spy ace

Chapter 1466 Looting

Chapter 1466 Looting
The two of them are not deaf, how could they not hear?Therefore, Shuangjie directly took off the camouflage clothes and replaced them with plain clothes.Seeing that Jiang Bin and others were also coming, they immediately walked out of the woods, found the bicycles and other things hidden at the other end, divided them, and rode quickly towards the pier for less than ten minutes.

Then turn right directly into another fork in the road.Then every once in a while, whenever there is a fork in the road, one or two people will be separated.Soon, Jiang Bin's blasting team was completely broken into pieces...

Among the several cars in front of the new central bank, except for two of which had a driver, there was no one in the rest of the cars.

These people were all wearing trench coats, which was nothing more than normal in the warm and cold weather that had just passed in winter.Several of them seem to be exchanging stocks, and some are exchanging the current price of gold.

A few others have already entered the bank, asking the bank's clerk to help them open an account, or asking about some mortgage loans.

At this moment, everyone heard a loud "rumbling" noise in the distance, which entered their ears like thunder.Therefore, whether it is a street person outside the bank or a person who handles business inside the bank.All of them were disturbed by the sound of "thunder", and entered a slightly dazed instinctive reaction.

But at this moment, the two people in windbreakers who were consulting business outside the iron fence did not show any sign of being dazed, but seemed to have received some kind of order.The hands that were inserted into the pockets of the windbreaker were pulled out one after another.And there is an extra pistol with a long barrel in his hand.

"Puff puff puff puff" After several muffled gunshots, looking at the side of the bank door, two guards with guns slung across their shoulders were beaten tremblingly, and were shot dead on the spot at close range.

Then, two things happening at the same time.The first thing was that two guys in top hats and windbreakers rushed in from the door again.Behind the two men were four men in suits with guns and pockets on their backs.

The second thing was that the two men who had just shot the guards put their guns directly into the gap in the iron fence.He yelled in his mouth: "Who dares to ring the alarm bell, I will kill you all!!!"

"Puff" two shots, hitting a table with various receipts.This table belongs to a business manager who opened his mouth wide in fright.That's right, just now the other party was still explaining to the robber Mr. how strong the bank's stock is.

After firing two shots to let the other party know that his life is in his own hands, the chubby robber shouted: "Go and open that door! I will kill all those people who play tricks!!!"

That's right, this chubby robber is Zhang Zhikai himself.Because it is more important than the devil's machine, and the material coordination office of the puppet government.The goal of the new central bank is only a secondary one.

However, the difficulty of the new central bank's actions is higher than that of the other two places.After all, one is to rob, and the other two just need to rush in and kill when they see someone.Therefore, the difficulty of the new central bank will naturally be higher.

So this is why Zhang Zhikai personally came to the new central bank.He believed that the brothers who were in charge of the devil's secret office and the puppet government's material coordination office were in charge of attacking, and they could take these two places.Even without myself there is no problem.

The business manager immediately nodded in shock, and quickly replied: "Now, now, don't shoot, don't shoot."

While speaking, the business manager had already got up, bent over and raised his hands slightly high, staggered, but ran to the iron door on the side without a moment's delay, and opened the door after a while.

After the guard died, a group of people rushed in, leaving behind two gunmen to control the crowd in the bank lobby.Zhang Zhikai and the two "Mr. Robbers" who shot together rushed directly into the iron gate with the thugs in suits.

One of the men in a suit took out a stick-shaped stick of dynamite from his pocket.There is also an iron wire in the middle of the explosive, and one end of the iron wire is twisted into a thin iron rod, protruding like a spike.

Then look at the person entering the inside, facing the keyhole of the steel door lock directly opposite, and directly inserting the spike into it.This spike just hung on the steel door with explosives.

Following a quick flick of the coil, everyone flashed on both sides of the outside door.Then the man gave the handle a jerk. There was a "bang" sound, and the other two guys in suits quickly let go of their fingers, and the grenade spring that had pulled out the safety latch before snapped off with a clang.

There was a delay of only two seconds. As soon as the two men leaned forward, they swished and threw two grenades into the blasted steel door again.

"Boom" there were two more explosions.Zhang Zhikai led the people and rushed in quickly.It didn't matter whether the uniformed guards on the ground were dead or alive, as they passed by, the muzzles of the guns moved "Puff" and each of them quickly fired two shots.

Just as they were replenishing their guns, to be exact, the first round of grenades had just exploded for the two thugs in suits who threw grenades before. Each of them took out another grenade and rushed directly into the steel door, along the way. He swished down the aisle and threw two grenades again.

At the same time, the two men in suits at the back, and the one who cooperated with Zhang Zhikai to kill the guards in the hall, had turned around and entered another iron gate leading to the iron fence counter in the hall.

Yes, they are decentralized operations.The first team followed Zhang Zhikai to the safehouse.The other team followed the deputy to the lounge on the right inside the counter.

During Zhang Zhikai's investigation before, he discovered that someone took out money from the room on the right.Therefore, this room is very likely to be the depository.

Let's say that Zhang Zhikai led people quickly through the corridor, then swished and threw two grenades obliquely.With the help of the explosion cover, a group of people have already rushed in.

Zhang Zhikai raised his pistol and knocked down a guard who was not killed but had divergent eyes, with two shots in the chest.Pointing to the fence door ahead, said: "Explode."

It was the same thug in a suit from before, holding the same detonator, and inserted a spike into the keyhole.After everyone stepped aside, there was a "touch".The fence gate was blasted open in an instant.

Zhang Zhikai stayed at the intersection of the corridor and looked out of the corridor, and said loudly: "Hurry up, just take the gold on the cart. Don't leave anything in the safe, Xiao Wang, set the remaining explosives for ten minutes, and put them all in the safe." in."

(End of this chapter)

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