spy ace

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486 Internal Response (Subscription for Chinese New Year)

Ji Maosong went on to say: "Then maybe he ate very well, and gradually many devils ate the food I cooked. Sometimes when some of the devils' high-ranking officials have dinner, they let me cook it. Some appetizers. But this kind of situation is relatively rare. Most of the time I still cook for us Chinese who work inside."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Can you do it?"

"Ah, I'm not the only one." Ji Maosong said: "There are several cooks. But it's a bit of a stretch. I started working as soon as I went in the morning, and I was busy until noon. I'll finish it at noon. It's time to start busy again, and it will be finished at night, I didn't go there today, I guess they all have to be busy."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin said, "Do you know how many devils and puppet troops there are?"

"Oh." Ji Maosong frowned, and said, "This... I really don't know the details, but at least one piece will add two to three thousand people. Puppet army... Anyway, I have never seen a puppet army. Army. I wonder if it’s not there. Or is it somewhere else? Anyway, I’ve never seen it.”

Fan Keqin asked a question, "Two or three thousand devils?"

Qi Maosong nodded and said: "It's not a big deal. It's serious and not young or old."

Fan Keqin said: "Two or three thousand devils, how do you know this number?"

Ji Maosong replied: "Didn't I say that I cooked for the devil several times. I don't know what kind of festival it was for the devil once. Then let me help cook, oops, I became a thief." It's much older, at least enough to feed two or three thousand devils."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin looked at him up and down, and said, "You yelled one devil at a time, are you afraid that you yelled smoothly and said something wrong in front of real devils?"

"That can't be done." Ji Maosong seemed to be reluctant to smoke this kind of high-end cigarette. He pinched the cigarette butt with his finger and took a sip, but he was still reluctant to throw it away. Take the initiative to talk to the devils. If there is nothing wrong, they are basically busy with food. Or the little devils have something to talk to us. So we can’t reveal the truth. Besides, it’s a devil’s place. Once you enter, you will be careful in your heart. Always remind yourself, how could you call it wrong."

Fan Keqin smiled, helped him change a cigarette, and said, "Old Ji. I think you are not young, why don't you have a family?"

"It's become a family." Ji Maosong had a look of reminiscence on his face, and then he became slightly bitter, and said: "At that time, my wife died when she gave birth to my child. The child was not kept."

When he was talking about this, Ji Maosong took a breath, sighed and continued: "Oh, how old was I at that time? In the nineteenth year. Twenty years have passed in a flash. It's not that I didn't want to look for it during this period, but every time When other people, including my parents, told me to introduce someone or something, I thought of my wife and children, and it seemed that I couldn't accept it. So I never looked for it again. "

"Well, it's really unfortunate." Fan Keqin said as if he was making a routine, "What's the matter? Are parents still alive?"

"My mother left the year before last." Ji Maosong said, "Father lives with my younger brother and his family in Bayannaga."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Bayan, that's not far away."

"Yes, it's not far." Ji Maosong said, "It's in Naga, Jiang's village in Bayan."

Fan Keqin was still the same as usual, and asked curiously: "Your hometown is in Bayan, why did you come to Harbin?"

"It's my daughter-in-law." Ji Maosong said: "My family is poor, of course, we are not married. It is because we didn't give them any betrothal gifts at that time. And my daughter-in-law's father was unable to get out of bed at the time, and then We just came here. I have been staying in Harbin as well."

That's enough, Fan Keqin thinks it's almost done.After asking so much, talking so much, and all the topics I found, the other party didn't know about it, so obviously I couldn't prepare in advance.But the other party's answer is still watertight, without any logical errors, so there are only two possibilities.

First, what Ji Maosong said was the truth, so naturally there would be no problems.Second, this Ji Maosong is an agent himself, and he prepared for his identity a long time ago.

Needless to say the first possibility.Even if it is the second type, Fan Keqin thinks it is no problem.Because if Ji Maosong was really an agent, would he sneak into the little devil's epidemic prevention and water supply unit?If it's an agent of the little devil's camp, it doesn't make sense for him to sneak in.Then only the agents in the little devil's hostile camp would do this.

As for the agents of the little devil's hostile camp, Fan Keqin and the others could not be enemies anyway.In addition, Fan Keqin judged that there was a high probability that this Ji Maosong could not be a specially trained agent.

After all, all the things he answered contained specific content, such as where his hometown was, where his elders and younger brothers lived.And the cause of his wife's death and so on.These things are actually not difficult to prove.In other words, it's useless even if he panicked.As long as you look it up, you will be able to understand clearly.

It was also because of the above reasons that Fan Keqin made up his mind to pay attention.So he asked: "Old Ji, I think you should have a clear idea of ​​our identities. We hope you can cooperate with us. As long as you help, we can give you a big reward."

Ji Maosong hesitated: "This... the information I provided is not good?"

"Of course." Fan Keqin said: "Actually, we can reward you now. But I hope you can help more in-depth, such as finding out the situation inside, which buildings are there, what is the arrangement, and the sentries are all there. What is the location, what is the route of the patrol, and so on."

Ji Maosong listened, his face gradually showed embarrassment, and said: "This...Mr. Jun, I don't know how to do this either. Besides, if I do this, they will definitely know about it later. This... When I went, everyone in my family, and all the little devils who lived there were registered, you know. If this... I'm fine, they will definitely have to deal with my father and brother."

"Don't worry." Fan Keqin said: "As long as you help us, your father and brother, we can take another safe place to live, and we will reward you with a large sum of money, enough to guarantee your family People will live a good life in the future. And you, just provide us with information, as long as you don't show your feet in the epidemic prevention and water supply team..."

Note: "Happy New Year, all book lovers, and everything goes well. The book Spy Sea Ace has been updated every day since it was released, and it has never been interrupted once. So everyone, please support, recommend, monthly pass, and print during the New Year. Reward. I want everything. Hehe! Meh!
(End of this chapter)

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