spy ace

Chapter 1776 Learning to Shut Up

Chapter 1776 Learning to Shut Up
Sang Kun sarcastically said, "Who made Huo Ye, Wang Jixin and the Japanese have a deep friendship."

"Hahahaha." Master Huo laughed loudly and said, "Brother Kun, you don't have to be so cynical, you still don't seem to believe what I said. How about this? Brother Kun, as long as you agree, I'll take the Huangdaxian District where my Juhuo Gang is located. All the sites in this place will also be handed over to Brother Kun. Tomorrow, you will immediately let your brothers directly settle in Huang Daxian District, and directly take over all the business of my Juhuo Gang. I, Huo Yan, will do it!"

Hearing what he said, Ah Gou next to him turned his eyes and said, "Boss..."

But before he finished speaking, Sang Kun gave Agou a hard look, and the latter immediately closed his mouth.Sangkun said: "Lord Huo is indeed generous, but we don't agree with each other. Keep these things, Lord Huo, and don't throw them away." Following him, he looked at Agou next to him and said, "Agou, let's go , if anyone stops it, it's just against us, so you don't have to be polite."

"Yes! Boss." After Ah Gou answered, he waved his hand, and a group of colorful men from the Juhuo Gang also surrounded him.

The shed of this small restaurant is only that big, and as the members of the Juhuo Gang leave, the two sides will collide directly within a few steps.But at this moment, Master Huo said loudly: "I don't have eyesight, so get out of the way and send Brother Kun out."

As soon as he opened his mouth, how could the younger brothers under him not listen, and stepped aside immediately.There is a path in the middle.Sangkun took Agou and a group of his subordinates and walked out from the empty path without stopping.Turn right slightly, and you enter among several other cars parked on the side of the road.Soon, the car started and drove along the main road...

After Sangkun and his group left, the young man with gold-rimmed eyes frowned and looked at the direction the other party was leaving for a while, then turned back and said to Huo Yan: "Master Huo, why did you let the other party leave like this? Brothers It's ready, just wait for you to send a signal, and you will directly encircle it."

Huo Yan said with a cold face, "Hmph! Let's go, where can he go? Unless the gang is gone, the Japanese control all the waterways. The same is true for the airport. Could it be that he, Sangkun, can escape from Hong Kong."

As he spoke, he held the tobacco bag in his hand again, took out the tobacco from it and put it in the pipe.For the young man with gold-rimmed glasses, help him light the fire immediately.Huo Yan took two puffs of his pipe, and then continued: "And you see, even if you don't count Sangkun and Zhonggou, none of the gang members behind him are afraid. What do you mean?

It shows that this guy, Sangkun, must have something behind him.In addition, the most important thing is that I found a problem with Juhuo Gang, and it is still a big problem. "

"Oh?" asked the young man with gold-rimmed eyes, "Master Huo, what's wrong with you?"

Huo Yan sneered and said, "They're not stable internally. If we make a move today, maybe we'll force them to work together and twist into a single rope."

The young man with the gold-rimmed eyes is not stupid, otherwise he would not be Huo Yan's number one assistant.After thinking about it for a while, I finally understood.Said: "You mean... a loyal dog."

"Hmph." Huo Yan nodded, and said, "Yes, it's this loyal dog. You've also found out, when you handed them the briefcase, what does the loyal dog do after taking it over and looking at it?" ?”

The young man with gold-rimmed eyes thought for a second, and said: "At that time, he quickly turned his head and looked at Sangkun again, and said "Big Brother". This...is a manifestation of greed."

"That's right." Huo Yan said confidently: "Humans are greedy animals, whether they are greedy for money, sex, or power. Even to put it mildly, wanting to win the respect of others is a manifestation of greed. .and any greed of any kind from him is an opening for us. Now... this loyal dog is very Peeping."

The young man with gold-rimmed eyes nodded in agreement, and said, "Master Huo, how do you want to take advantage of this loyal dog's weakness?"

"It's very simple." Huo Yan took another puff of cigarette unhurriedly, and said, "Since the dog Sangkun doesn't want to eat the meaty bone we throw out, then let's throw this bone to the one who wants to eat it." Just a dog."

The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses immediately understood, lowered his voice, and said, "Then I'm making an appointment with a loyal dog?"

"Yeah." Huo Yan nodded, and said: "This time you invited Sangkun to come here, and you are the loyal dog you contacted. You have called and handed over, if you meet honestly, the loyal dog will not immediately have any hostility. But don't go right away, let them delay for two days. If Zhonggou agrees, it is tantamount to doing him a favor. If he eats the meaty bones we give, no one will suspect him. You can also put this A little bit, as a condition to persuade him, isn't it."

"Gao Ming." The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses smiled and said, "Master Huo, then just wait for my good news. In two days, I will find a private opportunity to meet Zhonggou alone."...

The convoy returned to Sham Shui Po, in the Wangfu Hotel.After stopping the car, Sang Kun got off and ordered: "Do whatever you need to do, Agou will come up with me."

As soon as the Gathering Fire Gang responded, the crowd dispersed immediately.And Sang Kun took Zhonggou directly to the general manager's office on the third floor.

The loyal dog walked at the back. After entering the house, he turned around and closed the door, and was about to turn around and say something to Sang Kun.As a result, seeing Sang Kun's angry face, he waved his hands and slapped him twice.

These two strokes are very heavy, and Zhonggou's skill is one of the best in the entire Juhuo Gang.And Sang Kun is still older than him, although he is well maintained, he looks like thirty-five or sixteen.But actually it's forty.Whether it is sensitivity or speed, it is much worse than when I was young.

Therefore, a loyal dog at its peak, even if it is in the state of being attacked, it is impossible to completely dodge, but it can also remove most of its strength through body swings and head dodges.But he still didn't dare to hide, and Sang Kun slapped him firmly with two slaps.The corner of the mouth immediately left blood.

Zhonggou was stunned, and said: "Boss, you...how are you?..."

"I still don't know why I hit you?" Sang Kun slapped him twice, his anger subsided by half, and said: "When Laohuo gave us the title deed in the briefcase, what were you doing? No. Won't you shut up when you talk? It's easy to put your own..."

(End of this chapter)

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