spy ace

Chapter 1816 The firefight in the building

Chapter 1816 The firefight in the building

The agent in the second group continued: "Or the kind of people who only come back to live in a long time?"

The five people in the house look at me and I look at you.One of the men glanced at the door, not at the other agent standing at the door, but in one direction.Said: "The opposite door, [-], seems to be empty all the time. Anyway, I didn't see anyone living there. Neither did the landlord."

"Well." The agent of the second group said: "Okay, if there is such a person or house, you must report it to us. This is for your own good, there may be a murderer hiding, you know? If you Not to mention, the ones who are in danger are yourselves."

"Yes, yes!" Several people in the room were a little stunned when they heard it.One of the men nodded vigorously, and said, "Don't worry about it, you must not hide it from the police officers."

Hearing this, the two agents in the second group looked at each other, and the agent guarding the door immediately understood and pointed to the inner room with his hand.Then he turned around and walked to the stairs, and blew two breaths down.A group of agents on the first floor immediately ran up.

At this time, the agent in the room raised the volume slightly, but looked outside the door, which is the direction of the door [-], and said: "Okay, don't forget, if you provide us with information, we will return it to you." Give a bounty..."

After just one sentence, a group of agents had already walked up.He also stepped out and said in a low voice, "Call the door normally."

Several other agents nodded, and began to knock on the doors of [-] and [-], just like before, knocking bare.This is so confusing to [-], if there are people in the room, it feels like they are treated equally.

So they just listened to a few neighbors, so they were sure there was something wrong with [-]?Can't say for sure.But it's suspicious.And as long as it is suspicious, it is very reasonable for them to do so.Because if you face danger, just go with two people from the second group. Isn't that more dangerous?Furthermore, letting the other party run away, the goal would not be achieved.

One of the agents also knocked on the door of [-] when the other was talking to the person who just came out in [-].But he ignored these, took out a small bunch of tools from his pocket, and poked them into the keyhole.

His movements were still relatively light, but just as he was inserting the tool, he heard two gunshots suddenly pierced through the wooden door. One shot missed, and the other The shot hit the agent who opened the door directly on the left arm.

It turned out that Gong Wurong was still inside, and after hearing the sound on the first floor, he went back to the room and looked at the situation downstairs through the side window.I knew in my heart that this must be the other party's agents investigating me.In fact, don't worry about whether you are the one you are investigating, even if you are not really looking for yourself, now that you have found this, you have to take corresponding countermeasures.

He raised his legs high and lightly lowered his feet, and walked quickly to the door.Gong Wu Rongbao was just across the door, quietly listening to the movement outside the door.He heard the sound of the other party knocking on the door, and then heard the sound of [-] talking to the other party.

Then it should be the door of [-]'s room, and the door of his own [-]'s room was also slammed.

Gong Wurongbao was already a little anxious at this moment.But he calmed himself down immediately, and didn't respond. Instead, he put his ear on the left door lock and listened carefully.Here is a little trick, the vibration of metal is actually more clear than that of wood.That's why he stuck to the door lock to listen to the movement outside.

Just when there was an interval between the knocking on the door, Gong Wu Rongbao heard some small voices in his ears.What was the sound? It was like the sound of a small metal stick being poked into the keyhole.The other party was also very careful. If he hadn't stuck himself on the door lock to listen, he might have ignored the sound now.

After Gongwu Rongbao heard this voice, he could also hear the voice of someone talking to [-] at the same time, and then someone was still knocking loudly on the door of his room.

broken!Gong Wurongbao judged instantly that whether the other party was talking to the [-] people, interrogating them, or knocking on their own door, they all doubted their own room.It's called cover.Cover it with another sound, the sound of just poking into the keyhole.

And just now, I absolutely heard correctly, there must be something poking into the keyhole immediately.

In the midst of his thoughts, Gongwu Rongbao made a decision, assault!Adopt the method that I thought of before, to break out from upstairs.

If you don't make a surprise attack, the other party will definitely open your door to check.As long as it is checked, it will basically be a bad dish. It can't be said that the opportunity at that time is not as good as it is now.

After paying attention in his heart, Gong Wu Rongbao immediately straightened up, holding the door lock with his left hand.Holding the gun in his right hand, Wei Wei pre-judged the opponent's position, pulled the trigger suddenly and "bumped" two shots.

Just after the second shot was fired, he unlocked the door with his left hand at the same time.Fitted and slammed out hard.With a bang, the agent who had just opened the lock was knocked aside, and the agent who knocked on the door was also flashed.

What is mental arithmetic without intention?You didn't realize that I was doing something to you, this is called mental arithmetic without intention.So this time, Gong Wurongbao, this little devil, has an excellent opportunity to beat me.After knocking open the door, he bumped the two agents outside the door.Then he pointed his right hand in the direction of the two men, fired three more shots in a row, and fired twice at the agent who flashed out from [-] after hearing the gunshot.

When shooting, Gongwu Rongbao didn't stand still, but rushed upstairs while shooting.Therefore, although the agents of the two security bureaus were shot, the injuries were not immediately fatal.

Especially the agent in [-], he just showed up, and then flashed back immediately.So he didn't get shot at all, so he yelled, "Run upstairs!!! Run upstairs!!!"

You know, this is a four-story building.The unit was established, and four groups of special agents were sent.Just to be more efficient.Therefore, when checking the second floor, a total of four agents from the third group and the fourth group had already gone upstairs.

He yelled to report to the third and fourth groups of agents who had already gone upstairs, and it was highly suspected that the target had already run upstairs.Although the shot was fired before, the accomplice upstairs must have heard it.But if you don't call out the target's action, the companion upstairs may make a mistake in judgment.When you hear someone running upstairs, do you know if it's your accomplice?As long as there is a moment of hesitation, the devil may have the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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