spy ace

Chapter 1783

Chapter 1783 Triad Society

(I drank too much yesterday, my brain was a little swollen, I didn't check the typos, brothers forgive me!)
Hearing the name "Ahu", Lei Zhaohui immediately stood up and said, "Come in, please."

The other people next to him didn't know who Ah Hu was.But judging from Lei Zhaohui's reaction, the other party must be a character.

After a while, the door of the living room opened, and a man in a navy blue suit walked in from the outside.This man was about thirty, with a strong physique.The corners of the eyes are hanging, and it gives people a sense of sharpness when you look closely.It was Zhao Debiao.

"Brother Hu." Lei Zhaohui greeted him with a smile, and shook hands with Zhao Debiao.The latter nodded, looked at the other people in the room, and said, "Who are these?"

"Oh." Lei Zhaohui led his hand and said: "This is Shan Ming. My assistant, after the establishment of the Beluga Club, has helped me a lot. This is Master Qin, with very good professional ability. general manager of the business."

Finally, he helped Maria's waist and said: "This is my girlfriend, Maria. A movie actor." Then he said to the other three people: "Your name is Brother Hu."

"Yes. Brother Hu" "Brother Hu."...

Zhao Debiao said: "Okay, let's all sit down." After finishing speaking, he sat on the single sofa next to him.Looking at Lei Zhaohui, he said, "I'm looking for you this time because I want to know something, and I want Moby Whale Club to help me with something."

"Yes. Brother Hu, please tell me." Lei Zhaohui looked at Zhao Debiao.

"Which one of you knows about triads?" Zhao Debiao said, "Tell me about it."

Seeing that Zhao Debiao got straight to the point, Lei Zhaohui knew that Maria should not be allowed to stay here again.He patted his girlfriend's arm and said, "Honey, I have something to talk to Brother Hu, you can go down and arrange some lunch for us first."

"Okay." Maria also winked, nodded to Zhao Debiao, turned and walked out of the room.And after going out, he also helped to close the door.

Lei Zhaohui said: "The Triad Society is a very old gang in the local area, and it is very powerful in the Tsuen Wan area. It is not uncommon for other gangs to try to reach into Tsuen Wan, but they were all beaten out by the Triad Society. But the Triad Society The idea of ​​the association, how should I put it, is relatively conservative, that is, staying in Tsuen Wan. If no one offends me, I will not offend others. It is impossible for anyone who wants to come in. But the triads don’t come out very often, expanding their territory outward. , almost never.”

Speaking of Lei Zhaohui, he handed Zhao Debiao a cigar, looked at Shan Ming and Qin Shi with his eyes, and said, "You two often go out to talk to Brother Hu about the triad society."

"Yes." Shan Ming and Master Qin certainly didn't know Zhao Debiao's identity, but judging from Zhao Debiao's style, he should be a big boss. Lei Zhaohui would have to be called brother Hu if he didn't see the big guy.So I didn't dare to be negligent, and said: "I have called Li Bo, the boss of the triad society, several times. It is because of the performance, and there are still a few films that will be filmed in Tsuen Wan. What does Li Bo say? Bloody, daring to fight. But at the same time very cautious. Like a contradiction.

Li Bo is forty-two or thirteen years old this year, I forgot.Good relationship with wife and kids.Sometimes things are very high-profile, but sometimes, they are forward-looking and backward-looking.But his wife and children are his weakness.Last time, I went over to negotiate with him, wanting to bring my own brothers from our society into Tsuen Wan with the crew, but Li Bo disagreed.But at that time, his wife and children met Liu Dehua who happened to be with me, and he didn't like it very much.They are all Liu Dehua fans.So after knowing that we came to Tsuen Wan to shoot a film, I helped to say a few words.As a result, Li Bo immediately agreed.That's why I said, this person is sometimes difficult and very careful.However, sometimes it is very easy to talk. "

"Yes." Master Qin said next to him: "The Triad Society itself is influenced by Li Bo, and it does things similar to Li Bo in Tsuen Wan. Sometimes it is very high-profile. You can do business normally. But if you don’t like it, even if you want to take the initiative to pay more, you can’t do it. But generally speaking, the reputation of the triad society in Tsuen Wan is still good. At least I didn’t listen I said something about bullying the weak, bullying men and women.

In addition, the triads mainly deal in flesh and blood, but the girls under them are not forced.Then when you really want to do business, if you encounter some situations, the triads will really come forward to settle them.Therefore, among women in the flesh and blood business, word of mouth is very good.Even actively joined, let the triad cover.Therefore, in this line, the triads are the largest in the entire Hong Kong Island. "

"Yeah." Zhao Debiao said: "A leading company in the flesh industry."

"Hey. Yes!" Lei Zhaohui smiled and nodded.

Zhao Debiao said: "Can you arrange for me to meet Li Bo? I mean, now."

Lei Zhaohui was slightly taken aback, but he nodded immediately, and said, "Okay, Brother Hu. Then give him a call first? I'm afraid I'll be in vain if I go directly."

"Okay." Zhao Debiao said, "Let's hit one."

Lei Zhaohui agreed, got up and went to the phone next to him, first checked the address book next to him, and then dialed a number.After being connected, he said, "Hello, find Mr. Li Bo. I am Lei Zhaohui from the Beluga Club. I have something to tell Mr. Li Bo."

After waiting for a while, Lei Zhaohui said again: "Hey, it's me. How are you, Mr. Li? That's it, the purpose of my calling is to see if you are here. I want to go over and talk to Mr. Li Things... um, yes, about business. In addition, I need to introduce a good friend to Mr. Li... Okay, then I'll go there now. See you later."

After all, he is the leader of the Moby Whale Club, and Li Bo is also the leader of the Triad Society.So they are relatively face-saving with each other.

Seeing this situation, Shan Ming and Master Qin immediately went downstairs to arrange a car.Lei Zhaohui asked, "Brother Hu, do you want to bring someone? Shall I ask the brothers to prepare?"

"No need." Zhao Debiao said: "I, Li Bo, just want to ask some questions. Besides, when we arrive, after introducing me to meet Li Bo, you can just leave directly."

Lei Zhaohui said: "Then I will bring my brother to meet you outside?"

"No need." Zhao Debiao said: "You go straight ahead and do whatever you feel like."

"Yes." Lei Zhaohui replied, and he and Zhao Debiao came downstairs.

The car was ready, but Lei Zhaohui drove it for Zhao Debiao himself.Followed by four brothers.Go directly to Dynasty Regal Nightclub in Tsuen Wan.This rich man of the dynasty is where Li Bo is located, and it can be regarded as the headquarters of the Triad Society.

(End of this chapter)

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