spy ace

Chapter 1781 Preparation Phase

Chapter 1781 Preparation Phase
(Something happened, I didn't check the typos, everyone forgive me)
Kang Changming said: "As long as we have seen it, we can continue to search."

Fan Keqin said: "I just heard from you that the brother who investigated before, his investigation methods are not bad. Let him continue to investigate and do as you said. In addition, let Tiger monitor the gang movements in the entire Hong Kong Island. Maybe, he will Find something."

Having said that, Fan Keqin stubbed out the cigarette butt, and asked: "Our brothers in the police station, is there anyone who can see those two cars? You can make arrangements, but don't let the lurking in the police station Brother, it’s hard to do. If you can’t, don’t force it. If you can, let him check those two cars carefully.”

Kang Changming asked, "Brother Wan, what do you mean... clues in those two cars?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "The brothers who investigated before saw the brake marks on the ground, and there were signs of spreading at the end. This may indeed be caused by hitting something. Another point is, why did they brake? If It is a general roadblock, I am afraid that they will not directly step on the brakes, and the brake marks will become section by section. But not now. And what can make them slam on the brakes? The answer must be a large roadblock.

If it is a large roadblock, how did this roadblock come about?car?Big logs?big Stone?If it was these things, how did they transport them when they arrived?And how did you walk when you left?

Didn't it say before that after a person died, judging by the traces of bleeding, the amount of bleeding, etc., someone found the scene [-] minutes after the person died?Twenty minutes, huh?This time is neither long nor short, but if you want to hide such a large roadblock within [-] minutes without finding any traces, then it is worth pondering.So big logs?big Stone?If such things are transported away, there must be a special cart to transport them away.

There is even a possibility that the roadblock itself is a relatively large car.Only in this way, it is convenient to block the road, and you can drive away quickly afterwards. "

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin stretched out two fingers, and said: "So there are two key directions of investigation. The first one is what happened to Sangkun's convoy. This point is probably based on the impact marks of that car. It can be judged. The second is to investigate the intersections on both sides of Dawan Road in Lion Mountain. Go and visit to see if there was a big car going to Dawan Road when the incident happened that day."

After Kang Changming heard this, he nodded immediately and said, "Brother Wan is brilliant. The second point you said also inspired the humble officials. From the corpses, it can be seen that the gunshots were very dense, indicating that there were a lot of people. So whether these people were in the past Whether to ambush or evacuate, it must be a vehicle, so this is also a direction."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded in agreement, and said, "Let's do it this way. It's very important to find out the facts. No way, what will be discovered." Following him, he looked at Kang Changming and said, "Is there anything else?" something?"

"No more." Kang Changming said, "That's the thing."

"Okay." Fan Keqin stood up and said, "Tell me about the things you planned to prepare last time. What progress have you made?"

"Yes." Kang Changming is still very common in handling things. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "From then on, I will secretly dispatch supplies according to your instructions, and according to your instructions, tell the brothers that when preparing , I would rather stop the progress than let the enemy find any clues. But so far, the brothers have done a good job, and there are no enemies to find or trace."

"En." Fan Keqin was very satisfied that Kang Changming first reported the safety issue, and motioned him to continue.

Kang Changming said: "As of last night, TNT has been counted enough, [-] kilograms per car, according to normal estimates, it is definitely enough, and the power is too much. I asked the knowledgeable brother to calculate it with data. If loaded Get into the car, and then a car passes by the bomb-laden car at a distance of ten meters. If it detonates directly at this time, then the passing car, even if it is an insurance and bulletproof car, will definitely weigh [-] kilograms. That's enough. Even if the people in the car were not directly killed by the explosion, they would still be shocked to death by the impact of the explosion. Now I have people prepare double the dose, as long as the passing car does not exceed [-] meters, then If a bomb-loaded car explodes, there is no possibility of survival in passing cars and people inside.”

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "What else."

"The car for execution." Kang Changming said: "The car loaded with the bomb is also ready, there are two cars in total. These two cars are stolen cars. But the person who stole the car is not ours. There are car thieves on Hong Kong Island who specialize in this business. Our brother has his eye on two of them. After stealing the car, our brother blocked us before selling the stolen goods. I wanted to kill them directly, but this The two boys have family members. So it means that we have a handle, so we sent them away directly. At this time, we have left Hong Kong Island. According to the time, we have passed the Shenzhen River District and are on the way to the capital. In addition, the two This kid's family also left with them separately. If they still think about the safety of their family, it is impossible for them to dare to play tricks with us on the road."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, next time there will be such a situation... Even if you don't keep your mouth shut, you will be knocked out directly, and it will be fine if you come to the dark. This way, we will not be able to find us afterwards. You're a little more merciful this time."

"Yes." Kang Changming said: "Keep the lowly position in mind. I refuse to do it again." Then he explained, "The main thing is that the two car thieves we are targeting this time are good thieves. And I used to fill in with traitors. When they were stealing cars, oh, it was before the Japanese invaded Hong Kong Island. The two of them probably hated little devils. So they stole traitors who worked for the Japanese. The car. Therefore, Humble Job spared their lives because of their somewhat meritorious service."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "And then, let's continue."

"Yes." Kang Changming said, "The two cars were hidden in the forest of Lianhua Mountain near Tsuen Wan. A brother made a disguise. He also sent two brothers to watch over them to make sure nothing would happen.

Then there is the detonator of the bomb, which was modified by the knowledgeable brother, and the shell was removed, leaving only the important parts.Smaller in size, even in the eyes of people who don't know how to do it, even if they see it..."

(End of this chapter)

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