spy ace

Chapter 1881 Let nature take its course

Chapter 1881 Let nature take its course
Chen Daqun continued: "Thinking about it now, the direction of the sound is indeed the direction of Lianhua Hotel."

"That's right." Hei Liu Qinzhi said: "There was an explosion at the Lianhua Hotel, and there was also an explosion here. But the one who died in the Lianhua Hotel was the president of the chamber of commerce, and the one who died here was Chen Gongshu. Do you believe that the target of the ghost is The president of a chamber of commerce?"

Chen Daqun waved his hand and said: "Ghost's methods are very clever. If his target, whether it is the main target or the secondary target, I believe it should not be the president of a chamber of commerce. And if he really wants to deal with the president of the chamber of commerce If it is not, it should not be used in this way. He will do it more secretly."

"This is the problem." Hei Liu Qinzhi said: "A master like a ghost is a bit overkill to deal with a president. But why, the death of the president of the chamber of commerce and Chen Gongshu happened almost at the same time? I think , there is only one explanation, he is diverting our attention. He is aware of the existence of the trap, but it is impossible to completely determine the form of the trap. Therefore, a two-pronged approach is adopted.

And the chairman's four, the power of the bomb, and the time of death all show that the ghost is indeed creating the fog of war.The purpose is to use the president's vigorous death to divert our attention.In fact, he should have done it, because the death of the president of the chamber of commerce was indeed a big commotion. Almost all the police stations, patrol teams, and people from the stability maintenance office, etc., passed away immediately.In this way, it is impossible for us to close all the passages out of Shanghai in a short period of time.I believe that these specific executors should no longer be in Shanghai at this time. "

Chen Gongshu frowned and said, "I agree with Director Hei Liu's judgment. But you said earlier that the ghost is still in Shanghai..."

Hei Liu said: "Yes, the president of the Chamber of Commerce is just to divert our attention. But don't forget, the ghost mode, whatever you do, is to maximize the results. My friend, Osuga Yingshi's Death is enough to explain the problem. After his death, the ghost actually didn't leave at all, but stayed, and killed a colleague of the Nanjing Secret Service Headquarters before leaving.

I don't believe that the ghost came to Shanghai this time to assassinate Chen Gongshu alone.Remember how we analyzed before this plan?The target of the ghost, besides Chen Gongshu, is likely to be you, me, and Ying Zuo-jun.When I set up this trap, I also said that with our current trap mode, ghosts can't find a chance to kill us at the same time.So even if he did it, he could only move Chen Gongshu first.

Now it seems that the ability of ghosts has far exceeded my expectations.He really found the trap.But he still hasn't reached the behavior pattern of maximizing the results.Therefore, I judge that he is still in Shanghai.

Even, I feel that the purpose of the ghost to let the operatives of this incident leave Shanghai is still a deceptive action, making us mistakenly think that the ghost also left together.But in fact, the ghost is still here.He's looking for another chance against us. "

Chen Gongshu agrees with a large part of Hei Liu's judgment. He thinks that the previous speculation is correct, and the ghost is very likely to still be lurking in Shanghai.But ghost, after killing Chen Gongshu, he still wants to continue to attack himself and others, which he doesn't take seriously.

Chen Gongshu said: "Chen Gongshu is dead, this is another warning to us."

Hei Liuqin smiled and said: "Yeah, the ghost knows this too, so if you think this way, you have already followed the other party's thoughts unconsciously."

Chen Daqun still felt in his heart that Hei Liuqin was a little too mythical about ghosts.He admitted that the ghost was indeed something he had experienced, heard of, but never seen, and he was the most powerful super master.The things I did are still unbelievable when I look at them now.But he is a person after all, it is impossible to count all the people.Because Chen Gongshu felt that the most difficult thing to calculate was the human heart.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Chen Gongshu thinking this way.It is difficult to draw bones when drawing dragons and tigers. Knowing people and faces does not know the heart.The human heart is indeed the hardest thing to guess.

Chen Daqun said: "It's a pity that Chen Gongshu died like this. He must still know a lot of secrets about the military command. Now with his death, all these are gone."

"Don't be discouraged, Director Chen." Hei Liu said dearly: "As long as the ghost is here, we still have a chance to deal with him. And as long as we successfully deal with the ghost, a Chen Gongshu is nothing."

Chen Daqun said: "Director Hei Liu, do you have a solution?"

Hei Liu said: "I have some ideas, but that's the problem, we have to let it go naturally. In fact, this trap has not completely failed. From the death of the president of the Chamber of Commerce, we can see that ghosts, although they are aware of it. There are traps, but he really doesn't know what the specific content of the trap is. That is to say, the pattern we used to arrange traps before was actually successful. Everything happened naturally, and we still have to do this now."

Speaking of this, Hei Liuqin pointed to the scene and said, "After Chen Gongshu died, what should we do? It is impossible to ignore it, so investigating the scene and following up is the most normal behavior. Director Chen , In the past, how did you handle espionage or local assassination cases? What do you do now. "

Chen Daqun said: "Director Hei Liu, do you want me to be the second bait?"

"Hey." Hei Liuqin waved his hand, and said: "Director Chen misunderstood, you are a friend of the empire, how could I let my friend take risks. The reason why I let you do this is to confuse ghosts. Let ghosts I thought we were following his train of thought. Don't worry, the ghost has just done this, and now he can't do it again in such a short period of time. Because he must have considered that after Chen Gongshu's death, our vigilance It is bound to rise. No matter how rampant the ghost is, it is impossible to make consecutive shots in such a short period of time. You have also studied all the dossiers of the ghost, which is not the style of ghosts at all."

Chen Daqun nodded and said, "Of course Director Heiliu's orders will be obeyed. I will investigate to the end. In this way, just like what you said, let the ghost think that we are following his train of thought. Maybe, I was also able to catch a few unlucky ones based on the clues."

Hei Liuqin picked up a relatively intact steel ball from the ground, and said, "I have a suggestion, Director Chen, have you noticed that the size of this steel ball is very interesting. Does it look like a ball on a bicycle?" what."

(End of this chapter)

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