spy ace

Chapter 1794 Punishment Action

Chapter 1794 Punishment Action
Another day passed in a blink of an eye, Fan Keqin let Huazhang stay at home again on this day, and he went out to prepare various items for the backup plan, especially some food and drink, which he put in several shelters in advance.In this way, once it is used, there is no need to prepare it now.

The food is something that is not easy to break, such as dry food, all of which are cakes with dead flour, which are very dry and hard.There are definitely no casual dishes, but in some large stores in Hong Kong, you can still get some canned, dried sausages and the like.Even if these things are not eaten, they can be preserved for a long time.

It's not enough to just eat and drink.However, whether it was St. Gallia Cathedral or the other two shelters he was looking for, water was not actually lacking. It was just that Fan Keqin might be in trouble, such as the church. He needed to get water from the attic.But this is troublesome after all, and water is the easiest thing to nourish bacteria. If you boil water, it will be fine for a few days, and you can continue to drink it.But if the time is too long, it will not work.

So Fan Keqin simply bought some alcohol. Why were all the former sailors alcoholics?It is because fresh water is not easy to carry, so alcoholic beverages are carried in large quantities.

Fan Keqin specially bought some low-alcohol alcohol and put them in three shelters.

It's just that he only sneaked into St. Gallia's Cathedral twice. One time he brought in a large bag of food, and the other time he brought in a large bag of wine.

After Fan Keqin came back, he also brought two tickets to Huazhang by the way.It's two tickets at different times in the morning of the next day and in the morning.

Huazhang naturally understood that tomorrow is the time to do it.He could evacuate first, Fan Keqin bought two for insurance.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang got up very early.Fan Keqin asked Huazhang to eat the food he brought back yesterday as breakfast.Handed a bag that was packed last night to Huazhang, and said: "Remember what I said, go to the pier immediately after making the phone call, and leave by the early boat as much as possible. The time to board the ship and the time to act are It can be staggered. So you should be able to leave smoothly. Find a way to return to the headquarters and follow the agreed plan."

Huazhang nodded and said, "You should leave as soon as possible."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "Don't worry, I might go back earlier than you."

While the two were talking, they peeked at the mansion five hundred meters away from the room on the north side of the second floor.

It was about seven thirty.The two suddenly stopped talking.Because they all saw that from inside the mansion of Okada Sentaro, the target person, the old devil Okada Sentaro and his entourage, came out of the mansion.After a while, all boarded the car, and the convoy drove directly out of the mansion, finally out of sight of the surveillance.

The moment Fan Keqin and Huazhang confirmed that Okada Sentaro walked out of the building of the mansion owner.Fan Keqin immediately patted Huazhang on the shoulder and said, "Go, go straight after the phone call."

Huazhang didn't say anything, just nodded, picked up his suitcase and went downstairs, and walked out of the sea view house.

Three days ago, Fan Keqin had investigated where there was a public phone booth.So after Huazhang left the house, he walked for about five or six minutes and went directly into a telephone booth.He started to use the agreed number to signal that Okada Sentayo had set off from home.

"Dingling... Dingling!" As soon as the phone stopped ringing, there was also a telephone booth two streets away on the street where the Bureau of Statistics was located.A kid with a newspaper was inside all the time, looking like he was on the phone.

It's just that this kid put the receiver to his ear with one hand, but the other hand seemed to rest on the phone casually, but in fact he was pressing his "tongue" secretly.

As soon as the phone rang, he immediately started counting.After the ringing stopped completely, this person knew in an instant that the number of rings just now matched the password he knew.

So he hung up the receiver directly, and stepped out of the phone booth.

Like a normal person on the street, he crossed the street and got into a car parked on the other side of the road.After a while, the car started and drove forward.

On the other side of the street, in another car parked, after seeing his accomplice's car starting to leave, he immediately started the car and drove forward.The direction is exactly one left and one right.

The speed of the car is still very fast, and the street where the Central Control Office is located is only two blocks away, so the two cars have not been used for two minutes, and they have already parked at the intersections on both sides of the target street. .

It's just that they have to pay attention to where they stop.All of them stick to the side of the road, "pressing" the gutter under the car.

At the same time, there is a certain angle, and it can be seen diagonally opposite, about [-] meters away, another car parked on the side of the target street.

The agent who was driving turned the car off.Yep, that's what the plan calls for.

It stands to reason that in most operations, if the vehicle that needs to be evacuated, such as a pick-up vehicle, etc., it should not be turned off as much as possible without turning off the engine.

But the situation is different now, as long as you drive through the intersection and turn inward, that street is the street where the little devil's unified investigation office is located on Hong Kong Island.To put it bluntly, many of the people on this street are secret agents of little devils.

Don't care if it's administrative or logistical.Strictly speaking, even a driver can be called a spy as long as he works in the Central Bureau of Investigation.

And with so many spies, can you guarantee that there are no neurotic guys among them?Is he just not pleasing to the eye when he sees a car that doesn't turn off?
Therefore, in order to improve the success rate and safety of plan execution.Even if the car is parked at a street corner not a short distance from the Central Control Office, the engine must be turned off.

And the car they saw thirty meters away was undoubtedly a bomb vehicle loaded with a lot of TNT...

When it was higher, after the two bomb vehicles turned slightly into the target street where the Central Control Office was located, two agents were sitting in the vehicle.When no one was paying attention to him, he opened a pre-reformed and cut cover on the bottom of the car.

This cover is a hole cut in the bottom of the car for the co-pilot and rear gear.Then add a handle to the cut thing, and cover it intact.Of course, the co-pilot position has been removed.

Then, after they parked the car carrying the bomb at the drainage well on the side of the road, they opened the cover, took out an iron hook, and hooked the rectangular iron cover of the drainage well below with force, and then pulled it horizontally. The cover is moved under the car.

(End of this chapter)

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