spy ace

Chapter 1853

Chapter 1853
This information was compared in Fan Keqin's mind with the person he saw with his own eyes.It can be said that this person is [-]% Chen Gongshu himself.In addition, it is a logical judgment, because Chen Gongshu was arrested suddenly, and the time since he surrendered to the enemy is really short.Even if the little devil and the puppet government wanted to make a similar substitute for Chen Gongshu, it was impossible.Is it true that a double is a rotten street thing, and you can find someone who is very similar?

Fan Keqin squinted his eyes and observed all this while singing sincerely.Chen Gongshu chatted with the two people opposite for a while, and it can be seen that these people chatted very happily, and they chatted very speculatively.On the table were two bottles of high-end wine, cigarettes, and a few dishes of snacks.The same is true, Fan Keqin can see that there should be no serious conversation between them.

Because during the period Fan Keqin observed, the time for one song was nothing more than a few minutes.These three people were talking and laughing, and clinked glasses from time to time, taking a sip of wine.It can be said that the chances of getting down to business are slim.In other words, we have finished talking about business, and now we are in the relaxation stage.In addition, after the performance of the beautiful Huazhang, Chen Gongshu and the others sent several flower baskets to Huazhang in this booth, and wanted to invite Huazhang to have a drink.This made Fan Keqin affirm his judgment even more.

Well, but Fan Keqin is on the stage after all, it would be even better if he could get off the stage and take a look nearby.Especially those eight people, if you observe them closely, Fan Keqin is very confident that he can use his excellent judgment to deduce the combat effectiveness of these eight people.In this way, it can be said that it will be of great help when customizing the final attack and killing plan.

He has now shown his image on the stage, and has established a character set to protect his identity.But there needs to be a reasonable reason to go there.In a flash of thought, Fan Keqin immediately thought of Zhang Shan, the boss of his big Shanghai Film Singing Production Company.

But Zhang Shan is not below, which is difficult.But it's okay, Fan Keqin immediately thought of another way.The frequency with which he saw Chen Gongshu and those two people drinking, it should be serious drinking for a while.Therefore, after I finish my performance, I can go with Huazhang.After going out, find a place to hide, and after Chen Gongshu comes out, you can still observe him.Even if there is a good opportunity, it would be even better to be able to keep up with the opponent.

After making up his mind, Fan Keqin no longer observed, but still continued the emotion of singing before, and finished singing the song "Fireworks and Coldness" affectionately.

After waiting, the applause was still very enthusiastic.After the first two fast songs, the audience's emotions were fully mobilized by him.So even if the third song is a slow song, the audience will naturally be very involved in listening to it.Coupled with Fan Keqin's wonderful performance, the song itself is very beautiful.So the audience in the audience will naturally give warm applause.

Fan Keqin gave a gentleman's salute again, and stepped off the stage like an artist from the side curtain.Huazhang seemed very excited, seeing Fan Keqin's successful performance, he gave him a warm hug.He asked in a low voice, "Did you see clearly?"

"It's him." After Fan Keqin replied, with a smile on his face, he and Hua Zhang returned to their dressing room again.

Fan Keqin scanned the dressing room back and forth, no one should have touched it.After all, I and Huazhang are considered "star" performers invited by the Splendid Nightclub.So it is generally impossible for someone to enter their dressing room.But Fan Keqin was very cautious.Therefore, what he said in his mouth sounded like nothing, but in the ear of the other party, it had another meaning.

Fan Keqin was happy, and said: "Oh, our two performances today are considered a complete success. When I came here, I saw a western restaurant opposite, let's go to celebrate? I didn't eat much for the performance before."

Huazhang immediately understood what Fan Keqin meant, so he nodded and said, "Well, okay. I happen to be a little hungry too, but I have to control my weight, so I can eat a little with you and have a few glasses of wine. "

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, let's pack our things. Then tell Boss Zhang, and we'll go back."

They said they were packing up, but in fact they didn't bring anything, nothing more than clothes or something.As a result, at this time, there was a knock on the door, and a young male voice came from outside, asking, "Is Teacher Wan there?"

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang looked at each other, and Fan Keqin answered first, "Yes." Followed by Chao Huazhang, he nodded, turned and opened the door.

But it was a waiter. After seeing Fan Keqin, he said, "The guests at booth number nine would like to invite Teacher Wan to sit down."

After hearing what he said, Fan Keqin immediately recalled the situation of the No. [-] booth in his mind, and immediately came up with another solution in his mind, but deliberately asked in doubt: "No. [-] booth?"

The waiter involuntarily glanced at Huazhang, leaned forward and said softly, "It's Miss Tong, the daughter of Director Tong of the Finance Department. During your performance, you sent nine large flower baskets back and forth, and rewarded three small yellow croakers separately." .You will find out later when you check out."

Fan Keqin nodded with a "hmm" and said, "You didn't say, do I have a wife?"

"Ah?" The waiter was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: How the hell can I just say this directly.Isn't that top of the line?So he said: "No, Teacher Wan, that's the case. This Miss Tong is very familiar with our Boss Wang. Besides, don't you know that our nightclub Miss Tong also owns shares. You don't want to see the monk's face to see the Buddha. Let’s go over and have a face-to-face meeting. This way everyone looks good.”

Speaking of this, the waiter paused, lowered his voice again, and continued: "Don't worry, Miss Tong has a bit of a lady's temper, but she has a very good personality and is quite reasonable."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "All right, just tell me to change clothes and I'll be there later."

"Hey, good." After the waiter finished speaking, he turned and left to write back to Miss Tong.

Fan Keqin turned around and nodded meaningfully at Huazhang, saying, "I'll go and have a look."

Huazhang also nodded, and said, "Okay. But you... don't be fascinated by others. I'm still waiting for you to go out to celebrate." Chen Gongshu became suspicious.But it sounded as if his lover was eating the other's vinegar...

(End of this chapter)

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