spy ace

Chapter 1457 Encountering the Patrol

Chapter 1457 Encountering the Patrol
Jiang Bin went on to say: "And we just came back, by the edge of the empty forest in the Qiangbing Warehouse, the two of you can help us be our secret whistle when we set up bombs at night."

He Jie and Yang Dongjie looked at each other and nodded at the same time.The latter said, "No problem. When do we start?"

Jiang Bin thought for a while, and then replied: "Didn't you say that the little devil's outer patrol team is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, so let's catch up late rather than early. At eight o'clock, when the sky is completely dark, I'll be there on time with my guys, bombs and gear. Near where I stash my bike."

"Okay." He Jie replied, expressing his understanding, and then said again: "The password is: Take out the money. The reply is: Do you want the land?"

Jiang Bin smiled and said: "Okay, I will remember. At that time, I will bring a batch of supplies to the two brothers. I am afraid that you will continue to work hard these days."

"It's nothing." Yang Dongjie said: "It's not worth mentioning, it should be done. Then trouble brother."

After talking about the situation, the three of them walked forward and returned to the place near the intersection.Just as Jiang Bin was about to pick up the car, he faintly heard very, very light footsteps entering his ears.

How to describe the sound of footsteps, it seems that there are many people walking in a relatively uniform pace, but walking in the distance.

When Jiang Bin heard it, Yang Dongjie and He Jie were also very vigilant, and they were slightly taken aback almost at the same time.Among them, Yang Dongjie tilted his head slightly and listened carefully for a second or two, then immediately whispered: "It's the patrol team, you just caught up."

"Come on, you lie down with me." After He Jie said, he stretched out his hand and twisted up and down the front of the front. The grass coat he was wearing immediately came apart, but it was the hemp rope that he had tied the front together. Solved it.

Then He Jie shook off the grass coat that looked like a big cloak, looked at the ground, immediately moved two steps to the left, and lay down on the ground.How could Jiang Bin not know what he meant?Immediately, she also stepped forward to be next to him, and got under the grass coat.

Yang Dongjie next to them squatted down immediately after they lay down, and stretched out his hands to tidy up the grass clothes covering them.Immediately afterwards, he also lay directly behind a tree.

When the few people were well hidden, the footsteps were much clearer than before.But it should be some time away from them.

Jiang Bin lay motionless under the grass coat, his eyes rolled, and he looked from the gaps in the grass stems on the ground to the road not too far outside the forest.

Sure enough, within ten seconds, on the right side of his line of sight, a group of people in shit-yellow military uniforms walked up the road.It can be seen at a glance that there are probably twelve or three people.About the strength of a squad.

Looking at the style of the military uniform, it is clear that these are little devil soldiers.Big-toed leather shoes, and three uniform rifles with big covers on their backs.Among them, a guy with the appearance of Cao Chang led the team, carrying a saber, walking alone on the left side of the longitudinal team.

From far to near, the team passed through the woods in front of them.The little devil's team leader was very vigilant, and looked at the woods on both sides from time to time, and then looked at the path ahead.

The forest at the head of this road is much sparser than going in. After all, it is the edge of this forest. No matter what kind of forest it is, it must be more sparse as it gets to the edge.

I saw this group of little devils walking through the forest in front of them, and disappeared for a while when they were covered by the trees in the forest.Not long after, as the sound of footsteps expanded again, the group of little devils returned along the way until they disappeared from sight again.The sound of footsteps also disappeared.

Lying on the ground for a while, Yang Dongjie, who was hiding alone behind the tree, slowly got up, walked to the edge of the forest cautiously, looked at it, then turned back again, and said, "Okay, you can come out now."

After Jiang Bin and He Jie listened, they also got up immediately.Jiang Bin looked around again, and said in a low voice, "Then I'll go first, two brothers, let's see each other at eight o'clock in the evening."

He Jie and Yang Dongjie said in unison, "See you soon."

Jiang Bin came behind the rock, found his bicycle, and removed the camouflage covering it with his hands.Then he pulled up the car and pushed it cautiously to the edge of the woods.

He Jie had already squatted behind a tree on the edge to watch out for him.After observing, he immediately waved to Jiang Bin.

The latter immediately understood and pushed the car out of the woods quickly.Holding the handlebars with both hands, he slid forward two steps, and then rode on with one leg.

After kicking a few times, he turned to the right, left the fork road leading to the Qiangbing Warehouse, and took the main road leading to the direction of Guangzhou City.

Jiang Bin still pretended to be a passerby as when he came here, and entered Guangzhou City again smoothly all the way.Then he quickly came to Chengkou Street in the South District.

This place is already on the edge of the city, and there are houses but almost all of them are bungalows.Jiang Bin rode his bike directly to the door of a house with a small yard.

The security whistle inside, that is, an agent who has been watching the situation outside from the crack of the door, did not need him to knock on the door, but just reached out and unplugged the latch of the courtyard door.Let Jiang Bin in.

After entering the courtyard, Jiang Bin immediately leaned the car against the side courtyard wall, and quickly walked into the gate of the bungalow not far away.

After passing through a door bucket, he opened the door of the back room, passed through the kitchen again, and walked into the bedroom.It turned out that in this one-story house, besides Jiang Bin, there were eight other people who were already hiding in the house.

These people were assigned to Jiang Bin's blasting team by the headquarters through Han Qiang's communication team.As soon as Jiang Bin came to Guangzhou City, he immediately called these people together and hid in this safe house.Then he went out alone, and there was a scene where he went to investigate outside the city himself.

After entering the house, he greeted everyone, and then Jiang Bin immediately took care of the person next to him, asked for a pen and paper, and while drawing a picture, explained the situation of his investigation to the big guy in detail.

After everyone understood, Jiang Bin said: "I have agreed with the two investigators to meet at the location I marked on the map just now at eight o'clock tonight. The password is: Take out the money. The reply is : Do you want the land? It’s already noon, and we need to get ready now. Let me assign the respective tasks first.”

Seeing that everyone was listening seriously, Jiang Bin patted the shoulder of the person next to him, and said, "Da Fei and I are in a group, and we will go out to buy some supplies for the two scouting brothers..."

(End of this chapter)

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