spy ace

Chapter 1482 Amazing Secret

Chapter 1482 Amazing Secret
This person obviously got out of the car while pushing back, judging from his actions just before getting out of the car.It's to spray something into the car again.After he got down, he started spraying again around the soil bag at that height.

It has been turning three times before stopping.Then the rest of the devils in protective suits all stood still and formed a large font.The devil with the spray head sprayed them while circling them several times.

After spraying, spray it on yourself, especially your hands, and wait until the spraying is over.He handed over the spray nozzle to the other little devils, and asked them to help him spray the whole body several times.Then he turned around and got into the car, and left here...

While listening to Hua Zhang's report, while looking at the pieces of information in his hand, Fan Keqin quickly connected these things together.

Among them, the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters, even if everyone in this era does not know, but as a person who came to this era inexplicably, how could he not know?Fan Keqin had already felt it when he heard Huazhang say the beginning, which was the address of the bungalow.

And the epidemic prevention and water supply force is a very notorious bacteria, biochemistry, and research organization.And it is the evil army of the little devils who are anti-human in the land of China, and even use the human body to do bacterial biochemical experiments.

The full name of this unit is the Manchurian Qisanyao Unit.According to the investigation by several agents of the Security Bureau, the Ishii Troop and the Kamo Troop are just names used for their substance.In fact, this is the germ warfare and biochemical warfare preparation factory and research base of the little devil invading army.

The little devil is engaged in research in this area, and has a total of seven bacteria and biochemical units under his jurisdiction.Among them, the Japanese mainland branch was established in the Army Medical Hospital in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.Announced to the outside world as the Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory.

The second unit is the [-]th unit, which is located in Pingfang, and the headquarters is the [-]th unit;

The third branch was established in Changchun, which was declared to be the Animal Epidemic Prevention Department of the Kwantung Army;

The fourth branch, the headquarters of the North Branch Jiayao [-]th Army is located in Tiantan Park, BJ, and is called the North China Expeditionary Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department;
The fifth branch is the Rongzi Unit [-]. The headquarters is located on Zhongshan East Road in Nanjing. It is called the East China Expeditionary Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department/Central China Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, also known as "Tama Troop";
The sixth branch, the wave word [-], is headquartered in Yuanbaizi Road, Guangzhou, and is known as the South China Expeditionary Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department;
The seventh branch, Gangzi [-] Troop, is headquartered in Singapore, Malaysia, and is known as the Southern Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department.

Fan Keqin can't control the rest, especially the foreign ones.But domestically, Fan Keqin will definitely do his best.

Of course, although Fan Keqin is patriotic, he really can't remember some places, he can only remember a general place.

However, he could clearly remember the [-] unit.After all, he had visited the site in his previous life, and it had been set up as an important museum-like place during the Anti-Japanese War.Let future generations remember history and not forget national humiliation.

There are even a few movies, which are used to expose and record the heinous crimes committed by the July [-]th Army against all Chinese people.Because of this place, Fan Keqin has the deepest memory in his mind.

Fan Keqin, who visited the ruins, can remember the general structure of the buildings inside, such as gas chambers, bathrooms, observation rooms and so on.It was shocking and memorable at the time.However, this does not mean that he fully understands the terrain inside.

After all, the reason why it is called a ruin is incomplete.In addition, before the little devils surrendered and fled, in order to destroy the evidence of their inhumanity, they placed a large amount of explosives, blowing up most of the places.But now, this place is still complete, so Fan Keqin is not clear about the topography of other places.

Huazhang went on to introduce that it turned out that the agents of the Security Bureau who investigated also contacted a patriot.Originally, they sneaked into an observation point during the day, which was an empty house after someone went to work.

As a result, once, the worker came back early.Just in time to meet the agent.In order to keep it secret, the agents of the Security Bureau wanted to take down the opponent directly.But the other party was very smart, and immediately said that he could provide the information.

The agents of the Security Bureau had already controlled the other party at that time, and there was no danger, so they asked him to talk about the information to be provided first.As a result, this person really discovered the secret of this army.

The other party was a local laborer, and he discovered it after the winter had just passed.

This laborer is a native of Pingfang. At first he was captured by a little devil, and he worked as a cook in the July [-]th Army.He told the agents of the Security Bureau exactly what he had discovered.

It was midnight, and a kid driving a car was eating with him in the cafeteria.And this laborer is smarter, and it didn't take long for him to learn to understand the devil's words.

He just heard that little devil say: I picked up someone at Harbin Railway Station today, but the train from Mudanjiang was delayed for more than an hour.Later, I went to the concentration camp of the Xiangfang Protection Institute and picked up a few Russians.If it weren't for this, I would have come back long ago.There is a Russian who is not very honest, so I will talk to Major Hosoya tomorrow and take care of him.

After hearing this, the laborer began to pay attention from the very beginning.He found out that the little devil who said this was driving a car modified by American Dodge, with a big iron box welded on it. The little devil called it a "special car"

Then one day, this astute worker made an astonishing discovery. All the workers in Qisanyao lived in labor sheds. It turned out that there were [-] laborers, all of whom were sent to work in Qisanyao.The laborer is responsible for cooking for them.

But after a while, the astute laborer found that there were two hundred people missing, because the little devil's military police only asked the one-story laborer to prepare meals for four hundred people, so naturally there were two hundred people missing.

After another month, the little devil's military police asked the laborer to prepare meals for two hundred people.Later, the astute laborer discovered that, as the same cook said, there were four little devils guarding the small door in the northeast corner of the square building.

In the first spring, the devil gendarme told the astute laborer that there was no need to prepare meals for those laborers, saying that the laborers from Haicheng had all been sent home.

But the strange thing is that the luggage rolls of these laborers are still placed in the labor shed.Later, the little devil's military police gathered these luggage rolls and sent them to the "clothing repair department", and this so-called "clothing repair department" dealt with dead or escaped laborers.

(End of this chapter)

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