spy ace

Chapter 1492 Photo Gallery

Chapter 1492 Photo Gallery

The photographer continued to induce, saying: "Yes, I'm smiling a little bit. Hey, that's it! Hold on..."

With a whoosh, the flash lights up.The images of the four people were photographed in the submission.After the old man took the photo, the smile on his face was still stiff, and he said, "I've heard that photography is a long time ago, so it turns out that it's over with such a bright light."

Chen Lei smiled and said, "Yes, it's very simple."

On the other side, Yin Hang had already come to the photographer and said, "Master, can you expedite it for us? We want it immediately. Because we want to show the photos to the elderly at home this afternoon."

"Oh, it's so urgent." The photographer was also quite embarrassed, and said, "I still have at least half of the papers left. Wouldn't it be useless if I wash it out now? How about this, can I do it as soon as possible? But I guess it will be tomorrow." .”

"Help me." Yin Hang was talking, and had already taken out a few banknotes from his pocket, enough to buy the latest two handover papers on the market.

After handing it to the other party, he said: "We really hope that we can take the photos away in a while. It is mainly for the elderly to see. You take the money."

"Oh. This... I'm so sorry." The photographer said, he had already reached out to take the banknotes, and said, "Alright then, wait a moment, I'll wash them out for you right now... Sit down, just sit down."

"Okay, you are busy, thank you." Yin Hang replied, and sat on the sofa with a few people again.While accompanying Ji Xiasheng and the others, they casually chatted about homework.Waiting for the photo.

Photo development is actually very fast. Once the potion is soaked, it will be developed in a short time.Then let it dry and you're done.So not long after, the photographer came out of the darkroom, came to him, handed the photo to everyone, and said, "Look at how it looks. Besides, this is the negative, please put it away."

"Trouble master, thank you." Yin Hang put away the photo, thanked him, and left the photo studio with everyone.

There was still some time before getting on the train, so Chen Lei and Yin Hang, together with Ji Xiasheng and Ji Maobai who had already looked brand new, went to find a restaurant not far from the train station and went in to have a good meal.

Sometimes people are like this, and it's useless to just talk about it.You have to see the truth in action.Now Chen Lei and Yin Hang are giving money, buying new clothes, and taking pictures.Now, he took two people out of the restaurant again.All of this was paid for by Yin Hang and Chen Lei.

This is tantamount to telling two people with actions that what we said is true, so you can rest assured.

This trick is easy to use.Ji Xiasheng and Ji Maobai have indeed completely relaxed now, why relax?It is because the trust has already been established.So naturally relax.

After finishing the meal, several people chatted for a while and smoked a cigarette.Seeing that it was almost time, I checked out and left the restaurant.After entering Harbin Railway Station, I sat on a bench in the waiting room and waited for the train.

While the four of them were chatting, Yin Hang had secretly taken out the envelope containing the photos and negatives, and while talking on the face, secretly stuffed the envelope into the gap under the seat floor.

After sitting for a while, when the time was up, several people got up, passed the ticket checking point, and walked to the platform.

A few minutes later, the four of them had boarded a train bound for Shanghai. After arriving in Shanghai, they still needed to change trains.

However, just as the train left Harbin, a passenger entered the train station. This person asked about the train number at the ticket gate, and then came to the seat where Yin Hang was sitting to rest for a while.By the time he left, the envelope hidden under the seat floor had been taken out by him without anyone noticing.

Soon, the traveler came to an apartment in the South District.Passed this photo to a man in his thirties, who took it and said, "Well, if you get something, it means success."

"Yes. Brother Yuan." The passenger replied, "If you want to come, now, Da Lei and the others are already on the train and have left Harbin."

"Yeah." This brother Yuan is the fourth brigade under the Field Service Corps of the Security Bureau, the captain of the brigade, Wang Zhanyuan.His current alias is Shi Yuantu.So all the agents under him called him Brother Yuan or Brother Tu.

After Wang Zhanyuan said "um", he had already taken the photo out of the envelope.

I put it in front of my eyes, looked at it, and put it in the envelope again.But he took out the negative, lit a cigarette, lit the negative directly with the fire, and threw it in the ashtray.

After watching the negatives completely turn into ashes, Wang Zhanyuan handed the envelope to another person next to him, and said, "Go to the bungalow, give this envelope to brother No. [-], and tell them that when Ji Maosong returns home, he must Confirm the surrounding situation, and then go to Ji Maosong. Let them show Ji Maosong the photos to show our sincerity. Also, ask Ji Maosong about his harvest today. See his reaction."

"Yes." The agent next to him reached out to take the envelope and put it in his inner pocket.Asked: "Brother Yuan, if Ji Maosong has a problem..."

"Don't jump to conclusions." Wang Zhanyuan said: "But as long as we can be sure, Ji Maosong has betrayed us... Do you remember what the boss ordered?"

"Understood." After the agent replied, he paused, and then said: "Brother Yuan, I'll go first. Go early, and let brother No. [-] get ready."

Wang Zhanyuan nodded and said, "Yes. You go, be careful on the road."

Ji Maosong was in a daze this day, although he was quite smart, he learned Japanese in a short period of time, and also discovered the big secret of the little devil's epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters.

But after all, he is also an ordinary person.No training at all.So after agreeing to Fan Keqin to be their internal response, he didn't sleep well all night.

I always think about this and that in my heart, what if I am found out?Will the little devil kill himself too?If something happened to me, would my father and younger brother also be implicated?

In short, wait and wait, these things are revolving in Ji Maosong's mind over and over again.Therefore, this caused Ji Maosong to cook in the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters today, and he almost didn't cook the meal until it was time.

Fortunately, Ji Maosong found that no one paid attention to him.Therefore, it made him relax a little bit.In the end, I simply didn't think about it anymore. I would work as I usually do today.In this way, others did not pay attention to him.So when it was time to get off work at night, Ji Maosong was more relaxed psychologically.

(End of this chapter)

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