spy ace

Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364
Qian Jinxun held the phone and continued, "Information Department, Qian Jinxun."

After the operator made the switch, Qian Jinxun said again: "...Hey, brother, haha, it's me... Look, I'm going to drink as soon as I open my mouth, as if I can drink as much as I say, and I'm my opponent. Hahaha ...I'm still fighting! I'm afraid I won't be able to do it recently. I'll wait until I've been busy for a while...Why should I run away? What are you being polite about? Okay, then my brother can help me check the census and the foreign population registration system. Since last night, no! From the night before yesterday, who has disappeared until now... Yes, I know it's difficult, otherwise can I find you... Yes, just tell me when you're done... Look, okay, I have to ask you to be a big one, and bring my sister-in-law with you... Oops, how dare you do that Sister-in-law? I’ll inform you when I get back, and you just wait to be dealt with... Hahaha, come on, let’s stop talking to you, brother, please help me hold on to this matter. It’s okay, bye !"...

When he received the order from Nanjing, Zhao Qingshan knew that his good days were probably coming.No one wants to lurk in Chongqing now.That feeling of depression, the sense of crisis that could be arrested at any time, is very torturous.I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well.It seems that every day is in torment.

This kind of life is really too uncomfortable, but this time when the order from Nanjing came down, Zhao Qingshan understood that as long as it was completed smoothly, there would be no problem.

He immediately summoned his men and began to select targets.It is not difficult to choose a target now.The difficulty is how to take down the opponent as quickly as possible and disappear.And with such a person, under the current situation in Chongqing, it is almost an impossible task to really lead the other party to run.

The first point is that this person cannot disappear for a long time. Under this premise, it is almost impossible for him to completely make the other party obey.You said that you brought a big living person with you, so you can't go out.As long as the other party yells when they go out, they will be finished immediately.Don't even think about hiding it in the cargo, that is tantamount to giving up the initiative to the other party.It all depends on the eyesight of the inspectors, and whether they can find it all depends on the attitude of the other party.Isn't this tantamount to hitting luck?Therefore, if you want to take the opponent out, you have to embrace the danger of annihilation of the entire army.

But fortunately, the main goal of the mission is to make the opponent disappear for a period of time and create the illusion of defection, which is relatively simple.

Zhao Qingshan knew that one of his subordinates, an agent codenamed Liuli, had a background in criminal investigation.If it is to kill a person and make him disappear, and at the same time arrange the scene so that the other party leaves calmly, there is still no problem.

So he immediately summoned Liuli, and the two began to study this aspect of work.Ultimately, plan customization is simple.First of all, a car. This car must not be your own. Buying one and using it once is equivalent to throwing it away. There is no need for that.

Just steal one then.Stealing a car is too easy. For professionals like them, it is extremely simple to hold a handle.

The best time to do it is at night, but not too late, because if it is too late, there is no way to hide the corpse.After all, to make a person disappear and not be found for at least a period of time, it will naturally take a certain amount of time to hide the corpse.

Throwing it in the Jialing River is convenient, but the waterway of the Jialing River is not short, throwing it in shallow water cannot meet the requirement that it cannot be found for at least a short period of time.In case anyone sees it.If it is a deep water area, it needs to be in the middle of the river.That means a boat is needed, which is too troublesome.Building a boat is no easier than building a car.After all, there are fewer boats than cars, and there are only a few docks.You say you are renting or stealing.Which is troublesome for lurking, easy to be noticed.So throwing the corpse in the water was directly rejected.

Liuli directly suggested changing to burying.Just find a place, dig a hole, and bury the body in it.It is also difficult to find out in a short period of time.

So they directly chose a place, that is Dayedi in the eastern outskirts, and when they came back, they didn't go by boat, but took a train, and they went out of the city first.

After all, ships, except for cargo ships that still sail at night, passenger ships do not sail at night.Taking the time to leave the local area is the key.When I got off the train, it would be dawn and I had already left Nanjing. At this time, no matter how I walked, it was safer than staying in Nanjing.

The summary is still very concise. It is different with old criminal investigation, nothing more than a few points.First, steal the car.The second is to go to the target's home and win the target instantly.The third is that Liuli arranges the scene.Fourth, bury the body.Fifth, run away by train.

Don't look at the overall five-step plan, but it's almost a one-line action, just like tidying up the clothes, the requirements are hats, collars, buttons, and belts.It seems that there are many requirements, but if you start from the beginning and work down, your hands can actually come down with just one movement.That's all from top to bottom.So very concise.

That night, after stealing the car, Zhao Qingshan led his team directly to Shan Daolin's house, and subdued him immediately after entering the door.

This is also very simple, just stun after entering the door.Then strangle the opponent's neck, or strangle him to death, as long as he doesn't bleed.Otherwise, it would be a big trouble to clean up the blood stains, and it would not achieve my purpose.

Therefore, after killing people, everyone held flashlights, and be careful not to shine on windows and other places where the light can shine through.Under the guidance of Liuli, who was born in the old criminal investigation, he took away some seasonal clothes, and when turning them, he should be light on his hands so as not to make too much mess.

It's like the owner of the house, if he wants to take something, he naturally knows where his things are.Finally, take away all the valuables in the house, such as watches, banknotes and the like.These should be as if they were real, packed in a suitcase in the house.

Finally, Liuli carefully checked the ground and the smooth furniture. They wore gloves, so there were no traces left.Just like that, after confirming the movement outside the door, he quickly carried Shan Daolin's body and walked out of the house.

In fact, it was at this time that Wei Wubing had just seen the black Citroen parked at the intersection, and was very lucky. The secret agent, it is really possible to kill him and take him away together.

(End of this chapter)

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