spy ace

Chapter 1478 Security Risks

Chapter 1478 Security Risks
Fan Keqin followed Huazhang all the way to the bank of Songhua River, walking slowly.At about [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Huazhang came to the riverside vertically, then went left, and passed the third statue on the bench.Fan Keqin saw another familiar face, which was Wang Zhanyuan.

If you just look at it from the perspective of a third party, the two of them are sitting on the bench at this moment, chatting and talking.The state of being very close.Everyone would think that this is a pair of lovers, talking about love in a very normal way.In reality, the two were actually exchanging information.

That said, wouldn't Fan Keqin be jealous when he saw Huazhang being so close to Wang Zhanyuan?Of course not jealous, Huazhang is his apprentice, and it's not that Lu Xiaoya is like others.How could you be jealous?
Any truly qualified agent, in this case, even if his wife is also an agent, sitting so close to others with an intimate demeanor, not only will not be jealous, but will be very understanding.And cheer up, help the two people to guard the surrounding situation.

Because people are working.At this time you become jealous, it can only show that you are really unprofessional.

This is anti-Japanese, this is war.Sometimes when conditions do not allow, in order to rest well, so as to fight the enemy better the next day.Many people, regardless of gender, will even sleep in a small environment.If you feel that there is a problem with their life style at this time, it can only show that there is a problem in your own heart.

Just like a saying goes, a person with a dark heart sees what others do, which is also black.

Huazhang and Wang Zhanyuan couldn't always sit in the same place, otherwise it would be wrong to sit for a long time.So the two sat on the bench and chatted for a while, then got up and walked slowly along the river side by side, just like lovers pressing the road.

Fan Keqin was on the other side of the road, either pretending to be waiting for someone, or a pedestrian smoking a cigarette to relax, or entering the corridor to peek.Always watch the surrounding environment for two people in the dark.

At this time, it is actually more dangerous.Although Fan Keqin was sure that Huazhang was on the way and there was no tail behind him, but Wang Zhanyuan's safety situation behind him was hard to say.After all, Fan Keqin was always with Huazhang, but not Wang Zhanyuan.

But it turned out that Wang Zhanyuan was also a very professional agent, because after Fan Keqin observed the situation around them, he didn't find any suspicious people.If Wang Zhanyuan was affixed by a special agent, Fan Keqin was very confident that with his own observation skills, he would definitely be able to find it.

This time the connection time is not too short, a full hour.Don't think that an hour is actually not too long, it's really not too short for a secret agent's connection.

Because when the agents are communicating, the conversation will definitely not be idle.What a beautiful weather, the scenery here is nice.I've been in pretty good health lately, it's impossible to say these things.

When agents communicate, they must talk directly when they meet each other.For example: Three days ago, the devil came in a sum of supplies from a certain local unit...;

Of course, this is not absolute.If there are any passers-by, if they pass by their side, the communication between the two people will naturally turn into a love affair, or a kind of chatter, which makes people unable to hear the problem.

Now, although it is afternoon on the banks of the Songhua River, this is a place where the flow of people is relatively dense.Therefore, two people may discuss and talk for nearly an hour, and there are such factors in it.

Fan Keqin was hiding in a corridor and was helping them observe the surrounding situation.Seeing that Huazhang loosened his arm around Wang Zhanyuan, Wang Zhanyuan looked at his watch, as if something was wrong.When five or six people in school uniforms passed by, the two separated immediately.

Wang Zhanyuan is perpendicular to the Songhua River, walking in the direction of the city center.And Huazhang was at the side of the group of students, some distance away, and continued to walk along the river for a while.

There was a gap between her and the group of students' footsteps. After a while, she deliberately fell a little bit, and then turned left directly across the road and entered another street.

very good!During this process, Fan Keqin deliberately followed farther away, so that he could see a wider field of vision.In addition, he was in a dark place in the corridor before, so he could look at the situation of Huazhang walking on the opposite side.However, Fan Keqin never found any suspicious person.This is a very good situation.

So Fan Keqin deliberately quickened his pace again, and waited until he was about sixty meters behind Huazhang.Maintaining the same speed as Huazhang again, he started to circle back and forth with Huazhang on the street.

Huazhang is in front. Sometimes he suddenly turns to the side while walking, and he will enter the street next to him. Sometimes he will deliberately turn around a certain building twice.

That's right, Huazhang's action was obviously intentional.And it was deliberately created for Fan Keqin to better observe behind him.

Because of her current behavior, if there is really a tail behind her, the tail will fall into self-doubt.For example, if you see Huazhang like this, you will almost inevitably wonder if you have been discovered?Or, the tail will think that Huazhang is carrying out anti-tracking actions, so it is very likely to follow closer.

If Tail really did this, then the opportunity created by Huazhang would definitely be more beneficial for Fan Keqin to confirm the safety of Huazhang behind him.

However, Fan Keqin followed Huazhang on the street and wandered around for more than an hour, and he really didn't find any hidden dangers.

So Fan Keqin deliberately speeded up on the opposite street, passed in front of Huazhang, then touched his pockets with both hands, slowed down, took out a cigarette, then as if sheltering from the wind, turned his head slightly, covered it with his hands, and gave himself Cigarette lit.

The slight movement of the head also allows Fan Keqin to see Huazhang from the corner of his eye.To determine whether the latter also see themselves.

Of course Huazhang saw Fan Keqin.She was a little worried when she was circling back and forth before. She hasn't looked at Fan Keqin for so long. Does it mean that she is really not safe behind her?
But after thinking about it again, with Fan Keqin's ability, it is impossible not to send a signal to himself when he discovers a hidden safety hazard.So my heart let go again.

Sure enough, seeing Fan Keqin now, according to the agreement, appeared in front of him.That is to say, my connection this time was very successful, and there was no problem...

(End of this chapter)

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