spy ace

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378
Hua Zhang said, "It's a very objective reply."

"Well." Fan Keqin nodded, and then said: "We suddenly sent a report back to ask about Shan Daolin. Maybe the headquarters felt that I had noticed something in Nanjing, so we sent the report like this. It's very good...it's true. It can support our previous judgment. Shan Daolin may be a bait."

Huazhang said: "Do you want to make some changes to our current plan?"

After hearing this, Fan Keqin lowered his head and pondered for a while.In fact, the various actions he arranged before have basically taken into account various possible problematic factors.For example, the ambush plan.It is impossible for the enemy to know, let alone know that a group of people was ambushed on the four-hole bridge.

So after Fan Keqin went through the whole article in his mind, he said: "There is no need to change it for the time being. Although the other party is baiting himself to come over now, what is the bait? It is Shan Daolin. So all the arrangements are naturally inseparable." Open Dan Daolin. For example, you can build a trap around Shan Daolin. Once someone takes action against Shan Daolin, the trap will suddenly activate and catch the operator by surprise. But we already know that there is a high probability that Shan Daolin will be The bait, coupled with my arrangement, is not aimed at Shan Daolin, but at Damon Shingo and Du Bin, it is impossible for them to know about the Four-Arch Bridge plan."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused again, before saying: "As I said, there is a high probability that Shan Daolin is the bait, we can't be 100% sure. The best action now is to keep still. Let's stabilize first, everything remains the same, I want to see if the bait is really prepared for fishing."

Huazhang said: "Well, that's okay, even if the other party is pretending to be acting with us. Then Shan Daolin will always show up. Now that we have a photo in hand, the brothers below all know what Shan Daolin looks like .”

"They will find a substitute." Fan Keqin said: "At the very least, some face shape, body shape, these characteristics should be more suitable. But we have already had this doubt, so, the brothers below, found out When Shan Daolin appeared, he looked alike, but as long as we are not sure, he must be in line with Shan Daolin, we don't need to say it is a high probability word, but we are completely sure. There are only three things, and now there are There is no doubt, after receiving the reply from the headquarters, if Shan Daolin shows up only because of his similar appearance, then it can be said that he must be the bait."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin looked at Huazhang, smiled, and said: "Our business is like this. There are many uncertain factors. In fact, there are only three facts, and it is just a judgment. However, we are secret agents, not court officials. Judge. The latter needs sufficient evidence to convict a person. But we, as long as we have doubts, are enough. . . . By the way, on the pier, has anything changed?"

"No." Huazhang said: "I asked Youcai this question, and he answered in the affirmative. So... this is actually an act for us to see. The purpose is, more realistically, to show that they pay more attention to the safety situation on the pier."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "If we don't suspect that Shan Daolin is the bait, then looking at this issue, it's like you said, they just pay more attention to the safety situation on the pier. But now we feel Shan Daolin Lin has a high probability that it is a conspiracy and a trap. Then the angle of view of the problem has changed, so the actions of the other party are problematic in our eyes. Of course, sometimes, these situations can also be induced, and instead It becomes a deeper trap. In short, it depends on who you are dealing with and whether you consider it comprehensively when you do things. It’s all about adapting to local conditions and people.”

Huazhang smiled and said: "Yes, brother, I actually understand what you said before, the simpler the more difficult it means. Sometimes things seem to be arranged very cleverly, but this ingenious , there must be traces to follow. But on the other hand, a case is simple and rude, as if it randomly stunned and robbed someone else's financial in a quiet place. This seemingly rough case , but it is very difficult to detect.”

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Yes, so the more complicated it is, as long as you can patiently sort out the clues and finally solve the case, it is almost certain. The source, sometimes it is simply impossible to complete."

Fan Keqin is not just talking about these things, he really wants to teach Huazhang some of his own experience and what he has learned all the time.And what he said to Huazhang now is also true.Especially what he learned from being a criminal investigator for [-] years in his previous life.

You must know that he is a real old criminal investigator, what the Internet brags about the evil secret room murder, isolated island murder, perfect crime and so on.He has really met many, and the crime scenes are arranged in a mysterious and mysterious way.

In this kind of case, nine out of ten, it doesn't take long to find the real culprit.It looks like a cow B, but in fact?In his eyes, that's all.

It is the most simple and crude cases that often give him such a headache.A man was knocked unconscious on the way home. At that time, the Sky Eye system was not yet popular.The finances were all gone. As a result, Fan Keqin personally led the team in this case, and finally dragged it on for several years without any clues.The manpower and material resources consumed in the end have already exceeded the loss of the case itself hundreds of times, but there is really no way, and in the end the case can only be suspended.

It's really not that Fan Keqin didn't try hard to track it down, but that there was really no way, no fingerprints, no surveillance, no witnesses, and almost all the life circles of the victim were investigated.What do you want?Moreover, Fan Keqin also specially checked the database, and there was no similar incident, so what should we do?

This is a very typical, completely random, or even a temporary uprising, which has nothing to do with the victim. The type of person who was spotted and captured instantly, happened to be watched by no one, and has never committed crimes since then. .

It's not Fan Keqin, you call Sherlock Holmes to see if he can break it.It's not to shirk responsibility, even if a combination of Big Pineapple, Sherlock Holmes, and Reaper pupils came in this case, it would be useless.

The next day, after Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang got up, it was around noon.Waiting for the oil paint signal again, this time, Fan Keqin decided to go in person...

(End of this chapter)

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