kind of person who wants to go out alone, pack up his luggage, and bring his finances.So the two staff members were dumbfounded in an instant.No one is stupid, everyone knows what their department does.So seeing this situation, the two of them looked at each other, and immediately told Liao Daxing about the situation using Shan Daolin's home phone.

The latter was also dumbfounded, if something really happened, such as defection, even though the identification work of establishing this department was not done by himself.But after all, I am the chief of the section, at least I have been charged with negligence.He didn't dare to delay any longer, so he hurriedly reported the situation to the higher authorities.

After Shangfeng knew the news, he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he sent the city defense troops first, and sent soldiers to all the docks, railway stations, road intersections, and checkpoints.However, no trace of Shan Daolin was found.Therefore, I had to contact the military commander again and let him take full responsibility for the matter.

This is also the reason why Boss Dai called the intelligence department himself. After all, the anti-espionage work of the intelligence department has always been obvious to all. Naturally, the intelligence department is the first to track down people who are likely to defect.

Qian Jinxun did not come by himself. After he left the intelligence office, he brought Zhao Hongliang and Ma Chaoqun with him.Among them, first let Zhao Hongliang take people to Shan Daolin's house to investigate.And he took Ma Chaoqun to the internal affairs department to find out the situation himself.

After listening to Liao Daxing's explanation of all the circumstances, Qian Jinxun asked, "Section Chief Liao, did Shan Daolin take away any confidential documents?"

"No." Liao Daxing said: "Our policy is that all confidential documents must be archived directly and never stay. And when archiving, at least two people must act together. They must not be separated on the way. Those that need to be destroyed Documents are handled in the same way, and more than two people must be present to destroy them. Also, nothing can be preserved, even temporarily. But..."

Liao Daxing was a little hesitant when he said this, and frowned: "Shan Daolin is able to access secret documents above a certain level. Although it can't be kept, even temporarily, but what exactly does he know, no one will know." It can be said accurately. If... If he is really a caring person, or if he is a spy of the Japanese puppet, he will know something."

Qian Jinxun also understood what he meant.For example, a piece of data, even if it needs to be destroyed.At this time you are a spy, then you are in a situation where your colleagues are also present.It may be that you can't watch and record it in a big way, but you will always get in touch.

A few glances at close range, even sometimes it doesn't need to be too much, memorizing a few words, a sentence, can determine the life and death of an army.Unless you don't care at all, glance at it inadvertently, and don't take it to heart at all, what you see at this time may be forgotten when you turn around.But if it's a spy, they might not care on the surface, but how could they not care in reality?He will definitely take it to heart.

What Liao Daxing meant to put it bluntly was that although Shan Daolin probably didn't steal any confidential information, he didn't need to carry it. If he had a heart, he would definitely store all the information in his mind.

After hearing this, Qian Jinxun said: "Chief Liao, it's not that brothers can't trust you. You know the seriousness of this matter, so please ask Section Chief Liao to let the brothers check the interior of the department carefully. Then, everyone including Liao Section Chief, including you, needs to make a record." He followed him and patted Ma Chaoqun next to him, and said, "This is Section Chief Ma of our intelligence department, and he will take the lead to make notes for the brothers."

"No problem, it's all as it should be." Liao Daxing is now worried about his future, so he is very cooperative.

Qian Jinxun then bid farewell to Liao Daxing, and went to visit Shan Daolin's house by himself.

After leaving the internal affairs department, Qian Jinxun came to Shan Daolin's house within ten minutes.This kid also lives in Huangshan District.It's not far from the work unit.

When Qian Jinxun got off the car, he saw that the agents of the intelligence department had sealed off the scene.So he came directly to the house, Zhao Hongliang saw him coming, and immediately began to report the situation, saying: "The humble job has already asked the brothers to start visiting the surrounding neighbors, businessmen, small stalls, etc., to see if they can find some other situations The humble officer in the house personally investigated, judging from the situation at the scene... this guy should have been prepared for a long time, and he left relatively calmly."

Having said that, Zhao Hongliang paused, pointed at the situation inside the house, and explained again, saying: "There was no watch, money, jewelry and other financial items in the house, but there were no traces of rummaging and searching. It should be the owner of the house who took out these finances. In addition, there seems to be a few pieces of seasonal clothes in the closet in the house. And there is no suitcase found. Judging from this point, it is the owner of the house who packed it himself. Luggage finances, and then left more calmly. Therefore... I feel that the possibility of Shan Daolin's defection is still very high."

(End of this chapter)

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