spy ace

Chapter 1877 Diverting Your Eyes

Chapter 1877 Diverting Your Eyes
Chen Gongshu's body was hit by the shock wave with a "boom" and slammed hard against the wall behind him.Immediately after, the steel ball came, puff, puff, puff, and drilled into different positions on their bodies.

Chen Gongshu was hit in the eye, one in the mouth, and one steel ball tore off half of his ear.In addition to the head, one is also inlaid on the neck.Multiple steel balls were also injected into the left chest, lower right rib, lower abdomen and other parts in different ways.Four more so.

It was like being blasted by a thunderbolt, and then a dozen shots were fired into his head, neck, body, and limbs.With regard to this kind of injury, the gods will give it for nothing, and it is impossible to save it.

The same was true for the eight bodyguards, seven of them died on the spot, and only one was sitting in the corner of the booth next door, and the person in front of him happened to be in front of him due to the angle.withstood most impacts.But even so, he was seriously injured. He had broken an unknown number of bones and suffered two steel balls.

In addition, the high heat generated when the explosives exploded almost burned their skins and even gasified them.Although this kid didn't die on the spot, the chance of survival is definitely a close call.

As soon as the explosion started and the sound was heard, the agents of the Security Bureau near the Lianhua Hotel on the north side of the city heard the movement.In fact, it doesn't matter if they can't hear the movement.Someone will call them.

But now that you hear movement, you can take action.

But there is also a difficulty in the action now, that is, the commemorative banquet for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce held in the Lianhua Hotel, and everyone has already gone in.In fact, it doesn't matter, just put the bomb on the target's car.But the problem is, although the owner of the car went in at this time, the driver and the attendants didn't all go in.

Another point is that this banquet is only attended by people from the business world in name, but they may also have a B number in their hearts, after all, many of them are traitors.So there are a lot of fake policemen training on the periphery.What if you go over rashly, press and release the bomb, and you are discovered?
It can be said that Fan Keqin had already thought of this in advance.After all, he is rigorous.In addition, it is uncertain whether Chen Gongshu will come out, and when he will come out.The attack on the anniversary banquet of the Chamber of Commerce will be based on the time when Chen Gongshu is killed.So the action on Chen Gongshu's side must start before this side can start.

Naturally, Fan Keqin and Huazhang would not be ignorant of such a simple truth.Therefore, when he was planning, he was already able to make a plan.

Seeing that there are many fake police officers training around.One of the agents of the Security Bureau glanced at an agent not far away.The agent immediately turned his head again and looked at the intersection on the other side.

At this intersection, I immediately walked across the street and entered a shopping mall opposite.This person didn't go anywhere else, but went directly into the toilet on the second floor.

He quickly got into a compartment, and took out two glass bottles from his pocket, each glass bottle was filled with more than half of the kerosene.Then he took out two cotton threads, first passed through the door frame above the compartment, and then quickly tied the two ends of the threads under the protrusion around the mouth of the bottle.In this way, two gasoline bottles can be dropped in the air out of thin air.

The agent then took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a puff.Then carefully lift the cigarette up, and then wrap the string around the middle of the cigarette.follow.He opened the door very carefully and walked out.At the same time as the door was closed, a piece of wood was inserted into the crack of the toilet compartment door.Press down.The latch inside is drawn off.

In this way, if someone came in during the time he was away, he would think that there was someone in this compartment, because the door could not be opened.Go to the toilet in another cubicle.

The agent calmly left the bathroom, went downstairs and walked out the gate of the mall.Seeing him come out means that he has completed the means to transfer the purpose.In addition, he had a small movement. When he came out, although he was walking normally, he scratched his cheek with his left hand.And the thumb and index finger of the left hand retracted, and scratched with the other three fingers.That means, roughly a three-minute countdown.

Silently counting time began, about two and a half minutes, a person diagonally opposite the Lianhua Hotel took out money from his pocket and handed it to a shoe-shine child.Then he left directly.

And his leaving is a signal, that is: start to act.

Sure enough, it was on the street on the side of the Lianhua Hotel.From the sidewalk to the left, four people came.These four people are no different from the rest of the pedestrians on the street.But if there is any difference, the four of them are each carrying a food paper bag.

In fact, if you don't say it, who can find out what's wrong.What's wrong with carrying a grocery bag?It's so normal.Those who walk on the street don’t have anything in their hands.

However, these four people controlled their pace. Although they seemed to be walking normally, their attention was all placed in the store outside the interface.After walking for a while, I first heard a burst of exclamation from the store, and then I saw black smoke coming out of a window on the second floor.And because of this, the exclamation became louder and louder, and some merchants and customers in the store had already run out a lot.

This commotion is not small.After all, it was the bathroom on the second floor that suddenly caught fire.So people were naturally panicked, calling their companions to run away, and there were a lot of people yelling after being frightened.But even though they were making such a commotion, what they didn't know was that no one was really hurt. After all, it was in the bathroom on the second floor. When they saw the fire, they came together. When there was smoke, the people outside shouted and ran out quickly. .

And people have a herd effect. When they see people running out, they will naturally follow and run together.Furthermore, the inside of the bathroom is lit, and when it spreads out, there must be a buffer, and people outside can directly see the smoke.So they can be given a time to react, so they all ran away, and naturally no one was hurt.

There was a riot a street away. Everyone on the street, including the patrolling policemen in front of the Lianhua Hotel, also turned their attention away. There were even a few fake policemen. He rushed to the accident site.

(End of this chapter)

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