spy ace

Chapter 1758

Chapter 1758
You move so much, what's the use?As soon as you raise the knife, before it falls, the opponent's weapon has already pierced your body.

Later people made martial arts mysterious, one set of one set, what kind of use of force to fight, kite turning over.To put it bluntly, it's useless.The best martial arts must be the most direct.A punch and a kick are all the shortest distance.Then according to the situation, maybe there is a little arc or something, such as swinging punches and the like.

Of course, people made martial arts so mysterious later on, so it’s not useless. It’s still possible to strengthen the body and lay the foundation, such as body flexibility.But hitting people must be the most direct kind, which is the best way to use it.

It's a one-man combat technique, but the principle is exactly the same when used in surprise arrests and breaking into doors.Uncomplicated, very straightforward!As soon as the door opened, he swished in and swooped in, pounced on anyone he saw.

If you can, you can also yell, which can also play a psychological deterrent effect.After all, no matter who it is, if he suddenly hears a loud roar, he will probably tremble.Later generations have seen some documentaries. For example, when a certain department suddenly entered a room to arrest people, they would yell "Don't move!" This is the reason!
No matter how strong your mental quality is, when you are unprepared, when a loud roar sounds, he may not be really afraid, but the normal reaction of the human body is to tremble.

But not now, it is a secret arrest, the less movement the better.Kicking the door was already the limit. After a group of agents rushed in, they saw a kid at the table, shoveling rice into his mouth.

But because the door was kicked open, the kid sat on the stool, twisted his body, and looked back.But that's about it.You're still sitting, unless you're as explosive as Superman.Otherwise, the agents of the Changsha bureau would have rushed at him.What counterattack action can he make?Do you really think everyone is the leader of a spy assassination organization?So powerful?
In fact, having said that, the dizziness of the spy assassination team at that time was also due to the factors of the house environment, the journey was relatively long, and the action was about to take place, the vigilance must be much higher than this kid now.Otherwise, the leader of the spy assassination organization may not be able to fire those shots.

The first agent hugged each other directly, and the second agent rushed up and hugged him on the other side as well.The third person rushed up, and it was directly two consecutive cannon punches.

The target in the middle who was arrested this time is being controlled by two big men, one on the left and one on the right.What other effective resistance or dodge actions can the body make?As a result, there were two muffled bangs, the eyes rolled up from the beating, and there was a sound of gasping in the throat, and the body also went limp.

The spies at the back connected very quickly, holding the handcuffs and directly handcuffing the opponent's wrists and ankles.Also, just in case, the neckline was ripped off in a "stab-stab!" manner.

In fact, this kind of sudden arrest does not need to tear off the collar every time.Yes, there are some spies who would rather die than be caught.But what is the situation?Because latent spies usually don't carry guns, and the same is true for poison used for suicide.It was nothing at first, but an accident caused someone to see the poison.what?You just kill yourself.Originally, if you didn't bring poison, even if someone saw the inside of your collar, or something in your pocket, it would be nothing at all.But you have to carry poison, isn't that the same as courting death!
And this is the situation now, he doesn't even know that he is about to be arrested, so what is he doing with a poison in his collar or mouth?If you bite through the outer skin, do you think you died unjustly?So don't believe what is written in film and television works, or in literary novels, which always carry poison or something.Impossible.

Of course, what is said here is that it is impossible to carry poison "at all times", but there are indeed many spies who have suicide drugs.It depends on the situation.For example, if you want to complete a very dangerous task, you must act immediately.Then you prepare a poison ahead of time to keep in your collar, or somewhere convenient to swallow.this is normal.

But if it is normal, you always carry it, for example, you are lurking in a company as an accountant.In fact, you are the liaison officer of the spy organization.Yes!You must have poison for suicide.But you are an accountant, when you have no tasks, you carry poison every day?Unless you are sick!That's a really safe situation, and you're putting yourself at risk of exposure because you're carrying poison.

After getting hold of this kid, Li Jian immediately gave an order, and everyone raised their hands and feet, and quickly withdrew from the room again.From entering to exiting, they didn't even spend ten seconds.Maybe seven or eight seconds.This is because it takes more time to put on the handcuffs and lift people out, otherwise, it may be faster.

It was also because it was so fast, and the neighbors on the left and right were not disturbed.Quickly arrived downstairs, the agents carrying people didn't stop at all, and went straight out.There was already a pick-up vehicle waiting at the door, so he threw the person into the vehicle, and then returned to the Changsha Bureau to finish the job.

On the other hand, Li Jian did not go out immediately, but came to the concierge who was under control, swept the other party up and down coldly, and said: "I warn you, we have fully grasped your identity now. And when we arrived Come here, you can't tell anyone. Including your family. Otherwise, as long as the wind leaks, I will definitely lead someone to find you. And severely punish you. Understand?"

What dare the concierge say?I could only nod my head again and again, and kept saying "Don't dare".

Li Jian nodded and said, "Very well, just pretend we haven't been here before, and just be what we usually are." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and with a Changsha bureau agent who had been watching the porter here, Also walked out of this residential building directly.

The spy car had already started, so Li Jian got into his own car without delay.All the way back to the Changsha bureau.

When he arrived at the place, he ordered the spies to be taken to the torture room for preparation, while he quickly went upstairs to the director's office.Tell the situation to Fan Keqin, Hua Zhang and Sha Qingqing.

Fan Keqin said: "Then don't delay. Now that you are ready, let's start the interrogation immediately. Go straight to the big punishment. What we are fighting now is the time difference."

"Understood." Li Jian glanced at Sha Qingqing again, and said, "The director, the two special commissioners, will go down from humble positions now..."

(End of this chapter)

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