spy ace

Chapter 1436 Stress Response

Chapter 1436 Stress Response
"En." Fan Keqin said: "Have you memorized the procedures?"

"Don't worry." Miao Huo said: "It's just a matter of delivering a meal. As long as I behave as usual, there will be no mistakes."

Qian Jinxun looked at his watch and said, "Okay, go and get the dinner. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, it was basically the dinner for him at this time."

The other agent replied and walked out immediately.After a while, he came in with a big bowl.Passed it to Miao Huo, who took it, and took out a finger-length and wide strip from the table, with a few crooked handwriting written on it: Waiting patiently for rescue.

He poked the strip into the bottom of the rice bowl with his fingers, looked at Qian Jinxun, and said, "Virgin, do you want to send it in now?"

Qian Jinxun and Fan Keqin looked at each other, then nodded, and said, "Send it in."

Miao Huo agreed, and went to the corridor on the left, opened the door and entered the interrogation room after a while.Fan Keqin stood in front of the one-way mirror and saw that after Miao Huo entered with a bowl, the multi-faceted spy heard the movement and turned to look at the door.

After the kid saw Miao Huo, he probably saw that he was the one who looked at him and gave him food and drink a few days ago, so he turned his head back.

Miao Huo came to him, handed the bowl and chopsticks to the other party, and said, "You still don't want to say anything?"

The multi-faceted spy didn't answer, and his two hands were handcuffed to the iron chair in the middle of the ground, and the four legs of the iron chair were plastered into the ground by cement.But there is a chain in the middle of his handcuffs, so his arms can do some small movements, at least eating or something, it's no problem.

"Okay, the mouth is really strict." Miao Huo said: "Eat well, eat cleanly, don't waste food." While talking, he turned around and walked out of the interrogation room.

Then, Miao Huo came to the outside and rejoined Fan Keqin and others.Everyone looked at the performance of the multi-faceted spies through the one-way mirror.

While smoking a cigarette, Fan Keqin stared at the multi-faceted spy in the mirror, and saw that the kid was eating slowly, and he ate more than half of it.When he reached out to grab food into his mouth again, Fan Keqin saw the boy's eyes narrowed slightly.But the movements were very coherent, and he still took a mouthful of food into his mouth normally, chewing normally.

After this mouthful of food was swallowed, the multi-faceted spy pawed a little more with his hands when he took another bite.Fan Keqin and others knew that this kid must have seen the note.

And the action of him reaching out to grab the food this time must be to spread the note more, so that he can see it more clearly.

But judging from this guy's performance, Fan Keqin can conclude that the other party is indeed a professional spy.Because the other party squinted his eyes slightly when he first saw the note, all his actions were very normal eating actions.There's nothing wrong with it at all.

However, in Fan Keqin's eyes, this kind of innocent movement must be a professional spy who has received stress training.

What do you mean?It's very simple. For example, you are sitting and watching TV, and suddenly someone next to you waved his hand in front of your eyes.You may be taken aback, even startled.

However, after receiving stress training, professional spies can overcome this natural reaction of the body according to the situation.When you wave your hand, it's like he didn't see it.so as to confuse the other party.

However, this kind of reaction depends on the situation. Professional spies who have undergone special training will respond in the most beneficial way to themselves after receiving stimuli in different environments.

Still using the analogy of watching TV, a professional spy is playing a person with poor eyesight, such as myopia.While watching TV, someone suddenly waved his hand next to him.Then he can completely become unresponsive, because the person he plays has vision problems.

But if he is a cover, he is a very sensitive person with a cheerful personality.Then, while watching TV, if someone suddenly waved his hand, then professional spies were actually very peaceful in their hearts.However, he will deliberately react by being startled.And this startled reaction still seems real to you.

Because his cover identity is a sensitive person, and this kind of person must react to sudden waving movements.If there is no response, then something is wrong.

So this is a kind of ability of professional espionage.Under the current environment, he ate normally for several days.But now there is a small note with words in his job bowl.Under some unknown circumstances, he immediately controlled the state of his body, making it seem as if he didn't see the little note for a while, this is the quality of his professional agent.In short, you should choose your response according to the environment and your own situation.

However, the way he squinted his eyes slightly before was actually nothing in the eyes of ordinary people.But Fan Keqin is not an ordinary person.

This kind of micro-expression, the fastest, can even reach one-twentieth of a second.The human eye has a visual limit. If the movement is too fast and too small, the human eye will actually be deceived by the vision.

Just like a magician, the hands of a master of pure hand lottery magic are very fast. You stare at a coin, but suddenly it changes from a cent to a piece, or from a dollar to a coin. a silver coin.You can only slightly see that the position of the last silver coin is slightly different from the position of the previous one dollar coin, but you don't see how it changed at all, it just suddenly turned into a silver coin.This kind of similar magic is to use the visual limit of human eyes to cause visual deception.

This is a human problem, so there is actually a limit to the observation of micro-expressions, and the most powerful master cannot take a panoramic view of all micro-expressions.But Fan Keqin is different, he has the physical fitness of human limit.The same goes for eyesight.

Although the other party was a professional spy, although the squint was short enough to cause visual deception, it still did not escape Fan Keqin's eyes.

But what happened next was a bit unexpected.Just look at the kid in the interrogation room, eating normally, and after he finished eating, he suddenly looked at the one-way mirror and said loudly: "I have my situation reported!!"

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun looked at each other, and he could see a hint of surprise in his brother's eyes.However, Fan Keqin immediately pointed to the microphone on the table and said, "Use this to ask him directly, what situation does he want to report."

"Okay." Qian Jinxun agreed, reached out and pressed the switch.

(End of this chapter)

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