spy ace

Chapter 1840

Chapter 1840
Fan Keqin continued: "When we are doing these things, it is easy for us to contact the lurking brothers. It is easy to be in a hurry. So we have to think about it. If we really want to make these arrangements, we have to make some preparations."

Of course, Huazhang understood what Fan Keqin meant, that is to say, the two of them were concealing their identities as a couple of artists, so after joining the company, especially when the company was still eager for talents, in addition, the two of them Personally, when the end of the mountain is approaching, both parties want to start work immediately.It will naturally be busy for a while.

If they hadn't been busy for a while, it would be illogical for them to conceal their identities as a couple.

Fan Keqin said: "However, although we are busy now, we can use the pre-booked dead mailbox method to let the brothers investigate Chen Gongshu first. But we have to indicate it in the dead mailbox message, so we can only go far away." Investigate, or use sideways methods. Once you have a slight feeling that something might go wrong, stop immediately. After all, Chen Gongshu is the number one killer of the military command, and his ability is beyond doubt. For the follow-up tasks, set the rhythm appropriately. A slowdown is acceptable."

"Understood." Huazhang said: "Then I will write the message of dead mailbox now."

After speaking, Huazhang took the pen and paper and began to write on it.After she finished everything, she asked Fan Keqin to look at it. After the latter checked, he felt that the information had fully expressed his meaning, so he nodded to confirm.

Huazhang first hid the information in the gap above the door frame, and when he went out tomorrow, he could pass the information on naturally.

There was basically nothing to do that day. In the early morning of the next day, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang woke up a little earlier on purpose.Then he went out to have a meal, and strolled to the designated place. Fan Keqin acted as the observer, and Hua Zhang delivered the dead letter.

After finishing all this, the two of them circled around again, and after making sure that they were safe behind them, they came to the Great Shanghai Film Singing Production Company.

They came at the right time, exactly the appointed time, so Zhang Shan, the boss of the company, Zhen Qiang, a few people, and a lawyer were all there.

Zhang Shan was still very polite, asking warm questions, such as whether he slept well last night, whether he was used to it, whether he had dinner this morning, etc.It can be seen that Boss Zhang really likes Fan Keqin and Huazhang.The contract has been drawn up, although their company's original ability is poor, so they can't find any good singers or outstanding artists.But, after all, it is a formal company, and the contracts are standard.But after Zhang Shan worked overtime last night, he asked the lawyer to change the contract.

The most important thing is that Fan Keqin is not only a songwriter signed by the company, but also the director of the art department.The contract remuneration is also very generous. It can be seen that Boss Zhang really wants to keep Fan Keqin as a talent.As for Huazhang, the same is true, the two songs, at least you, on the water side, really amazed him.In fact, even if these things are not enough, after all, she is also Fan Keqin's wife, and she will give Huazhang a good treatment for Fan Keqin's sake.

So both parties are satisfied with this contract.However, in order to be more authentic, Fan Keqin still pointed to the terms of the contract, such as the position of the director of the art department, what rights he had, and what the scope of functions was, and asked.Zhang Shan also answered patiently one by one.Then the two parties signed the contract in a friendly and very happy manner.Fan Keqin signed Wan Heng, and Hua Zhang signed Zhang Qing.

Zhang Shan had already contacted the newspaper, but Fan Keqin didn't like being interviewed by the newspaper very much, and acted like a noble artist.But Zhang Shan also understands that he has real skills, so he cooperated very much. He didn't take pictures or anything, but just did a text interview.What is the inspiration for creating a song, the material, these questions.You can call the newspapers gossip at this time, but sometimes they are very serious, so you should say no to gossip, even if it is something that has no effect, it can gossip.

But Zhang Shan is the owner of the company after all, and he has been in business for many years. He still understands the packaging of singers, songwriters and the like.Today, I will first interview Fan Keqin. As for Huazhang, she hasn't even released a record, she hasn't even performed a single show, so what's the point of interviewing?It's just that during the interview, I didn't bring a kick or a mouth.The most important thing is that he still likes Fan Keqin's face, and he mainly focuses on Fan Keqin's face. After all, he is the lover of the other party. If he is not willing, you forcefully push it away, what will happen if the other party is unhappy.That is contrary to my purpose.

Sure enough, Zhang Shan was satisfied immediately after that, Fan Keqin immediately put into work, and immediately came up with a good song: Mingyue Qianli Sends Lovesickness.Zhang Shan watched with his own eyes Fan Keqin directing the band, starting to arrange, compose, and then rehearse.After watching it, I was very happy. I felt that I had dug up a big treasure this time. I immediately contacted various departments of the company and fully cooperated with Master Wanheng to record the song.Then all the people in the external business department were sent out to prepare for the business contact before the release of the record.

After a busy day's work, at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Fan Keqin was directing the company's band and Huazhang, and was intensifying the rehearsal work for Sending Acacia to Mingyue Qianli. Zhang Shan came up and quietly stood beside him, After the rehearsal was over, he looked at Huazhang with the same eyes as Zhou Xuan.Walking up to him, he said, "Mr. Wan, madam, I'm here today. I'm off work. Don't get tired. I'll do it tomorrow. Let's go, I'll take Xian and his wife to a place of my friend tonight. The two of you are welcome, and by the way, tell him about the performance."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Then my wife doesn't have to go. I don't really like my wife attending such occasions."

"Ah." Through yesterday's and today's contact, Zhang Shan can basically see that Fan Keqin is very talented, but he also cares about his wife very much.You can talk about acting or something.However, he doesn't like to have his wife Zhang Qing show up for dinner and drinking with outsiders.So he immediately said: "No problem, if Madam doesn't want to go, I'll ask someone to deliver some dinner to Madam, it's the same. How about it? Madam Wan, do you want to go?"

"I won't go." Huazhang's personality is also the same, she is the kind of woman who is very obedient to her husband...

(End of this chapter)

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