spy ace

Chapter 1718 The Case

Chapter 1718 The Case
Fan Keqin went on to say: "This case has created quite a lot of public opinion among the local people. To be honest, after we got off the car, we were a little hungry, so we went to a restaurant to have a meal first. I heard some people talking about it. Does Director Sha know about this case? Can you tell us about it.”

"Oh, we've neglected this." Sha Qingqing said politely, thought for a while, and said, "Special commissioner, what you are talking about is a few vicious burglary and murder cases that happened just now. The victims are also A person with a certain family background, or a person with a certain status. In fact, in this case, we had secretly arrested a person a week ago. Through this person, we can determine that this was not done by a strongman, but by a little devil. Spy.

Because at the very beginning, the victim was the owner of Datong Grain and Oil Company, Liang Miaomiao's family, using the same method.And Liang Miaomiao's family is still very patriotic.Although the business is not small, the family has money, but they do not forget the feelings of the family and the country. They often donate a large amount of food, and even when conditions permit, it is relatively stable. Every once in a while, they donate to the brothers in the front line. They provide free military rations, quilts and other materials.So when we learned that their family was killed, we took it very seriously.

And it's also because Boss Liang's family regularly donates supplies to the local government departments and the front lines.So from the very beginning, we already suspected that this was not an ordinary burglary and homicide case.It is very likely that the spies took the assassination action after learning about Boss Liang's behavior.Thereby creating panic and reducing the help provided to us by businessmen from the country like Mr. Liang.

Therefore, after we learned about this case, we immediately dispatched an investigation team to start investigating the case. In the end, the investigation team passed various clues.Locked a person, how to say this person...the value is there, but limited.We directly gave him a big punishment, but after receiving the punishment, this guy started to spit out gradually.But what this kid explained was not comprehensive.Moreover, the punishment was too severe when he woke up from the cold, which caused him to be incapable of functioning as soon as he started spitting.So there is not much to explain.However, we can judge from his limited confession that one hundred percent, this is the assassination activity adopted by the little devil. "

"En." Fan Keqin didn't speak immediately after hearing this, but took out a cigarette, handed it to Sha Qingqing, and lit one himself to take a puff.Then he said: "Now, what's new in this case, can you explain it to us in detail?"

Sha Qingqing also took a puff of cigarette, and said: "This is natural. The two are special commissioners from the headquarters. Even if it is kept secret, it is definitely not for the two of you." After saying this, Sha Qingqing paused, and then He said: "How about this? Although I know the progress of the matter, as for the specific progress, I think the leader of the investigation team, Li Jian, is much clearer than me. He should still be in the bureau now, how about I put It called up, how about giving a detailed explanation to the two of you?"

Fan Keqin replied: "Then thank you Director Sha."

"Hey, the commissioner is being polite to me, Sha. Haha." Sha Qingqing stood up with a smile, came to her desk, grabbed a telephone receiver next to her, dialed a few numbers, and said after connecting: "Hello , I’m Sha Qingqing, is the team leader Li Jian here?...Okay, let him come to my office right away. Well, now.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

In this way, several people waited for about two minutes, and there was a knock on the door.Sha Qingqing's secretary opened the door and walked in with a man in his mid-thirties.

This man is not tall, about [-] to [-] meters.But the body is quite burly.It belongs to the axle man of the Japanese typeface.What is the Japanese font?Do you know Fido, known as the Czar of Fighting and the strongest in six billion?There seems to be no muscle mass in the whole body.But the power is great, very capable of fighting.Fido is a typical Japanese font.There are also refrigerators.Anyone with this body type, as long as they train scientifically, the speed of progress is superior to that of ordinary people.

And this guy, Fan Keqin could clearly see swollen ears.The jargon is called wow ear.It's just that after regular training, the ears seem to be swollen, which is a unique thing for masters.Those who have this kind of ears are generally very good at playing.

This short man is also the leader of the investigation team, so Fan Keqin can obviously come to a conclusion that this man should be very strong in both investigation ability and skill.

As soon as this person came in, he immediately came to the front, snapped to attention, and said, "I've seen the station master. I've seen some distinguished guests."

Apparently, this person didn't know the identity of Fan Keqin and others, so he didn't address him as an officer, but as a distinguished guest.

"Come on, Captain Li. Let me introduce you." Sha Qingqing waved his hand and said, "These two are from the General Administration just arrived here, Commissioner Wan Shijie and Commissioner Zhang Jiaren. These two are here to supervise I work in the Changsha Bureau, and I attach great importance to the serial robbery and homicide case you are in charge of. Moreover, the two commissioners are very high-level. Before investigation, I have already speculated that this case is not simple. It may be What the spies said. This is completely consistent with the situation we have now. Captain Li, you have to explain the whole case to the two special commissioners in detail. There must be no negligence."

"Yes!" Li Jian immediately stood up again.

Fan Keqin shook hands with him with a smile, and said, "Then I will trouble Team Leader Li, let's sit down and talk."

Several people were seated again, and Li Jian was very straightforward, and directly introduced the case.It turned out that apart from Liang Miaomiao's family at the beginning, there were as many as four cases that had been completely merged, that is, cases where the murderer was identified as a gang.The reason why these four cases were determined to be the work of a group of people is because the process of their burglary and murder is very similar.

The deceased in the other four cases were, to some extent, the same as Liang Miaomiao.They are all people with lofty ideals who have made certain contributions to the front line, or to the local area, or to their home country.Although not all businessmen like Liang Miaomiao.Take the example of an official from the Material Management Bureau who died recently.

The officials of the Material Distribution Bureau are still very capable. It can be said that under his overall distribution, all kinds of materials are distributed reasonably and continuously enter various departments, making the operation of each department very smooth...

(End of this chapter)

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