spy ace

Chapter 1431 Lawyers

Chapter 1431 Lawyers

But after the turn of the millennium, people gradually stopped using landlines and started using mobile phones.Landline telephones almost gradually withdrew from the family.

But this year is naturally not as developed as the later generations, so the person opposite can still hear some things.Guo Deming is also well aware of this, it's just that he didn't find out.

So Guo Deming let out a "huh" and said, "Secretary Jin, I won't hide it from you. The call just now was from the General Administration. I was specially instructed to handle it impartially. So... your previous request made me very embarrassed. what."

Secretary Jin smiled and said: "I dare not say a request, it is a request." Leaning forward slightly, he said: "Director Guo has always enforced the law strictly, which is well-known in our City Defense Office. Ah. Think about it, that... what kind of private detective, it's really outrageous. First, he accidentally killed our friend Wang Keji, and then because Keji and Mr. Li came to stop him, he knocked Keji and Mr. Li unconscious. That's how it caused such a bad influence. Director Guo, don't you think so?"

Having said that, Secretary Jin has already brought up the briefcase, opened it and took out a small black wooden box about [-] centimeters long and half wide.As soon as you start it, it feels very heavy.

The Jin secretary pulled out half of the drawer on the top, then put the small box on the table, and pushed it all the way to Guo Deming.Said: "Director Guo, that private detective is probably not much better than the stinky old nine at the bottom. Think about it, what is the level of law and order in our local area now? You know better than me. Anyone who has Who would do this kind of business? I don’t mean anything else, that is, such a person is vicious, even if he is not alone. If one person is full, the whole family is not hungry. Don't care, what's the difference between a person like this and an outlaw."

"Well, cough." Guo Deming cleared his throat, not for any other reason, but because he saw the golden color in the small box, as if emitting a soft, comfortable, and happy light.Subconsciously, the eyeballs looked in a few more times.

Seeing this, Secretary Jin felt that there was a door in his heart, so he immediately hit the rails while it was hot: "Director Guo, we Keji and Mr. Li are really innocent. Of course, we will definitely cooperate with the police to make a record investigation or something. But I still hope that Guo If the director can complete the transcripts for Keji and Mr. Li, he will release them first.

Oh, to tell you the truth, when Keji's mother heard about this incident, after a while, she got angry a lot and had several big blisters on her mouth.I also hope that Director Guo can complete the procedures for Keji and Mr. Li as soon as possible based on this sentiment.In this way, it would be better to bring the murderer who is called a private detective to justice as soon as possible.Didn't you have an explanation for the above? "

Guo Deming's heart was really moved. After all, from his own point of view, there must be at least five large yellow croakers in that small box.This is also because of the angle problem, causing the line of sight to be unable to see the whole picture clearly.But he also had scruples about He Jin's phone call just now. After all, He Jin mentioned one thing on the phone, that is, the phrase "drink too much, and friends will fight".

what does this mean?Although He Jin is not very sure, but there is no lack of a little bit of his own intentions.Could it be that this private detective has some connections that he doesn't know about, or is there someone on top to support him?

While hesitating, the intercom phone rang again. After answering it, he said, "What? When?... Well, well, I see. Let them wait first."

After putting down the phone, Guo Deming looked at Secretary Jin and said, "It's my secretary who called just now. Twelve lawyers just came downstairs, claiming that they are the lawyers team of the Shire Detective Agency. We want us to put the one in your mouth right away." Zhang Xier, who has no connections, is released."

"A lawyer team composed of twelve lawyers?" Secretary Jin was also a little puzzled. You must know that those who are capable of forming this lineup cannot be simple people.It seems that on my own side, the previous method and direction of force should have been wrong.

However, Secretary Jin always works in government agencies after all, so he immediately thought of another way, but he couldn't say it yet.You need to contact your director immediately.But before that, it is necessary to reconcile with that Zhang Xier first, and then it is possible to use another method to get Wang Keji and Mr. Li out.Otherwise, the other party insisted that Wang Keji and Mr. Li were the murderers, not to mention whether it will be possible, but the matter must be in big trouble.

He was thinking about this here, but Guo Deming on the opposite side was impatient, first He Jin.Followed by a team of more than ten lawyers, he already knew it in his heart.Fortunately, I didn't rush to make a judgment, otherwise I might have gotten into it.

So Guo Mingde said: "Secretary Jin, this is what you dropped. Put it away first. If it's convenient, you might as well go downstairs with me to see what's going on."

"Hey? Okay." After hearing this, Secretary Jin didn't get angry, and without changing expression, he reached out and took the small box back and put it in the briefcase.The main reason is that he doesn't know who the other party is from, so it is absolutely necessary to check the situation first.

So soon, Guo Deming and Secretary Jin walked out of the director's office and went all the way downstairs.

Guo Deming saw more than a dozen people in suits and leather briefcases protesting solemnly with the captain of his criminal investigation team.The captain of the criminal investigation is also a veteran of the world, the police station, it is inevitable to contact some lawyers.Therefore, among this group of lawyers, at least two lawyers are very famous barristers in Chongqing.Very experienced and notoriously difficult to deal with.

Before Guo Deming came to him, he saw a nearly fifty-year-old lawyer looking at the captain of his criminal investigation team with a serious face, and said, "I'll tell you, Captain Xiang. You're blocking us from seeing our client like this." , is suspected of a serious illegal act. Seeing our client is our right granted by the law, so let me ask you, what right do you have to stop us? If you do this again, we will definitely pursue your legal responsibility!"

"Oh, I misunderstood." The captain of the criminal investigation was also in a dilemma, but responded in his mouth: "Lawyer Zheng, I didn't say that I won't let you see your client..."

(End of this chapter)

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