spy ace

Chapter 1891 Dead Corpse

Chapter 1891 Dead Corpse
Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Stop applauding, I'll be drifting away in a while." He stood up, gave the seat to Miss Tong, and continued: "Come on, play something casually first, I want to take a look first."

In fact, Miss Tong asked Fan Keqin to be a teacher, why did she take music lessons!I just want to spend more time with Fan Keqin.Isn't there a saying that says: When you are with the person you like, you can do whatever you want without feeling bored.

At this time, Miss Tong is like this, she just plays the piano, since she and Fan Keqin are together anyway.

After Miss Tong visited for a while, Fan Keqin found that Miss Tong's level was not worse than his own.This is not too surprising, after all, he was born in rich clothes and fine food, so it is quite normal to have learned something in this area.

What to do about this?It's okay, I won't reveal my secrets, Fan Keqin can't teach her anything else, can't he teach her some other piano pieces.For example, Adilina by the water just now is completely fine.As soon as you say it, it is your own creation, and you will have more face.

Such a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer, the whole morning will be over soon, and Fan Keqin will leave.Miss Tong wanted to see him off, but she ran into her father coming back.

To introduce, when Fan Keqin was leaving, Tong Dawei glanced at Fan Keqin's back.And Tong Fei had no choice but to stay at home.

After Fan Keqin came out, he called a rough car.That's right, it was a car taxi, and it came to the edge of the city on the south side.When he was about to leave the city, Fan Keqin sat in the back seat and said, "Master, stop by the side of the road. I'll find a small shop and buy a pack of cigarettes."

"Hey, good." The driver agreed and parked the car on the side of the road.Fan Keqin didn't give any money, got out of the car directly, pretended to be looking for a grocery store, and turned into a small alley next to him.

Since it has reached the edge of the city, there are relatively few pedestrians.After Fan Keqin went in, he counted the bricks on the wall and deliberately dropped a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.By bending over to pick it up, Fan Keqin had already taken out the special cigarette and stuffed it into a gap near the corner of the wall.

There is nothing in this dead mailbox, which means that the second batch of people has not come yet.Or just came here, before you have time to place the message, tell yourself that someone is already here.

Fan Keqin turned around and walked back, and soon sat in a taxi again.This time, he drove out of the city for about [-] minutes, and the car stopped at the gate of the abandoned factory.

Fan Keqin walked in, just in time for the crew to finish their lunch and start filming the afternoon scene after a break.At this time, a female survivor has been photographed, telling her story at the police station through the mouth of a senior doctor.

This abandoned factory building also happens to have abandoned offices.The scene maker arranged the office a bit, and there was no need to restore it.Because it is basically possible to shoot from two angles.So just do it where you need to be in the mirror.Pull two tables, change the clothes for the actors, and put on the makeup.

Zhan Ruide's director level is really good, and he quickly filmed this scene.It took about an hour.Then he raised the tin horn and shouted: "Transition, go to the first floor to shoot the scene of the survivor's prison room, everyone is moving!!! Hurry up!"

After putting down the tin horn, Zhan Ruide turned his head and saw Fan Keqin, walked down immediately, and said, "Mr. Wan, you just came, and see if the head splitter is okay, come with me to have a look."

"Okay." Fan Keqin agreed, and followed Zhan Ruide downstairs.After entering a room where the walls are all peeling off, I saw a large group of people busy in the room.Machines for machines, props for props.One of the prop masters was holding a large ball-shaped instrument, checking it over and over again.

"Put it on the stool." Seeing this, Zhan Ruide immediately said, "Mr. Wan, can you see if this works?"

Fan Keqin came to the front, took a look, and found that it was a metal device on the surface.There are two four-wide metal panels on the front, connecting the outermost metal shelves.

Fan Keqin stretched out his hand and pushed it, but it didn't sink. It turned out that only a few places were made of metal, and the rest were made of wood.But with a layer of metallic paint.

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said: "Don't do this, this thing is too new. You know, although Deadlock Killer has strong hands-on ability, how could he care about such details? What he cares about is whether it is easy to use or not. Practical. Once the paint is painted on the exterior, although it is well done, it is too elegant at first glance.”

Zhan Ruide nodded, and said: "That's right, it's impossible for the dead end killer to make something so casual. But what should we do? Our thing is made of wood, and if we don't paint it, it will be seen. "

Fan Keqin said: "It's easy to handle." Then, he picked up the head splitter and began to rub it back and forth on the ground.Has been scratched outside the scars.There are many places that reveal the true color of the wood inside.

Then Fan Keqin handed the things to the prop master, and said: "Use your brain, this is an abandoned factory, you can find a rusted iron door or iron pipe, and rust all the places. Problem."

"Yes." The prop master is not a fool, it's just that he didn't think of it at first.After listening to it, he ran out directly holding the head splitter prop.

Zhan Rui pulled Fan Keqin and said: "Mr. Wan, this prop is solved, but the dead body is not easy to handle. I plan to keep the dead body out of the mirror when the female survivor cuts open the belly of the dead body. Before, we used the lens to bring it, so that we can use real people to complete it."

"It's unreal." Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "In this way, the dead body is lying on the rubbish next to it, simply make a door panel to make a bed, cut a hole in it, and the actor squats down, with his head facing down. Up. Then wrap some pig intestines with paper shells to make a stomach, and use paper shells to support the rest of the body. If the hands want to be real, you can also use the head for the same reason. Then when shooting, the female Survivors rode on the corpse's legs, then slit open its belly with knives.

As you shoot, you switch back and forth between the perspective of the female survivor and the dead body.The feeling of looking at each other.Then when the female survivor opened the body with a knife, only close-ups were given to the female survivor.Then when she was rummaging for the keys in her belly, the camera was pulled down to close up the dead body.In this way, the paper shell has been cut open by her, so it will not be worn out, and you can still see the real scene of searching for keys, which will look very real and have a particularly visual impact..."

(End of this chapter)

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