spy ace

Chapter 1384 Secret Service Headquarters

Chapter 1384 Secret Service Headquarters
Osuga Yingshi went on to say: "In terms of mobile power, I think there is no problem. Because only we know which route Shan Daolin will go through. And the other party, it is impossible to predict the foresight. Therefore, mobile power, As long as a few points are arranged in advance, it is completely fine.”

Damon Shingo gave a "huh" and nodded, "Mr. Osuka is still the best. Then after we finish discussing, I will call the Mei Agency and ask them to help contact the security command."

"Then please trouble Damon-kun." Eishi Osuka said, "Use that special line later, it's safe."

Damen Zhenwu said: "Okay, I will go in a while."

Kazuo Asano said, "Should Shan Daolin go to the city hall tomorrow?"

"Still in the secret service headquarters." Eishi Osuka said, "We were just making an analogy just now. But if Shan Daolin is really asked to change departments frequently, then it is not right. Counting today, tomorrow will be the same." Send him to secret service headquarters for two days. Then send him to the new government's secret office building the day after tomorrow. I think... that's a few days."

Kazuo Asano said: "What about the command, how about placing the headquarters of this operation at the Secret Service Headquarters?"

Osuga Yingshi said: "Well, if the three of us, plus Director Du, are all in the secret service headquarters, although it is conspicuous, it will show that we pay more attention to Shan Daolin. Hmm... I think it is possible .”

That's it, after the three of them discussed the overall plan for the second step, they filled out the details.For example, in Shan Daolin's residence in Nanjing World Hotel, there should be several rooms at the stairways on both sides of the upper and lower floors.How many people are in each room.Downstairs, in the buildings around the Nanjing World Hotel, several hidden ambush spots should be set up, how many people should be deployed, what weapons should be used, etc., all of which have been discussed.

After all these situations were over, several people checked again and started to use the dedicated line to ask Damon Shingo to coordinate and contact various departments according to the plan...

"Damen Zhenwu, number two, and number three have just entered the secret service headquarters." Listening to the report on the phone, Huazhang said: "According to the boss' request, did you tell the delivery man?"

"Don't worry, I greeted the delivery person first. They will prepare the delivery according to the requirements." You Cai said: "Then I contacted you, the manager."

"Very good." Hua Zhang said, "Then don't forget the specific requirements."

"Understood." You Caizai said, "At least three-quarters of the goods are ready, and we will accept them."

"Well." Huazhang said: "After the shipment is completed, no matter whether the transaction is successful or not, you are temporarily silent for three days, and then contact us."

"Okay." You Cai said, "I see. That's it."

"Okay, goodbye." After Huazhang finished his last sentence, he hung up the handset and walked out of the phone booth. After making a double circle on purpose, he returned to the safe house after confirming the safety behind him.

As soon as he met Fan Keqin, Huazhang immediately reported the situation that you had just reacted in detail, and finally said: "Brother, Damon Shingo, number two, number three, and Du Bin who was at the Secret Service Headquarters, now there are four people Get together. Does this mean that they are going to discuss something."

"There are several possibilities." Fan Keqin said: "What you said is one. The second is that they have entered the command stage. The last possibility is the lowest, that is, there are things that have nothing to do with Shan Daolin that need to be discussed. .”

Having said that, Fan Keqin paused for a moment, and then said: "You mentioned the possibility of discussing something, and what they want to discuss specifically, I can't accurately judge. But a plan, in the planning and implementation stage, may require Some corrections, or re-confirmation of the steps for the next stage due to the differences in each stage. I said that the possibility of them entering the command stage is relatively high, because Shan Daolin has already come, although it is only a day, but for a Those who have a huge secret, it is better to hear his secret earlier. But this should be an illusion, because we now judge that Shan Daolin should be a counterfeit, a substitute, so their behavior is still a kind of confusion. And it's a more reasonable confusion. The reason I just said."

"The third one." Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said, "Then only God knows. But no matter what kind of situation it is, it doesn't affect our plan now. After all, what we have to deal with is not a single Dorian, but Damon Shingo, Dubin, No. [-] and No. [-]. As long as they arrive at the Secret Service Headquarters, they have already given us the opportunity to start the Four-Arch Bridge operation. So, we just need to do what we have to do. .”

"Understood." Huazhang said: "I hope they can fall into the trap of the four-hole bridge."

Soon, it was evening in the blink of an eye.The heartthrob hardly left the chair by the window all day today, and the binoculars never left his hand.Just when she wanted to stretch herself to make herself more comfortable, she suddenly saw a few people walking out of the secret service headquarters from the slanted perspective outside the window.She immediately dismissed the idea of ​​stretching, and put the binoculars in front of her eyes.

Just look at Damen Shingo, No. [-], and No. [-]. The three of them left the gate of the Secret Service Headquarters and were walking to the car next to them.The two bodyguards and the driver, who followed them, also walked out beside them.

Just before getting into the car, number two seemed to say a word, and called number three and Daimon Shingo to him, and they muttered for a while.

While they were muttering, their respective drivers and one of the bodyguards had boarded their respective cars and stood beside them and opened the door.And beside them, there was only one other bodyguard.

The three of them murmured for a while, among which No. [-] and No. [-] did not move, and Shingo Daimon turned around and re-entered the Secret Service Headquarters with one of his bodyguards.

The heartthrob thinks that this may be because the other party suddenly remembered something, let a person go in and asked a few words or something.But she couldn't hear what it was, so naturally she didn't know.But she knew that the most important thing was that number [-] and number [-] did not move, they were obviously waiting for Damon Shingo to come back.

So the heartthrob immediately picked up the phone and dialed.After connecting, it rang three times and hung up directly.Then dialed again, rang twice, and hung up again.

Then heartthrob again turned his attention to the door of Secret Service Headquarters.Sure enough, Damon Shingo came out with the bodyguard again not long after.Then, he followed No. [-] and No. [-]...

(End of this chapter)

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