spy ace

Chapter 1726 think

Chapter 1726 Recall
Fan Keqin went on to say: "This is our chance to catch them. As for Pinmingxuan and Xiangrou Restaurant, if the little devil's spies in these two places really used them, they will have no time to clear up the traces."

He said this, and several others apparently agreed.Therefore, the next few people are very patiently waiting for the results of the investigation.

Li Jian got the information after three o'clock, and then he returned to the Changsha Bureau to report after finishing the arrangement.Therefore, the investigators went to Pinmingxuan and Xiangrou Restaurant, and after more than an hour, nearly two hours of detailed questioning.Finally, around [-]:[-], I called the Changsha Bureau.

After answering the call, Li Jian immediately made a decision to ask them to bring back the two people who responded to the situation.

After a while, the agents of the Changsha Bureau brought the two information providers back to the Changsha Bureau.However, although these two boys were also a little scared, they were not that scared.After all, the agents of the Changsha Bureau explained to them when they brought them back, and even told them according to Li Jian that as long as the information provided was useful, they would each be rewarded.

Therefore, the fear of these two people who provided information is only Xiaoping's fear of the government in this era.It's just instinct.This will be left to future generations, as long as you don't commit crimes, who will be afraid of anyone?

The agents of the Changsha Bureau first placed one person in the reception room, and led the other directly to the chief's office upstairs.One of the agents said: "These are the officers of our bureau. What did you tell me just now? Just report to the officers. If you think of anything else, you can say it."

Sha Qingqing smiled, seeing that the other party was dressed like a shop assistant, and his waist was still a little stiff.So he said: "Don't be nervous, little brother, let's sit down and smoke a cigarette, and talk slowly. Did they tell you? As long as you speak well and are useful to us, it is meritorious service. Huh? And criminals , the party state will not treat the land badly. That is, you can get the land with rewards."

Hearing what he said, and the fact that the agent next to him actually led him to sit down and light a cigarette, the shop assistant really didn't feel so nervous.It's just that I didn't dare to lean directly on the sofa, just sitting halfway.

After taking a puff of cigarette, he said: "Well, Mr. Li, he often comes to our tea tasting hall. He is a regular customer and he is very familiar with him. Besides, he is friendly to our shop assistants and so on. So we are in the tea tasting Xuan's people who serve him also care about him from the bottom of their hearts. The last time... about four or five days... five days ago, I saw Mr. Li drinking tea with someone.

Normally, when Mr. Li came over, he was alone, and it was the same that day.But when I went up to refill Mr. Li's water, I found him sitting with another person, so I paid attention.I didn't think about anything else at the time, so I didn't pay attention to what they said.But it seems that the two of them are not very familiar with each other, but the conversation seems to be pretty good.I went back after refilling the water.

Wait for about an hour or so... When Mr. Li paid the bill, he fought with that person to pay, and then left together.In addition, it seems that Mr. Li and the other person seem to be quite happy.I didn't hear the other words clearly, but there was a sentence in it, Mr. Li also said: You are so patriotic, what's wrong with me paying the bill.It seems to be such a sentence. "

"Hmm." Fan Keqin listened and asked, "Other than that? Have you seen this person before?"

"No." The clerk said, "I can be sure of that."

Huazhang next to him asked at this time: "Is there anyone else with them that day? Or are there any more new faces coming to your Pinming Pavilion?"

"There should be a few." The store clerk recalled: "But there are not many. Our store is located on the brick and tile street, and the officers know that it is not too busy. So there are not many customers, we all Most of them do business with neighbors in the neighborhood. But it can't be said that there are no new faces.

I can't remember what happened that day, but in my impression, there should be only a few new faces.And it seems that there is no intersection with Mr. Li or another person. "

"Hmm." Fan Keqin asked again: "Can you remember that person? Dress, height and appearance, are there any characteristics, such as a long beard or something?"

"That's not it." The shop assistant said: "But I can definitely recognize him when I see him. After all, I have a better impression of the person who is with Mr. Li. Hmm...sharp face, small eyes, um...wearing It's quite elegant, relatively high-grade, white shirt, black suit pants, and shoes I didn't notice, but they should be black leather shoes. I also have a black leather briefcase in my hand. Anyway, this suit, including the briefcase, is It’s quite new. The hair is also waxed, and it looks like a high-end person.”

Fan Keqin said: "When did this person come, and when did Mr. Li come?"

"Oh. Let me think about it." The shop clerk put the cigarette in his mouth, took a puff very slowly, and then exhaled a puff of smoke: "He came before, and Mr. Li came later. Mr. Li probably came It's less than six o'clock, maybe around five fifty, which is no different from usual. And that well-dressed man...it should be five o'clock, or around four forty, anyway, it's almost five o'clock, About this time.

When he came, the man asked for a dried fruit plate.A pot of tea is here... No, I forgot.I really didn't pay attention to other things. "

Fan Keqin said: "Then when he came, um... during the period before and after he entered your tea tasting hall, were those strange guests here? Didn't you say that there were also a few strangers that day?"

"Ah... yes, yes." The store clerk said, "It seems that there was one, a few minutes before this person came, I didn't pay attention to the specific time... came in. It seems that there is another one, maybe after he came in It was ten minutes, or how long it took to come in. But I'm not sure."

Several people looked at each other and felt that Fan Keqin's control of the details was too precise.It's just not letting go at all.Following Fan Keqin, he asked about the clothes of the other unfamiliar faces, but it was a pity that the shop assistant didn't pay much attention to the other unfamiliar faces.Can't remember much.But the age is not too old, they are basically in their thirties, and there is another age that should be twenty-six or seventeen...

(End of this chapter)

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