spy ace

Chapter 1762 Main Objectives

Chapter 1762 Main Objectives
Hongxing Company is a force secretly established by the Security Bureau in the Hong Kong Island Operation Office.Because of the financial support of the Security Bureau, the scale of Hongxing Company is not small, and it is a medium-sized commercial company.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang walked around Hongxing Company for a few times, and after they didn't ask any questions, they asked Huazhang to stay in the coffee shop diagonally opposite, on the second floor, while he himself stepped into the gate of Hongxing Company.

There is a front desk at the entrance of Hongxing Company, and a little girl behind it.When you see someone coming, start asking questions immediately.Fan Keqin said: "I have made an appointment with Director Kang of the Business Office. You just say that my surname is Wan, and Director Kang will know."

"Okay sir, please wait a moment." After the girl at the front desk said something, she picked up the internal phone and dialed a number. After a while, she said a few words, and when she put down the phone, she said to Fan Keqin: "Mr. Wan, Director Kang invites you to his office on the second floor."

"Second floor, okay, thank you." Fan Keqin thanked, turned around and walked up the side stairs.When he got to the second floor and walked along the corridor, he noticed that there were signs on the office doors on both sides.Soon I found the door with the words "Director of Business Office".He stretched out his hand and knocked, and after the sound of please come in, Fan Keqin twisted the handle and walked in.

This office is not big, about twelve square meters.There are not many office supplies inside, just a long sofa next to it, and then there is a desk on the opposite side by the window, and behind the desk is a man in his thirties wearing a striped suit.

Fan Keqin glanced at him and immediately recognized that it was Kang Changming, the captain of the Second Brigade, his field team.

Seeing that Kang Changming actually came, Fan Keqin was even more puzzled about the mission on Hong Kong Island.

When Kang Changming saw Fan Keqin coming in, he immediately got up and said, "Brother Wan, you're here."

"En." Fan Keqin came to him and said, "Why are you here? I thought Director Kang was someone else."

Kang Changming said in a low voice: "Not only I am here, but the tiger is also here. For this mission." While speaking, he took out a cigarette and lit it for Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin took a puff and said, "When did it happen?"

"A week ago." Kang Changming said: "After Tiger and I came, I directly entered Hongxing Company as a temporary director. It was all personally arranged by the bureau chief. Tiger went to Three Arches, where he worked as a temporary director. The head of the newly established Scorpion Tail Hall. But this is all temporary, after completing this task, we will all go back. There will be a new person to take over the position."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin asked, "What mission? How did you get involved with the gang?"

"By the way." Kang Changming said: "After the fall of Hong Kong Island, a Japanese gang named Xingxingbu entered Hong Kong Island. It is said that this Xingxingbu is a force of the Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi. But One piece of information cannot be confirmed. However, after the Xingxing Department entered the local area, it basically preempted singing and dancing, movies, actors, nightclubs, bars, and other entertainment and performing arts, and developed very rapidly. There must be support from the little devils behind. "

Speaking of this, Kang Changming also lit a cigarette for himself, and then continued: "Brother Wan, when the bureau chief sent people with low-ranking positions over, he simply mentioned it. He said that there are some brothers on Hong Kong Island who sneaked into the city." I guess, it may be that the Xingxing Department is too strong, so it has compressed the living space of many local forces, making it difficult for our brothers in the gang to survive. Especially those who are engaged in the entertainment industry Gangs. So, is it something to do with that?"

This was Kang Changming's own speculation, but he didn't know exactly what it was.But Fan Keqin felt that Kang Changming's speculation should be close to ten.Because before his last business trip, he had obtained some intelligence summary from Hong Kong Island.One of them is that the Xingxing Department is rapidly expanding in Hong Kong Island, which is highly suspected of being a little devil's force.

Fan Keqin asked Kang Changming to continue, and the latter said: "The main task this time is a local official of the little devil. It is the little devil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the director of the Department of Affairs Control established on Hong Kong Island, Okada Sendaro.

This Okada Sentaro, objectively speaking, is very capable.Especially the big picture is very strong.It has been a week since I entered Hong Kong Island, and I can already feel it.

This little devil is very poisonous, and what he does is silent.How chaotic is Hong Kong Island now?Many of the various forces in the dark have participated in the Hong Kong Island Affairs Control Department.Let the locals attack and kill each other by themselves, the chaos is extreme.And the effect is indeed achieved!This is how it is locally.Many anti-Japanese forces may be involved in it, but they don't have any energy to deal with the little devil.

So the headquarters issued a kill order, and this Okada Sentaro must be killed.But this kid is not easy to kill, he is either in the Hong Kong Island Affairs Commissioning Office.Or in the mansion in Tsim Sha Tau, south of Yau Tsim Mong.The security inside the mansion is also in charge of the Security Section of the Hong Kong Island Affairs Bureau.Both long and short guns are available.

Moreover, this mansion is still independent, with a wall on the outside, and then passes through a large yard before entering the three-story mansion.If you want to get in, it's really difficult to kill Okada Sentaro! "

Fan Keqin said: "Then the main task this time is to kill this Sentaro Okada! The secondary task is to bring down the Xingxingbu, a gang that looks like a gangster but is actually officially supported by the little devil?"

"Yes." Kang Changming said: "The bureau's original words are that Okada Sentaro must be killed. Respond accordingly and attack the expansion and power of the Xingxing Department."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin flicked the cigarette ash, and did not speak for the time being, but sorted out what Kang Changming said in his mind.Now I have a rough judgment.

Needless to say, the main task is very clear.Just kill Okada Sentaro.But the secondary tasks seem slightly complicated.It's not that complicated though.

To put it simply, this boy, Sentaro Okada, has a customized strategy to secretly support various local forces.For example, there are a total of ten local gangs, of which he secretly supported several, and also introduced a local Japanese force.

As for these few, today they rob the territory of individual gangs, and tomorrow they kill several members of other gangs.Or create a gang fight every now and then.As a result, Hong Kong Island was in chaos, although it is impossible for all the local anti-Japanese forces to be mixed into the gang forces.But there are indeed quite a few of them, who are lurking in the gang...

(End of this chapter)

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