spy ace

Chapter 1724 Analysis

Chapter 1724 Analysis
In the evening, in the big box of Xiangweiju, Sha Qingqing introduced the people present to Fan Keqin and Huazhang one by one.Basically all the people present this time were key members of the Changsha Bureau, a total of a dozen or so.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang also got to know them. After three glasses of wine, the atmosphere naturally became active.In this way, when it is over, it can be said that the host and guest enjoy themselves.

The place where Fan Keqin and Huazhang live now has also become the place where the Changsha Bureau receives and arranges.A small villa not far from the Security Bureau.

This place was originally the residence of a little devil businessman, but when the war broke out, the other party just ran away.The military command moved faster, so it stopped this place.

Later, the Security Bureau was established, and this place was assigned to the Security Bureau.Basically, it has become a place where important officials and guests live.

The inside of the house is still very good, all new style furniture and decoration.You can live directly without carrying a bag, which is extremely convenient.However, Fan Keqin and Huazhang were still a little worried, and checked the important places in the house.I didn't find any problems, so I washed them one after another.

After coming out, Fan Keqin took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, got two glasses and sat in the living room on the second floor, and handed a glass to Hua Zhang next to him.

Of course, it is normal to find no problems.After all, this place is not the office building of the Changsha Bureau, but a place to receive important guests and officials.For example, if Sun Guoxin from the General Administration came here on a business trip, he would basically be arranged to live here.Under such circumstances, does the Changsha Bureau dare to use means in this villa, such as installing monitoring equipment?Sun Guoxin found out that Sha Qingqing was dead if he didn't clean up.

Huazhang is a woman, so even though she was toasted at the dinner, pretending to be a gentleman in front of a beautiful woman is something men are willing to do.Besides, Huazhang is still a special commissioner, so the person toasting must at least say "I did it, you can do whatever you want." Who can really drink her wine.

This was even more so for Fan Keqin, the two special commissioners seemed to be dominated by him.It is a toast to a toast, but I also dare not drink too hard.But on this occasion, if you don't drink, it seems a bit hypocritical.Originally, Fan Keqin was a good drinker, so he would save face for anyone who clinked glasses with him.Therefore, everyone in the Changsha Bureau had a pretty good impression of him.

Putting the wine aside, Fan Keqin said: "Now we have found the spy's tail, I hope they can catch it. If the clues are broken again, then we can only study a few other cases." After taking a sip of wine, Turning around, he asked, "Have you read the other cases?"

"Look." Huazhang also took a sip from his wine glass, and said, "Basically, there are no clues in other cases. But one thing is for sure, the clues that Li Jian has obtained now can actually be copied to other cases, and the interviews can also be done. You can try it in the surrounding areas of several other crimes. However, the clothes may not be the same, so whether it will work or not is still a matter of discussion.”

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "Have you noticed? In the first case, when Liang Miaomiao's family was killed, although no decent clues were found at the crime scene, the traces of blood splattered at the scene It can be seen from the photos. According to the subsequent cases, the handling is not beautiful."

Hua Zhang agreed: "Well, in the next few cases, there are almost no traces of splatter. Even if there is bleeding, it is the appearance of the blood flowing to the ground after the person arrives and slowly spreading."

Fan Keqin said: "So this group of spies made rapid progress. In the last case, even the blood was gone. Except for one of the deceased who was physically fit, everyone else died on the sofa, in the bedroom, or on the bed. It can be seen that when the person was killed, there was no blood on the ground, thus avoiding any possibility of secondary contamination."

"The healthy deceased was a bodyguard." Huazhang said: "The file says that according to the investigation, this guy was not weak in his life. He had protected his employer for more than half a year, and escaped a gang fight that he was accidentally involved in. But the employer has no business at all." He didn’t suffer. But he should have died the quickest. He was one of the first to die, or even the first one. A knife was inserted into the side of the neck, and then thrown on the ground. He was also the only one with a lot of blood stained on the ground.”

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "The spies have done investigations and know that this bodyguard has certain skills, so when they killed him again, they didn't pay so much attention. That's why this situation was created. But this one is very accurate. , and you don't see anything wrong?"

"What?" Hua Zhang didn't understand what Fan Keqin meant.

Fan Keqin said: "When two sides are fighting, especially when one of them has a sharp knife in his hand, it is possible to kill a person instantly with a fatal blow. But more often, even a knife stabbed in the heart People will not die instantly. Even the human body will automatically avoid, sway back and forth, and dodge, so as to avoid the deadly part of itself. In this way, the occurrence of one-shot death will be very rare."

"That's right." Huazhang said, "I understand now that you've said that. Is this guy... unprepared, or does he know the murderer? Or, does this family know the murderer?"

"I can't rule out this possibility." Fan Keqin said, "How did he die? A knife was stabbed into the side of his neck. There were no other injuries on his body. It looked clean and tidy, but it also exposed the situation of the man with the knife. .

As I said before, if it is facing each other head-on, no matter how powerful a person is with a knife, it is impossible for a person to stay still and insert it into the side of the neck all at once, which requires an arc.What's more, the bodyguard's arm was not injured, which means that he didn't even raise his arm to block it.Is this the bodyguard who stretches out his hands?Therefore, the spy who killed him with a knife must have struck from behind, or from the side. Then the bodyguard didn't see it, so naturally his body didn't have any reaction to dodge or block, and he was stabbed into it with a knife. neck. "

Huazhang said: "This rumored bodyguard with good skills would not be so vigilant. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would not turn his back on someone. At least he would not turn his back on someone for a long time. So you I just said that the family of the deceased may have known this group of spies?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "In Beiping, we killed a few second generations in a small villa in the local municipal compound. Even if the opponent didn't reach out, I forced the frontal kill, and I only used the opponent..."

(End of this chapter)

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