spy ace

Chapter 1812 Gongwu Rongbao

Chapter 1812 Gongwu Rongbao
Fan Keqin went on to say: "The reason they didn't lurk in the city is because they know our methods. That's why they thought about lurking in the suburbs. Now that he's come in by himself, don't even think about running away."

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "Well, this line of thinking is fine."

Having said that, Jiang Bin has already arranged for a small Sichuan restaurant next door to deliver four dishes and staple food.When the food was on the table, the little guy and two intelligence agents who had been following him left together.

Fan Keqin frowned and looked at the four dishes, then watched Qian Jinxun pick up the bowl, took a big mouthful of the fish fillet with red oil, and said: "I forgot to order just now, these four dishes, just I can eat this mustard shredded pork."

"Haha." Qian Jinxun said: "That's your luck, you just ask the brothers to give you two more non-spicy dishes." As he spoke, he took another mouthful of spicy fried pork slices as if to show off.

"Crack." Fan Keqin said: "Forget it, you know I'm not that particular about eating this food."

"Isn't that particular?" Qian Jinxun happily ate three spicy dishes, and said, "You don't have enough money to enjoy such a spicy taste."

"Don't force me." Fan Keqin took a mouthful of mustard shredded pork and said, "Let me tell you, if I eat a few mouthfuls of spicy food in a hurry, and then point my butt at you, you will be finished."

In fact, it can't be blamed that Fan Keqin and his brother didn't say hello in advance, and asked the store to cook some non-spicy dishes.Because the cuisine of Sichuan cuisine is not all spicy and spicy.The spicy dishes, in fact, accounted for less than half of the entire Sichuan cuisine system until later generations.This is even more so in this era. The spicy cuisine of Sichuan cuisine may be less than [-]%.

In addition, although there are chili peppers these days, chili peppers are really not a necessity.During the war years, eating was enough, who wants to grow peppers.Therefore, this thing is an expensive thing in this year.

But also because of this, the Sichuan cuisine restaurant saw that the people who came here were too stylish, so they took out the stock and made three spicy dishes for them.Unexpectedly, Fan Keqin himself can't eat too spicy food.

After a meal, Ma Chaoqun arrived with his people.Fan Keqin called him and Jiang Bin over and gave them detailed instructions, telling them to do it before it was dark.

Jiang Bin and Ma Chaoqun are his old subordinates, and Fan Keqin is still the commander in charge of arresting the core spy this time.Coupled with the fact that Qian Jinxun was still there, the two of them naturally had the right to agree to let their subordinates fully carry out the order...

To say that this spy is really very clever.What's going on?This is because the population registration system set up by Fan Keqin in Chongqing, the accompanying capital, is built like an iron bucket.Of course you can come in, but as long as you come in, you will be suppressed.You can't move at all. Although some spies need to lurk for a long time, you have to lurk endlessly. For example, if you don't do any work, just stay there. Safety is safety.But it's also useless.

And the population registration system is like this. You can definitely come in if you come in, but if you want to move around, you will basically be caught by the other party.This is just too scary.Unless you also do nothing, but then it's completely useless.

It was also because of this that the little devil's secret service was set up, so that such an important companion was helpless.Finally, after studying for a long time, a plan finally broke into the sight of the head of the Chrysanthemum Agency.This plan was written by a team leader in South China under him.

The ingenuity of this plan is not to sneak into Chongqing, but to operate in the suburbs.Moreover, it is specially used to instigate rebellion. Officials of the Chongqing government can also pass on messages and develop a mobile base for spying on the interior of Chongqing.

The situation in Chongqing cannot be opened by itself, so the head of the Chrysanthemum Agency is quite anxious.After seeing this plan now, I have considered it comprehensively and found that it is very practical.So he immediately agreed to let him set up an intelligence team code-named "Hei Rui" and sneak into the outskirts of Chongqing, the capital of the state, to carry out spy work.

Gong Wurongbao is the leader of the Hei Rui intelligence team.This guy just turned thirty this year.At the age of sixteen, he received professional spy training. At the age of twenty-three, he had already come to the land of China, and he was active in the Northeast region at the beginning.Later, he was transferred to South China for espionage.

His ability is indeed very high, he is a spy who is very good at action.Some intelligence team commanders are good at simple command, and some are better at planning operations.But Gongwu Rongbao is better at actions and commanding during actions.

Early this morning, he felt that it was time to move, even if he was in the suburbs, it was very secretive.But it is not safe to stay in one place without moving.Therefore, Gongwu Rongbao immediately ordered the intelligence team to move their base.

His order can be said to be very timely, just in time for the round-up operation directed by Boss Dai himself.The headquarters of the Military Control Bureau, the intelligence department, and the troops directly under the General Security Bureau have not yet fully reached the preset encirclement point.The devil's Hei Rui spy team has already started to move.

Otherwise, the chances of a fish slipping through the net with so many good hands dispatched by Boss Dai himself would be too small.

It was also because of this that Gongwu Rongbao was able to escape from the encirclement under the cover of his subordinates' desperate efforts.But he also received a bayonet in the ribs.

However, in such a dangerous situation, it is impossible for a professional spy to fall down delicately and be unable to even move just because of a cut in his ribs.

Cover the ribs and press hard to control the bleeding as much as possible.Along the way, he threw off his legs and ran for his life.On the way he made up his mind.As long as he enters the city by himself, and after he comes here, he will be able to be safe for a while with the backhand he secretly prepared.Then look for an opportunity to find an opportunity to leave and get rid of the danger completely.

In this way, Gong Wurongbao saw that he was about to enter the city, and while there was no one around, he moved his hand to look at the wound and observed it.No, it's still bleeding.Although the bayonet didn't hurt seriously, the penetration into the flesh wasn't too shallow.I covered it all the way, and now it is still bleeding. Of course, there is a reason why I didn't stop and was always moving.But the wound is deeper, which is the main reason.

Gong Wurongbao felt that his physical strength was a little weak, and his forehead also felt damp.No, I need to hurry up.But going to the city right away, it's not good to just cover the wound in such a bright way.So he immediately took off his coat.

(End of this chapter)

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