spy ace

Chapter 1797 Blacklist

Chapter 1797 Blacklist

(It’s happening again, dizzy, too late to check the typo, huh!)

Enter the alley and walk forward for a while, turn right, and enter a small alley again.This time, he drove for twenty meters.He parked the car next to him.

Take a quick look back and forth.Well, there's no one there.Therefore, the agent turned around and took the previous baggage, and first put on a pair of black-rimmed glasses for himself.Then he quickly took off his upper body clothes.Put on an ordinary plaid shirt.Pants are fine.In the end, all the replaced things were quickly packed in the bag.With a back on his body, he opened the door and got out of the car.

The car came in from behind, so he didn't go back the same way, but continued to walk forward.In less than a minute, he passed through this alley, turned left again and entered another alley.After walking twenty meters like this, he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

When the key was taken out, he had already seen the bicycle he had prepared in advance.Walking up to him, he unlocked the lock, took two steps and rode directly on it, and started to pedal.

After about five minutes, he had already left the alley area.Along the auxiliary road, I changed several roads back and forth.On the way, I found an opportunity when no one was there, and threw the clothes in the bag into a trash can, including black-rimmed glasses and masks.Afterwards, he rode more leisurely.

Not only him, but also the other person who carried out the plan.After all, it is impossible to predict whether Okada Sentaro will drive from that intersection or leave.However, their agreement was like this, no matter who was on the other end, as long as they heard the explosion on the other end, they would also detonate the explosives they controlled.In this way, an alternate cover can be formed, and it can also make it more troublesome for the little devil to detect.

The executor at the other end was similar to the previous agent.But he was farther away, about forty meters away from the bomb-laden car.Therefore, although he was also a little dizzy from the shock of the overpowered bomb, his symptoms were much lighter.He quickly drove away from the scene and arrived at the abandoned car location.After riding a bicycle for a few laps, he has changed into his normal attire.And then went home smoothly...

The next day, when Fan Keqin came out of the house in Tsimshatou, he could clearly feel that the street was much more severe than the day before.There are patrols everywhere, and even the shadow of the little devil's military police can be seen.

But Fan Keqin is definitely not afraid, because no matter how he investigates this matter, it is impossible to find himself.So I bought some wine and a big bag of food, and went home again.

In my own home, looking at the mansion of Okada Sentaro [-] meters away, a car came, and there were women and children in it. They were picked up, and then came back, and the clothes on their bodies were also changed, a black kimono in Yishui .

Fan Keqin understood that this was the legendary Widow series.Very good, very good!If this kind of film is shot well, it is still a bit interesting!

So, while watching, Fan Keqin drank some wine and simply celebrated.Is this the first devil I have killed?It’s really too many to count. I came to this era and made some contributions to the War of Resistance.Very good, very good.

That's it, for a week, Fan Keqin went out to buy something without eating or drinking.Then observe the situation on the street at the airport.The little devil was strict from the very beginning, and even saw the devil's gendarmerie from time to time.A week later, although the street was not completely peaceful, the devils' military police were no longer visible, and many intersections had disappeared.There are only a few patrols passing by occasionally on the street.

Well, this shows that my plan is still very successful.The devils basically can't get any effective clues.But it's normal, there are too few things that can be left behind under the big bang.Coupled with the subordinates who handle the affairs, the execution is relatively in place.So it is not surprising that the devils are helpless.

But Fan Keqin himself has always been cautious, so today he planned to go out to Hongxing Company, and he was still very careful along the way.

After going out, use the corner of the street, the glass of the store or the house, and always observe the situation behind you from time to time.After turning around a few times to make sure it was completely safe, I came to Hongxing Company and saw Kang Changming again.

After the two sat down, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette and said, "How is it? After the plan to kill the old devil Okada Sentaro is carried out, are you all right?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Kang Changming was also very happy, and said: "It's still Wan Ge's plan is superb. The brother's car change point was found by the little devil's follow-up investigators on the third day of the implementation of the plan. But after they There should be no progress. Your switch to a bicycle, and randomly throwing the original outfit when there is no one, is very useful.

The brothers who carried out the specific execution are all very safe and have not been suspected by anyone.The little devils conducted a large-scale investigation, but there must be no clues. It can be seen from their action patterns that they are completely planning to hit the big luck, and they want to run into a dead mouse. "

Fan Keqin blew out a puff of smoke, and said, "That's good. Let Tiger organize the list of gangsters, are you ready?"

"Okay." Kang Changming replied, and reached out to take out a notebook from the lower drawer.Inside this folder is a stack of documents from the real Hongxing Company.But there are a few pages between them, which is the real list.

Kang Changming took out the list, handed it to Fan Keqin and said, "Brother Wan, this is a list of underworld people related to the little devil. Tiger said that every name on it, whether directly or indirectly, has been obtained." The support of the little devil. Or with the little devil from the mainland, the Xingxing Department has reached a cooperative relationship.

I took a look, the Juhuo Gang inside, if it wasn't for the matter of Sangkun, it might be the most hidden gang, but Tiger personally investigated and found out that Sangkun's death was [-]% because of the Juhuo Gang.And Li Bo, whom he met before his death, talked about gathering fire gang to win him over, wanting to work together for the little devil.

In addition to the Juhuo Gang, the Sanzhu Gang in Sai Kung and the Black Dog Hall in Sha Tin also worked for little devils before.Mainly these gangs. "

While he was talking, Fan Keqin looked at the list while listening.After memorizing the information written above, Fan Keqin asked, "Is that all for now?"

"Yes." Kang Changming said: "Tiger still knows quite well. When he handed the list to me, he said that if not all of it, there must be at least [-]%. As long as you deal with what is written on it..."

(End of this chapter)

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