spy ace

Chapter 1731 Continuous Discovery

Chapter 1731 Continuous Discovery
An agent of the Changsha Bureau stood by the window.And the point in front of him was reserved for the guy at the Fragrant Meat Restaurant.The two people are not side by side, but slightly sideways, so that they can both get a view without exposing their bodies at the window.

"Here comes a man of the right age." The Changsha bureau agent said, "He's walking forward, wearing a coat and carrying a bag. Do you see it?"

"Well, I'm watching." The clerk of the Fragrant Meat Restaurant held a telescope and was also carefully identifying it.But after taking a look, he said, "It's not him."

Hearing this, the Changsha Bureau agent had just put down his binoculars when he saw another person approaching from the left. He immediately raised the binoculars to his eyes and said, "Here comes another one whose age matches... very similar, hurry up." Click to see if it is."

When the agent said "very similar", he already had a faint feeling in his heart that the person who came this time should be the target he was looking for.Although the angle of view is not very complete, only half of the other person's face can be seen, but the exposed part is actually quite similar to the person in the portrait.

Sure enough, the clerk of the Fragrant Meat Restaurant held up his binoculars and looked at it for a while, and said: "It's him, that's him. The person who came to eat the Fragrant Meat Pot with Mr. Li that day is definitely this person... just dressed differently , That day he was wearing a white shirt and trousers, carrying a briefcase, dressed like a nobleman. Today his hair is not pomade. He is dressed casually."

"Are you sure?" The Changsha Bureau agent asked again just to be on the safe side.

"Sure." The store clerk at the Fragrant Meat Restaurant said, "It's him who can't make mistakes."

After being affirmed by the clerk at the Fragrant Meat Restaurant, the agent said without looking back: "Call the team leader, we have found the target." After speaking, he still held up the binoculars, looked at the target, and disappeared into the In the unit door.From the windows on the first and a half floors and the second and a half floors, this figure appeared again.Then it disappeared completely.

In this way, it is certain that this guy should live in a certain household on the third floor.And according to the information found in the recommendation office, this kid should live somewhere on the third floor.This is right.

An agent sitting on the single sofa in the house immediately picked up the phone at hand when he heard it, and called the Changsha Bureau...

Soon, not only Li Jian, Fan Keqin, Hua Zhang, Sha Qingqing and the others also knew about it.

Li Jian said: "Boss, the two special commissioners, now that we have found this kid, we mainly follow the plan to keep an eye on him. Through him, we can follow the clues and find his other accomplices. It's just...another place, do we need to monitor him?" Withdrew?"

Sha Qingqing thought for a while, and said: "I understand what you mean. There are too many surveillance points, which will give the other party a chance to notice. But I don't think there is any need to withdraw."

After finishing speaking, Sha Qingqing looked at Fan Keqin and the two of them.Huazhang also said: "Director Sha is right. We just set up a surveillance point. If we withdraw now, it will mean frequent activities. This will increase the chance of the other party's detection."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, don't withdraw. Why did he set up two places? It must be of some use. Just let the brothers keep a low profile and monitor. Don't expose it. In addition, now keep an eye on this person and let No. [-] Surveillance point, find out how many people are in the target's house. But there is no need to actively investigate, just pay attention when monitoring again. His every move must be within our sight."

Sha Qingqing nodded, and said: "Brother Wan is right, Team Leader Li, you just ask someone to stare at the other party now, and report any situation at any time."

"Yes." Li Jian stood up and said.

Report at any time, that is, no matter what actions the other party makes, they must know.And for the next two days, the spy who had been secretly monitored went out every day as if he couldn't stay.First, I met a guy at a noodle shop in Dafu District.

And when they meet, they are back to back, as if they don't know each other.But he was already being targeted after all. Although the Changsha Bureau agents did not follow him into the noodle restaurant, they saw him eating back to back with a person diagonally across from the noodle restaurant through the window.

Although they still couldn't see the two of them talking, this back-to-back pattern was suspicious in the eyes of the Changsha Bureau agents.So when this guy came out after eating, he secretly followed.It turned out that this guy lived on Yifan Street on the north side of the Central District.

And then, the next day, it was discovered that although this guy was working in the North District, it was Lauder Trading Co. in the southwest direction.According to the time, it is very normal for this guy to appear in the noodle restaurant in Dafu District to eat noodles.Because that time is the time to get off work.

But his home, the location of his work unit, and the noodle shop are completely wrong in terms of location.Those who came out of the unit went the opposite direction first came to Dafu District to eat noodles, and then walked back, the direction was simply wrong.

In this case, if ordinary people see it, they will not doubt it. At most, the other party will say: I just like this, and the noodles in this store taste good to me.It can be dismissed completely, and no one will doubt it.But the agents of the Changsha Bureau don't think so.

The first thing they set up is that this person has a problem.Coupled with the itinerary of eating noodles that are completely different, there is no problem, so something went wrong.Your rationale is useless.

So now, this noodle eater has directly become a suspect.Fan Keqin arranged for Li Jian to use tricks on him.

Except for this noodle eater.In the past two days, the spy who was following Huaying Graphics also met another group of people.Three people to be exact.This group of boys gathered in a fly restaurant where only people from the bottom of the Dafu District would get together.

This fly restaurant is very dilapidated, but the place is not too small.When it's time to eat, there are often those who carry the work and pull their feet.People who work hard come to have a drink, get together to brag or something.

When the agents of the Changsha Bureau saw this place, they felt even more wrong.Because it doesn't matter if the other party comes to this place, you can't say that this restaurant is a restaurant for flies, so you can't come to some people with a little bit of class.Because some fly restaurants taste really good, and they can really attract some high-end people who come here just for this bite.

However, the agents of the Changsha Bureau have confirmed that this kid is the one who came into contact with Mr. Li, so all his actions must have a deep meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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