spy ace

Chapter 1749

Chapter 1749
After all, the little devils at that time didn't dare to go in swaggeringly.Later, although the concession was returned to the French again, it was done on purpose to show others.If they want to go in, they can go in anytime.

After that, the nine-person assassination team traveled to many places, specializing in assassination operations.Came to Changsha not long ago.It is said that the wind in Changsha is still very tight, whether it is the police or special departments, the investigation is quite strict.

That's why they changed their style and stopped engaging in "clear killing". The reason for saying this is because if the assassination continues, for example, keep a close eye on a target, follow the opponent to a certain place, touch two shots, turn around and leave .After the investigation, based on the identity of the target, the occasion of the death, the situation at the scene, etc., it will be analyzed that this seems to be an assassination.As for the assassination, the assassination organization of the spies must have done it, or there is a high probability that they did it.

Therefore, in the operation in Changsha, the leader of the nine-man group of the spy assassination organization changed his style and sneaked directly into the target's home, killing everyone in the target's home.Then, take away the valuable notes or gold and silver jewelry from the target's home.And when searching, they didn't hide the traces much.In this way, after the event, investigators will judge based on these traces that this is a robbery and homicide case.

Because not all cases are investigated by the military command, or by the Security Bureau.In most cases, the police first came to investigate.According to the regulations, the police first investigated the scene and found that the target's family members were dead, and then the valuables were also missing.Therefore, first of all, I will be inclined to burglary and homicide in my heart.I don't think directly about the spy assassination organization.

In addition, this technique can also create panic.In a city, someone was robbed, and the whole family suffered.Will ordinary citizens be dissatisfied?Then it becomes worried that they will suffer, especially those with a little family background.After hearing that another family has been killed, will you feel anxious?So the suspicious self scares himself?
That's it, the spy assassination group of nine, in more than a week, made several cases in a row.And indeed they achieved their purpose.They wanted to add another fire, so that the city of Changsha would be completely plunged into terror.

But they didn't realize that the fire didn't wait for it to burn, but burned themselves into it instead.They haven't even thought about it yet, how could the other party find their own group in such a short period of time.

It is impossible for the people in the Changsha Bureau to explain anything to them, so you only need to answer the questions.From the mouth of the leader of this group of spy assassination organizations, he had to really get some key clues.

That is the spy who works in a trading company in the north of the city. The reason why he can come to meet with them is to convey the basic information of a valuable target.That is the information of Nie Shaoyu's family.

Seeing Fan Keqin here, he noticed the spies on another line. Why was he able to get in touch with the Assassination Nine?There must be something going on here.In other words, the spy assassination team has the ability to contact another spy intelligence team that infiltrated in Changsha.

Then I looked down, and sure enough, the people in the Changsha bureau also noticed this.The leader of the assassination group of nine and the statement of the liaison officer clearly stated this point.And they can also confirm each other.That is the leader of the spy assassination organization, and there is indeed a way to contact the spy intelligence team on another local line.

He asked the liaison officer to post a notice of missing relatives a few days ago.The location is Changsha Daily.On the third day after the liaison officer published the revelation, sure enough, I got a reply in the same Changsha Daily.This means that the spy intelligence team on another line has agreed to contact them.

Afterwards, according to the agreed code word, it will be published on it.Then ask the other party to provide a piece of valuable target information.When he was in contact with the spy intelligence team on the other line, he also completed the last assassination before.

This is how the liaison officer who assassinated the Nine met up with the spies on the other line to eat noodles back-to-back in that noodle restaurant.

After reading the entire statement, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang didn't care about some of the content.For example, where did this group of people receive training, when did they come to China, and what people did they meet.Met those other spies and all.These are the things that the Changsha Bureau will do in the future.

But among them, publishing newspapers and contacting another line, Fan Keqin felt that it was the top priority.But there are also certain difficulties.

After several people read the confession, they did not wait for Fan Keqin and Huazhang to speak.Sha Qingqing frowned and said first: "This group of assassination organizations contacted the spies on another line through Changsha Daily. We have now taken down the spies who were connected. It is a pity that there is no way to directly find the spies through him. Other spies on the line. Now that we have this contact method through Changsha Daily, we have made some progress again."

Having said that, Sha Qingqing paused, looked at Fan Keqin and said, "That's...there is no other way but to contact Changsha Daily, if we go to the newspaper according to this situation. The spies on this line , Will Jing Yi Xiaoyun still come to make contact? If so, they will definitely find that Jing Yi Xiaoyun is gone. They can’t get in touch. They may find that our contact is fake.”

Huazhang, who was next to Fan Keqin, listened, and said: "I think it should be fine. It is true that Jingyi Xiaoyun has been arrested, and he can only contact his upline through the dead mailbox. However, we have now mastered the method of the dead mailbox." , if we publish the newspaper, as long as there are no flaws in the content, then even if the spies on this line ask Jing Yi Xiaoyun to convey the message again, and if no new spy members are sent to pass the message, then the other party will inevitably restart Dead mailbox. Now, we only need to keep an eye on the dead, the park on Zuoshan Road Street, and the Asian Cinema. So as long as the spy on this line really wants to contact Jing Yi Xiaoyun, we will be able to find out who is Who, come to the dead mailbox to put the message."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, another situation is that if the spies on this line don't send Jing Yi Xiaoyun, they lead others. That's no problem, we will also find new Japanese spies. Spies. As long as the arrangement is ingenious, I believe that we can still follow the vines and catch all the spies on this line."

(End of this chapter)

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