spy ace

Chapter 1422 Safety Chapter 1

Chapter 1422 Safety First
Fan Keqin was very serious, and said: "So I will never tolerate it in the slightest. To everyone, when assigning tasks to your brothers, you must also make this point clear."

Everyone answered in unison: "Yes!" Following Bai Fengtai on the left, he asked, "Commander, this mission sounds very important. What kind of mission is it?"

Fan Keqin said: "I received a tip that the little devil formed a secret special attack team to carry out assassination activities specifically targeting government officials. I suspect that the next target of this special attack team is likely to be someone in the military committee. Commissioner. But now, the intelligence and clues of this special attack team are too little, even if most of the members of the Military Commission have the protection of the black suit troops. But you all know that the black suit troops are a pure defense team, It can defend but not attack, and there are almost no intelligence and detection capabilities. That's why we need to participate in it."

Xiong Bashan said: "Virgin, what information do we have about this little devil's special attack team?"

"Only the informant just mentioned." Fan Keqin said: "However, I can tell you that this informant cannot be fake. I have personally verified it. But the information I can provide is limited. In addition, I still have information about this secret route. Great use, now is not the time to expose."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said: "As for the clue, it is the one I just mentioned. Their next target is likely to be a member of the military committee. Apart from that, there is no other clue. gone."

"Oh." After hearing this, Ji Gang frowned a little, and said: "Then... Virgo, there are still too few clues. The method we use now seems to be to use the foreign population registration system to slowly collect large-scale screened."

Several other people also nodded in agreement. After all, there is no clue except for one piece of news.

Fan Keqin said: "That's why I called everyone here. I have a way, that is, whether it is a special attack team or an assassination team. As long as their purpose is to kill people, then they must have assassin thinking. That is to say, If I were an assassin, when selecting a target, I would not be able to choose a frontal attack. I would definitely choose a weak link, or look for some kind of loophole, and then in this case, I would seize the weak point and strike fatally. "

"That's right." Everyone is also a master, so naturally it is impossible to understand this truth.Zhao Debiao said: "Even if it is a frontal battlefield, the comparison is hard power, and it is also about finding the enemy's weakness to break through, and it is absolutely impossible to force it."

Fan Keqin said: "So... just like I said just now, looking for weak links is a necessary action for them. I plan to use this action to make some articles."

"Princess." Xiong Bashan said: "You want to set up a trap? This matter... After all, it involves a certain chief of the Military Commission, if something unexpected happens..."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded after listening, and said: "What you said is also reasonable. So the trap is not necessary, it depends on the development of the situation. But the opponent's, this necessary action, we can use it This is also the reason why I asked you to come here. What should we do when the intelligence is insufficient? We must think from the enemy's standpoint. Therefore, we must first investigate the possible targets and possible loopholes. In this way Only then can we really take the initiative.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin swept the crowd again and said: "Next, I will assign a task. Xiong Bashan, after the meeting is over, I want you to form a team of the most reliable brothers under your command, select a tracking master, and secretly follow the military order Deputy Minister Yan Shanfeng, Officer Yan. Remember, like an enemy, record everything in detail about where Officer Yan has been, driving route, when he arrived at the official residence, when he went out, etc. You have to remember Wait, the more detailed the investigation is, the safer Officer Yan will be. But because the investigation is on Officer Yan's security loopholes, it is a big matter, and there must be no news of it leaking out. This is why I emphasized the principle of confidentiality in detail before. A fundamental reason. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Xiong Bashan immediately stood up and said, "Keep in mind your humble position."

"Well." Fan Keqin looked at Ji Gang and said, "Ji Gang, you are the same as Xiong Bashan, but the targets of your investigation and follow-up are Chief Feng Feiyu, Minister of Military and Political Affairs, and Chief Song Jiye, Deputy Minister. The same investigation, the same details Record all the affairs of the two officers, Feng and Song, so that we can discover the security loopholes of the two officers."

"Yes." Ji Gang stood up and said: "The humble job must go all out."

Next, Fan Keqin's commanders of the General Training Department, the Political Department, the Ministry of National Defense, and the commanders of various armies were all included in the list of "protective" investigations.

These super bosses are all members of the military committee.To be honest, the action of this investigation can really be said to be very heavy.But do you want to say that there is a lot of movement?It depends on how to investigate.

Since it is a secret investigation, the movement must be small.And Fan Keqin also specially emphasized, what do you mean by two groups?That is to say, there are at most two people who can be followed at a time.So is there much movement?Not big.

Fan Keqin said: "The whereabouts of these chief executives are uncertain, and it is impossible to disclose them in advance. Therefore, secrets! Secrets! It is the core. Sometimes it is better to be lost than to be exposed. This must be kept in mind."

Everyone said in unison again: "Yes."

Xiong Bashan said: "Virgin, there are some officers who are not in Chongqing at all. For example, Guangxi Province, Chairman Chen, and Deputy Commander Sun Jiachen of the Hebei-Chahar Occupied Area. They are not currently in the local area. We are sending people from the headquarters to the local area. , or...send the investigation team from the nearest branch?"

Fan Keqin said: "This matter should be handled in strict accordance with the principle of confidentiality. Sending people from the branch office is not conducive to control. It is better to send people from the headquarters, and send enough people to alternately investigate. You must think about this in advance."

Then, Fan Keqin sat upright, looked at the crowd, and asked, "Is there anything unclear?" Seeing that everyone had no doubts, he continued: "Okay, after the meeting is over, arrange to execute the order. Let me emphasize again Once, on this matter, no matter how you arrange it, the first consideration is to keep it secret, and I believe you all know the seriousness of the matter...Okay, let's end the meeting."

With a cry, everyone stood up.Fan Keqin didn't say anything else, and went straight out of the meeting room.Then I went back to my office...

(End of this chapter)

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