spy ace

Chapter 1374 Everything Moved

Chapter 1374 Everything Moved

But after a while it rang again.This time it rang three times, and finally returned to silence.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang looked at each other, and Huazhang said: "It's not an urgent message. It's a code to place the message. I'll go and get it. Maybe it's Shan Daolin's photo that was sent."

Fan Keqin said: "Let me go. You wait at home and buy some food when I come back."

After dressing up, I went downstairs directly, observed at the agreed place for a while, found that there was no problem, and took out the things.After confirming the situation behind him again, it was still very safe, so he walked across two streets, bought a pack of food, and returned to the safe house.

He and Huazhang got together and opened a small paper bag. Sure enough, as Huazhang said before, there was a passport photo inside.Judging from the degree of newness and oldness, it is obvious that it has just been washed out.

This Shan Daolin is quite consistent with the description in the telegram received a few days ago.The two immediately remembered this person and burned them directly in the ashtray.

Hua Zhang said: "We haven't observed anyone suspected of being Shan Daolin, which means that this guy probably hasn't arrived yet. In addition, the situation on the pier did not say that there has been any change, and those bright posts and secret posts are still there. This can be confirmed. It seems that the base camp sent the photos very quickly this time, and it was even ahead of Shan Daolin."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, with the photo, you can pretend to be any person on the road and walk normally. But what about Shan Daolin? He dare not do this. Sichuan is no more difficult than other places. It is very difficult to get in and out. Especially Considering that he might be hunted down by the government, Shan Daolin had to be more cautious along the way. Therefore, it is normal for the person who sent the photo to arrive in Nanjing before him."

Hua Zhang nodded, and said: "Well, but I feel that Shan Daolin is coming soon. He is cautious, but he dare not delay on the way."

As he said that, Huazhang took a bite of a sausage, but immediately reacted, saying: "I won't eat it, I've gotten a little fat recently." But he said so, but he didn't put it down immediately.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin was happy, knowing that the other party was looking for a reason, so he persuaded: "What are you afraid of? After completing the task, go back and practice hard, and you will lose weight soon. Besides, with my observation ability, I can't lose weight." I don't see getting fat." As he spoke, he picked up a meat bun and took a bite.

"Yeah." Huazhang said: "Then I'd better eat some." Then he ate with confidence.

About an hour after Fan Keqin and Huazhang had finished eating, Youcai also started to rush back.He had already distributed the photos, so that the security bureau agents who were monitoring the activities on the three docks would know what Shan Daolin looked like.The photo couldn't be kept, he tore it up and threw it in the river.

As a result, as soon as he got home, Ji Mina immediately said: "There is a situation, Damon Shingo, number two, and the person number three came. It was just half an hour ago. But they didn't stay at the secret service headquarters for long, Daimon Shingo, Dubin , and number three, the three of them came out together again, I have asked the 'maintenance workers' to keep up, but the direction they left does not seem to be the direction to return to the high-end apartment."

Tan Xin frowned immediately after hearing this, and said: "They have something to do. Otherwise, it is impossible not to stay at the Secret Service Headquarters." Speaking of this, he paused, and asked: "You just said, come here There were three people at the time, number two, number three and Daimon Shingo, but when they left, number two was missing, but Dubin, number three and Daimon Shingo left?"

"Yes." Ji Mina said: "No. [-] is likely to stay in the Secret Service Headquarters. Unless he didn't go out through the gate, I must have seen it."

"Hmm." Tan Xin asked, "Which direction are you going?"

Jimina pointed to the right, and said, "The one on the west side left. The situation of their car is..."

"West side?" Tan Xin said immediately: "In a minute, you send a call back signal to the manager." Then, he turned around, put on his coat again, and went out quickly.

A minute later, Fan Keqin and Huazhang heard the ringing of the phone from outside the window again. After the ringing had completely disappeared, Huazhang said: "It's the code for us to call back. I'll go now, maybe someone has something happened."

Fan Keqin nodded, reached out to help her take the coat, and said: "Remember, first ask him what's the matter. Now there are two situations. One is that the Secret Service Headquarters found those targets gathered again. Another situation is that there is news of Shan Daolin at the pier. No matter what the situation is, you must tell Tan Xin to make the ambush team ready at all times, and wait for my order before acting."

"Yes." After Huazhang typed, he put on his coat and walked out the door.

It is said that they also have a phone at home, but it must not be used now, unless it is too urgent.So Huazhang went out, after passing through three streets, turned right, and then walked forward for a while, and then entered a public telephone booth.

After talking with Tan Xin, the latter said in a coded language, it was exactly as Fan Keqin estimated, and it happened at the same time.Huazhang immediately relayed Fan Keqin's order, and finally said: "Whether this business can be done or not depends on how the boss's capital turnover is. So you talk to the other party first, check the other party's attitude, and keep in touch with the company at all times." .”

After speaking, the two parties ended the call, Huazhang immediately turned back to the safe room, and began to say as soon as he entered the door: "Forty minutes ago, they first discovered that Damon Shingo, number two, and number three came to the secret service headquarters. But soon, Dubin , Daimon Shingo, and No. [-] came out again and left. No. [-] may have stayed in the Secret Service Headquarters. And judging from the direction they left, it was the street on the west side, so they probably went towards the pier."

Fan Keqin asked doubtfully, "Forty minutes ago?"

"Yes." Huazhang said: "As for the photo, Youcai went out before, leaving the heartthrob alone at home, so I can't contact you immediately."

"Oh, yes." Fan Keqin said, "Is the ambush team ready?"

"He said that he would tell the other party again immediately." Huazhang said: "But before, he had actually received a report from the ambush team, and everything was in place."

"Very good." Fan Keqin said: "Now...it depends on what happens, it depends on their purpose of going to the dock, and whether Shan Daolin can show up."

Huazhang said: "One of the details is that when they left the Secret Service Headquarters, there were five cars in total. Dubin was alone, No. [-] and Daimon Shingo were in one..."

(End of this chapter)

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