spy ace

Chapter 1822 Countermeasures

Chapter 1822 Countermeasures
Qian Jinxun continued: "Director Mao told me about this. Even if it wasn't the case, it must be the case. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Fan Keqin said: "Then now we can only open the breakthrough from Gong Wu Rongbao, the leader of Hei Rui's team. Maybe this clue can be transferred to another big fish."

"I think so too." Qian Jinxun said: "Now in the entire capital, the spies are so suppressed that they can't hold their heads up, but it doesn't mean that there are no one at all. Think about it, Musangtang is a dead letter box in Jinshui Alley. , this is in the city. The place where the information is taken out is in the Yinshui residential area, which is also in the city.

What does this mean? At the very least, it means that another spy team or spies have been active in the city.It's just... I'm afraid that this group or spies will run away again.

After all, the arresting group of Hei Rui is not young or old, especially when Gongwu Rongbao entered the urban area, we dispatched a lot of people, and even set up a lot of checkpoints, checkpoints and so on.The other spy teams or spy elements are more likely to get information. If...these people run away early, they will be fucked. "

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I don't think so... To put it more rigorously, there is a high probability that it will not. For example, I am now the spy team that has contacted Hei Rui. Now Hei Rui is arrested The city of Tokyo is quite noisy, but first of all, even if I know about the actions of the Military Control Bureau and the Security Bureau this time, will I just run away without thinking about anything? At least I should think about whether I can threaten myself .

As for me, I did have contact with Hei Rui's group before, but it was in the form of dead mailbox, but I have never met.Also, it's just one time.I just need to completely abandon the contact method with Hei Rui's group, or Gongwu Rongbao, then I will be safe.So I won't run away.This should be another spy team, or what the spy elements think. "

After hearing this, Qian Jinxun nodded, expressing his agreement, but following him, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and said: "The contact method with Gong Wu Rongbao is completely discarded, fuck it, then we will get Gong Wu I'm afraid Rong Bao's confession will not be able to catch the little tail of this spy organization or spy elements."

"Let's see." Fan Keqin said, "Let's see what Gongwu Rongbao can explain."

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, then we can only wait. This kid can't touch him yet."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "I can't wait, let's attack first. Besides, Gong Wu Rongbao was willing to talk at that time, as long as he was willing to talk, it meant that he was not a rock. I will go and talk to him in person."

Qian Jinxun said: "Success, I'll accompany you. Anyway, there's nothing else going on here now." He glanced at his watch and said, "It's [-]:[-]. You can talk to him and see what's going on. Now that we're done talking, it's time to make arrangements. It's time for dinner, and we haven't had a drink for a long time. Let's have a meal and drink together in the evening."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay. Then don't delay, let's go now."

While talking, the two brothers got up, walked out of the director's office, and drove into their respective cars.Of course, Qian Jinxun didn't need it, he had a special driver to drive, and he also brought two cars, each with four professional security officers in black suits.There are eight bodyguards in total.In fact, there are about ten people around Fan Keqin.Just in a dark way.After all, he is now in charge of the field work and operations of the entire Security Bureau.There is still a certain difference in the nature of the work, and even frequent business trips.If the bodyguards were always following him on the surface, it might attract someone's attention.

It didn't take long before the car drove into Renci Hospital.All the way in, Fan Keqin still looked at Liu Xiaoliang's arrangement with his own eyes.Well, it's still pretty good.Liu Xiaoliang is still very ambidextrous.

All the way to the second floor, Fan Keqin stopped at the door, looked at Liu Xiaoliang who was watching here, and asked, "Did Gong Wu Rongbao...react during this time? Did you say anything?"

"I've said it." Liu Xiaoliang said, "When you're hungry or thirsty, you normally eat and drink. Other times it's quiet, that's all."

Fan Keqin nodded, glanced at Qian Jinxun, and said, "It's a good sign, at least it shows that he doesn't want to die. He wants to eat and drink, and he has a strong desire to survive."

"That's for sure." Qian Jinxun said with a smile: "Otherwise, he could have run with his life and prepared at least two safe houses."

Fan Keqin looked at Liu Xiaoliang again, and said, "How many brothers are watching?"

"Two." Liu Xiaoliang said, "Every few hours, another brother goes in to replace them."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin turned to Qian Jinxun, and said, "Let's go, let's go in together, and your bodyguards will follow. Create a sense of being a big shot." Following him, the eight men in black suits Instructed: "After entering, there is no need to order. Those who guard the door will guard the door, and those who look out of the window look out of the window. Then don't walk back and forth easily. Be solemn, understand?"

The eight black suits immediately nodded in agreement.

Qian Jinxun said: "Are you asking me to put pressure on him?"

"Probably." Fan Keqin said: "It also gave him a feeling that we valued him. This made him subconsciously think that we would never give up on him, and he would have to explain the problem no matter what."

"Understood." Qian Jinxun nodded, expressing his understanding.

After a simple arrangement, two big men in black suits pushed the door open first.Followed by Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, and then six big men.

At first, the two members in black suits walked straight to the window without saying a word after entering, and then stood on the side of the window, looking downstairs.

The six big men in the back, among them the two following Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, directly inspected the furnishings in the room, but since this is a ward with very few furnishings, they inspected very quickly, followed by standing Beside him, put his hands together in front of his lower abdomen, and stood quietly.

The other two were always three steps behind Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun.After the last two came in, they stood directly on the left and right sides of the door.

After Fan Keqin entered, he glanced at the two agents who were guarding the room, and said, "Go out first, we need to talk to Mr. Gongwu Rongbao."

"Yes." The two agents agreed and walked out.

Gong Wurongbao watched a group of people come in...

(End of this chapter)

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