spy ace

Chapter 1498 Deduction

Chapter 1498 Rebates
Fan Keqin said: "The more this is the case, the more likely it is a combat readiness library."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin got up and said: "Okay, there is nothing to say in this prison now, let's see the situation tomorrow...Let's go, let's go down and have some food."

"Huh? Or I won't eat it." Huazhang said, "I'm afraid of growing fat at night."

Fan Keqin said: "Pull it down. Tomorrow I need to wander back and forth, what a fat person. Let's go."

"That's fine." Hua Zhang also got up, put on his coat and went downstairs with Fan Keqin, and started eating together.After eating, I washed up and started to fall asleep.

In the morning of the next day, the two of them got up and tidied up, went downstairs again, and walked out of the Madil Hotel.We found a restaurant, had some breakfast, and we separated when we left the restaurant.

Huazhang went directly to shopping malls, clothing stores and other places.And Fan Keqin is going to the West District.A few days ago, when Fan Keqin and Huazhang were shopping on the street, they discovered that there were two construction sites here, which were under construction.

So Fan Keqin is very purposeful, just come here directly.When you get to the place, you can see that the construction site has already started.Not to mention, the construction workers on this construction site are quite formal.All of them wore rattan hard hats and coarse overalls.All kinds of tools are complete.Even Fan Keqin saw an engineering device: an excavator.

Based on Fan Keqin's instant judgment, the workers on this construction site should not be casual workers, but a regular engineering team.Seeing this, Fan Keqin wandered around, went in and asked a worker.

The latter pointed to a shed on the right and said, "Did you see it? It's called Liu Peng. Just go in and talk to Liu Peng directly. He is our boss."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "Thank you." Saying goodbye to the worker, he walked directly to the right.He knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Fan Keqin opened the door and walked in, and there was a man inside, also wearing a hard hat, but wearing a white shirt, about forty years old, probably after seeing Fan Keqin face-to-face, he was using Nahan looked at him.Said: "Who are you... looking for?"

Fan Keqin said: "My name is Wan Ziliang, are you Boss Liu Peng Liu?"

"Ah. It's me." Liu Peng replied, but still looked at Fan Keqin in doubt, obviously wondering whether he knew him or not.Said: "Oh, have we met Mr. Wan? My memory is really not very good."

"Don't get me wrong." Fan Keqin said, "I haven't met Boss Liu before. This time I'm here to discuss a business with you."

"Oh?" After Liu Peng heard the word business, he waved his hand inside with a relieved expression on his face, and said, "Come on, please sit down, Mr. Wan. You want to build some kind of building, right? Then you come to me." Even if you found the right one. You may have seen our construction team, it is definitely the most formal and professional."

"That's right. I saw it when I came in. It's indeed official." Fan Keqin and Liu Peng sat on the stools and said, "But... I didn't come here to ask Boss Liu to build a house or something. Let me introduce myself, I run a brick and tile factory, I don’t know if Boss Liu needs a lot of bricks and tiles on your construction site, don’t worry, the price will definitely satisfy you.”

"Ah. That's what happened." Liu Peng said: "Then Boss Wan may be disappointed. Although my production team has contracted labor and materials, there are already cooperative brick and tile manufacturers. And when you come in, you should You see, the bricks on our construction site are already in place."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "We will have a long time in Japan. Boss Liu's construction team is so good, so there must be a lot of business. If we can't cooperate this time, it doesn't mean we won't have a chance next time. I'm still the same In a word, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

"Oh? Then..." Liu Peng was a little curious when he heard the price he was satisfied with, and asked, "What price can you give me?"

Fan Keqin said: "What's the market price, Boss Liu just needs to say, I'll give you at least [-]% off, how about it?"

"[-]% off..." Liu Peng actually knew that this discount was indeed very favorable, so he was already moved.But after all, he is a businessman, and his face is calm.Said: "If it's [-]% off, it's actually about the same as the price I'm buying now. I don't have to change the manufacturer. After all, our cooperation is still very good. The relationship is also relatively harmonious."

Fan Keqin said: "I agree with Boss Liu's statement, but, Boss Liu, I personally agree with you. As long as you use our bricks, I will return half of the money to you after the payment is in place. It's five percent. After all, you and the person who wants to build the bricks have to pay for it. But this money is my personal kickback for you."

Liu Peng was very happy in his heart, after all, who would not be happy to get a share of the money here.But after all, I have never cooperated with Fan Keqin, so there is no basis for trust.Therefore, he said: "Boss Wan, you really know how to do business. If it is really as you said, we will be in a win-win situation. It's just that Boss Wan, you are willing to give up such a big profit, and you can still earn money." money?"

Fan Keqin said: "Boss Liu has asked this question, and I will tell you frankly that you can definitely earn money. After all, our factory has a variety of high-temperature brick kilns, which are very large. Therefore, the production capacity is very strong. Our The business strategy is four words, small profits but quick turnover. To tell you the truth, our factory not only has business in our special city, but also in other places.

As for the quality, you can rest assured that the soil materials we use and the production process of brick embryos are all British technology.In terms of quality, I dare not say that it is the first, but it can also be said to be super first-class.In no way worse than the goods produced by any brick and tile factory.And if you feel unqualified, I will take it away directly. If you don’t give me the money, it will be over, right? "

Liu Peng nodded and said: "Well, this construction site is definitely not going to work, because the money has already been paid. Next time, about a month later, we will open a new construction site on Horvath Street. I will look for you sometime. But let’s say it first, what you said today must count, otherwise, I will really ask you to bring the goods back.”

"No problem." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "What I say is all false, you just see what I do when the time comes. Guaranteed to satisfy Boss Liu."

Liu Peng nodded and said: "Okay, then I can trust you. In addition, you can give me [-] yuan to prepare, and then we will sign the contract."

(End of this chapter)

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