spy ace

Chapter 1391 Investigation

Chapter 1391 Investigation
If the other party had a whim and played a job of moping, and the person who was moping discovered the telescope, that would be a trouble.

Therefore, Tan Xin thought about it, and then agreed: "No, I'd better go out and hide, and you can just keep watching at home. I'll be back in a while, and I'll buy some food to celebrate."

Thousands of fans said: "Okay, buy me a little Chaos."

"No problem." Tan Xin agreed, took the telescope, put it in the handbag, and went out.

Wandering around outside, I found a residential building in a separate community, the one with a patio.Hide the telescope.Then I bought some food and drink, and took two bottles of wine back.

After the food was placed on the table and the drinks were opened, Tan Xin and the heartthrob began a small celebration.But agents are like this, they have to make excuses for a small drink.And it has to be a normal and reasonable excuse.They pretended to be a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, so they had a little romance, which became a very reasonable cover-up.

While Fan Keqin, Huazhang, Tan Xin and Ji Meina were eating.Du Bin, the director of Wang Puppet Nanjing Secret Service Headquarters, has rushed to the scene of Sikong Bridge with a group of men.

It was a teacher from the school in Sikongqiao who first reported the crime.He heard gunshots outside and shouts of passers-by on the street outside who might have been frightened by the gunshots, so he immediately called the police.

In fact, his reaction is still the reaction of a good teacher.After all, the gunshots were very close to the school, and it might be because they were afraid that the students on the campus would be hurt or frightened.

The hustle and bustle of the city during the day can indeed cover up the gunshots, but it must be related to the distance, not completely covered up.A police sub-station nearby, in fact, can still hear a little bit.In addition, someone has reported to the police now, so the speed of dispatching the police is still possible. I can't say how fast it is, but the average speed is still there.

In about ten minutes, some police officers had already arrived at the scene.According to the requirements of future generations, this speed is completely unqualified.Moreover, the nearest branch office is actually only five blocks to six blocks away, and the distance is not far, so this speed is even less qualified.But in this era, it can only be said to be okay, not slow, it can be regarded as a normal level.

When these policemen arrived, they would know the densely packed bullet holes on the car. This case was definitely not something that the police station could handle.Although the dead bodies in the other cars can be said to be miserable, but from the clothes, as well as the pistols and certificates of the bodyguards of Damon Shingo, Osuka Hideshi, and Asano Kazuo, these puppet government police officers Then don't dare to deal with it casually.

So soon, these people began to report, and it didn't take long for Wang's secret service headquarters in Nanjing to know the situation.Only then did Dubin personally lead the team and rush to the scene.

As soon as Dubin arrived at the scene, he immediately asked the guards belonging to the Secret Service Headquarters to put the area on a blockade.And directly mixed the police officers with his own spies, spread them down and began to visit some neighborhoods, pedestrians and passers-by, to see if they could find out what happened at that time.

Then Du Bin and Wang Dasheng, the chief of the detective department under him.There was also a police officer who rushed to the scene immediately and began to investigate the scene.

It is said that Wang Dasheng's ability is still very good. At that time, when the police station was raided, it was Wang Dasheng and the director of the police station Li Zhi who were the first to investigate.Later, with Osuka Yingshi, Daimon Shingo, and Asano Kazuo, three masters, through reverse tracing, got clues from the clinic opened by the little devil, and thus captured the injured No. [-] at that time.

It was also from that time that Osuga Yingshi and others began to carry out a series of investigations and other actions against the ghost, that is, Fan Keqin.

Detective Department, as can be seen from the name, means criminal investigation, detective, wanted arrest, arrest.The level of criminal investigation is still quite high.In fact, usually, those involved in espionage and anti-espionage work in Nanjing are the Detective Department of the Secret Service Headquarters.

Wang Dasheng was asked to investigate in the car, while Du Bin began to question the police officer, "Are you the first to arrive at the scene?"

"Yes, sir." The police officer said: "To be exact, I arrived at the scene with three other police officers, and then we immediately pulled up the blockade, controlled the scene, and drove the crowd away."

"After arriving, did you see anything?" Dupin asked: "Those crowds, why are you driving them away? What if they see something?"

"Sir, that's it." The police officer said, "Maybe it's a misnomer of words. It can't be said to drive them away, but to make them retreat, because at that time the crowd had already surrounded several cars. I was afraid of the situation around the scene." The damage was too serious, so they all retreated beyond the cordon. When we arrived, it should be about ten... fifteen minutes after the incident happened. We saw a lot of spectators, but nothing else Find."

"Hmm." Dubin said, "Did you ask those people? What's the general situation?"

"I asked." The police officer had a notebook in his hand. Hearing this, he opened it and looked at it, and said, "There are a few onlookers, and I have left their information because they saw what happened at the time. The three The car came from the road on the north side, passed this curved road, and before passing the four-hole bridge, it was probably here..."

As he spoke, the police officer pointed to a section of the road not far away, and continued: "I encountered multiple gunmen shooting, and the number was six. Judging from their reactions, the six gunmen used They were all tricks. This can be proved from the density of bullet holes on the car. The gunmen were not badly dressed, all of them were coats, and some were wearing top hats. After the first round of shooting, the three The car went straight out of control and hit the side of the road, which is where it is now. Then the six gunmen got up to the car again and fired another point-blank shot into the car."

Speaking of this, the police officer paused, and explained: "I feel humble, their follow-up action is to ensure that all the people in these cars are dead, and no one is left alive. And then Witnesses responded that the six gunmen ran away, probably in that direction." He pointed to the direction of the buildings on the opposite side of the road, the edge of the school on the left and the four-hole bridge. .

(End of this chapter)

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