spy ace

Chapter 1484 Knock 9 on the door

Chapter 1484
Huazhang said: "The second case... is also not good. But the third case...brother, all three situations seem to be risky. In contrast, we can take part of the initiative in the third case."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "I need to see what the laborer knows. If he really knows the situation in the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters, we really need to make a good arrangement so that his disappearance becomes reasonable. So as to dispel the little devil's suspicion of his disappearance. But if he doesn't know the situation inside, is it possible to develop him and let him do things for us?"

"If it's possible...it's still possible." Huazhang frowned and thought for a while, then said, "But if he betrays us, then the entire next operation may be greatly affected."

"Yes." Fan Keqin glanced at his watch and said, "Well, I want to meet this laborer in person, have a talk with him, and see how he is doing."

Huazhang said: "It's already five o'clock... If we set off to the bungalow now, it will be seven o'clock at the earliest. Otherwise, you stay and I will go."

"No." Fan Keqin said: "The situation is uncertain now, we need to make a decision depending on the situation." As he spoke, he got up directly and said, "Let's go, before it's too late, if there is anything we need If we do, we have at least one more night to arrange. So the sooner we see that laborer, the better."

Huazhang stood up randomly, and said, "Then I'll activate an emergency contact method and ask where the brothers are controlling the workers."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, you go to make contact, and then we will meet at...the south intersection of Central Avenue."

Huazhang said: "Okay." Then he walked to the door, picked up his coat from the coat rack on the wall, opened the door and walked out.

Fan Keqin also put on his coat, waited for about ten minutes, and went out.After arriving downstairs, he walked south along Central Avenue in a leisurely manner.

When I got to the intersection on this side, I found that Huazhang hadn't appeared yet.

Fan Keqin understands this point, because if Huazhang contacts Wang Zhanyuan now, he should also avoid saying specific content on the phone.Therefore, Huazhang will definitely tell Wang Zhanyuan in code words to find a public phone or something, and then call back to himself.This will naturally take time.

Fan Keqin lit a cigarette, and when he was done, he threw away the cigarette butt. After waiting for a while, Hua Zhang appeared.Holding Fan Keqin's arm, while walking forward, he whispered how to contact Wang Zhanyuan.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Fan Keqin thought. Although the current situation is more urgent, it still takes one night.So try not to say what you can not say on the emergency phone call.

So Huazhang gave a hint, and Wang Zhanyuan immediately understood what was going on.So Wang Zhanyuan found another public phone and called Huazhang's agreed number again.In this way, Huazhang will only arrive at the intersection now.

Fan Keqin was very satisfied with Huazhang's cautiousness, so he said: "Let's go to another district and steal a car. We can also get to the bungalow quickly."

While talking, he brought Huazhang to a rental carriage, and said to the handlebar, "Go to Xiangfang Railway Station." Then he and Huazhang got into the carriage.

With a flick of the whip on the handlebar, the carriage began to trot.

It is said that from here, it is not close to Xiangfang Railway Station.In addition, it is a carriage, which is definitely not as fast as a car, so it took nearly an hour to reach the destination.

Of course, Fan Keqin didn't let the handlebars really stop at Xiangfang Railway Station, because it would be far away.Instead, it stopped nearby.The two got out of the car and paid.Start walking forward and continue walking, after passing through several residential areas, in the apartment area behind a hospital, male and female thieves appeared in the world.

Huazhang watched the wind, while Fan Keqin started to pry open the door of a semi-new car parked downstairs within a few seconds.

Then Fan Keqin took a few more seconds to start the car, connected directly to Huazhang, and quickly drove the car out of the apartment complex.

Xiangfang District is the outermost district on the south side of Harbin, and the outside is outside the urban area.There is also a large field between the bungalow and Xiangfang.Of course, in future generations, bungalows are also a district in Harbin, and there are quite a few people in it.But not in this day and age.The distance between the two is not far, but the road conditions are not good, so it is difficult to run with a car.

But then again, it's someone else who can't escape.Ordinary drivers are still ordinary people no matter how skilled they are.As for Fan Keqin, his reaction speed and judgment are too amazing. He can use a relatively fast speed to plan the path ahead in an instant.

For example, there is a pit and a dirt bag in front of him. Fan Keqin knew how to go when he saw it, and he passed it at the most appropriate and relatively fastest speed.For other people, even the old driver's first reaction is to slow down first, slowly pass through the dirt pit, and then bypass the dirt bag.If the nuances of the whole journey are added together, the time taken will be completely different.

Therefore, others need to arrive at the fastest within an hour, but Fan Keqin has already arrived at the bungalow in half an hour.After entering, Fan Keqin parked the car in a hidden place some distance away from the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters.He Huazhang got out of the car.

After the previous investigation by the agents of the Security Bureau, the surrounding terrain map drawn came in handy at this time.The two of them made a circle first, and arrived at the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters, the specific address of the worker, forming a straight line behind them.

That's right, the method they used was the same as that used by the agents of the Security Bureau when they were investigating.Use the residence of the laborers to block the sight of the sentry post of the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters.

It's already more than an hour since the starting point at night, and the workers in several large factories around have already left work, and there are fewer residents here.So the two of them found an opportunity when no one was there, and quickly came to the door of the worker's house, tuk tuk, tuk tuk, tuk tuk.Quick, rhythmic knocks on the door nine times.

After a while, a voice came from inside and asked in a slightly puzzled tone, "Who is it?"

Fan Keqin replied: "Drinkers, open the door."

Sure enough, upon hearing what Fan Keqin said, the people inside quickly opened the door.Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang walked directly into the house.

The one who opened the door was an agent of the Security Bureau, and then closed the door directly. At the moment of closing the door, his body did not move, but his eyes looked around.Confirm the safety situation behind Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang.Immediately, he also walked into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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