spy ace

Chapter 1899 behind the investigation

Chapter 1899 behind the investigation
Huazhang went on to say: "We can also make a little noise outside to divert their attention. We will cooperate with you to leave. This will reduce some uncontrollable factors."

"It's trying to cover up." Fan Keqin said: "If you create some noise outside to divert the other party's attention, I think that the death of Hei Liu Qin will be discovered almost immediately. The role of security is to protect the safety of the target. If there is any situation outside, the internal bodyguards will almost certainly confirm the safety of Hei Liu Qinzhi immediately.

With this confirmation, I will find that this old devil has been killed by me.At that point, it will be even more impossible for me to leave without being discovered.Whether it is internal vigilance or peripheral monitoring points, I am afraid they will be raised to the highest level.No matter how I go out, I will be noticed by them. "

After hearing this, Huazhang thought about it carefully, and she thought of many ways for Fan Keqin, including, after killing Hei Liuqin, killing a guard by the way, changing into the other's clothes, and so on.However, this thought is only fleeting.Because this is not a game, if you change into someone's clothes, you won't be suspected.how can that be possible.Even if you change your clothes and come out with a hat covering half of your face and think that others will ignore you, that would be naive.

Finally, Huazhang asked Fan Keqin for a cigarette, and started smoking.You must know that the big beautiful girl has not smoked for a long time.It can be seen how stressed she is now.

Fan Keqin stroked the other party's back, smiled, and said: "Actually, this matter is also simple. But it requires excellent cooperation. The difficulty now is the 'neighbors' outside."

While talking, Fan Keqin took the drawing of the nine-square grid drawn by Huazhang before, clicked on the circle in the middle, and said: "This is the home of Hei Liuqin." Then he clicked on the surrounding circles. Circle, said: "This is the neighbor."

Then, Fan Keqin crossed the circle in the middle on the right side with a pen, and said: "Suppose, there are security personnel watching in this neighborhood. How about killing this eye? It is equivalent to opening a passage. No matter Whether it is going in or coming out, the passage can be used. Has things become easier?"

"Ah." Huazhang threw the cigarette he hadn't smoked into the ashtray.Said: "Hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago. In this way, we need to make sure now that there are neighbors like eyes in that place."

Speaking of this, Huazhang paused, and said: "In this way, the assassin doesn't have to sneak in during the day. At a certain time at night, we will first kill this neighbor and open the passage. Then the assassin sneaks into Hei Liuqin's house through the passage. Try to kill him silently, and then return on the same road. If there is no accident, the death of Hei Liuqin will not be discovered until the next morning. In this way, we can have enough time Hide, or simply withdraw from Shanghai."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "We have to choose a very suitable time. At this time, it is definitely not possible during the day. I am afraid that it will not work as soon as it gets dark. If it is the eyesight formed by several neighbors, then at the beginning of the night, I am afraid it will not work." There will still be some people passing by. If these monitoring points are very vigilant, they will definitely call each other and keep comparing the information they see.

If we choose a bad time and kill someone at a certain monitoring point, if other monitoring points call at this time, it will be exposed. "

Huazhang said: "The Hongkou area is full of little devils and overseas Chinese. The little devils seem to have a habit, that is, people who have jobs, I mean men, don't go home immediately after get off work, but drink with colleagues outside. After drinking or something, I will return to my home. So the first half of the night should be ruled out.

So we should choose a time in the middle of the night.In this way, the number of people on the street will be greatly reduced.It will avoid what you said, the possibility of always calling each other or reporting news. "

Fan Keqin said: "Well, the little devils are like this. They think that going home too early is a sign of incompetence in getting along with colleagues in the work unit. The middle of the night is after the early morning. In a residential area, the population density itself is low, and the status must be higher than that of some ordinary office workers.

Although these people may go out for a drink after get off work, they may not go home as late as ordinary office workers, after all, they have restraint.Therefore, the probability of people appearing in the second half of the night will decrease again.

We set a time, [-]:[-], until around [-]:[-], at this time, the vigilance will definitely drop.It is the best choice for us to do it at this time. "

Huazhang said: "Then I will draw up the latest information and pass it on to the brothers tomorrow. Let them start to shift the focus of the investigation. Let them focus on the investigation of the neighbors around Hei Liuqin?"

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes. But let them pay attention to methods. When Hei Liuqin is at home, if you go to investigate, the chances of being discovered are very high. I suggest to draw the key points .Use the method of back detection."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin pulled the drawing of the nine-square grid again, and said behind the crossed circle, "Our investigation unit cannot appear in the middle of the residences of these suspected eye neighbors and Hei Liuqin." If it is in the middle, no matter how well the brothers cover up, it may be fine once or twice, but if it occurs repeatedly, it will almost certainly be noticed.

Therefore, it should be placed in a more peripheral place.For example, here is the eye, but we have to observe behind the eye.The method is also very simple, that is to observe during the day when Hei Liuqin is not around, and then.When Hei Liuqin returns home from get off work, just use the method of observing from behind, just observe.Do not observe for a long time.

In this way, when Hei Liuqin is present, and when he is not.It is a guarded monitoring point, and as a neighbor of the eyes, it will definitely appear in a different state.This allows us to determine which are eyes and which may not.

Then we select and open a monitoring point of the passage based on the detected situation.This method, in your message, has been clearly stated with the brothers.Of course, don't make strict rules. After all, they are specific investigators. According to some circumstances of the investigation at that time, they can be flexible. "

(End of this chapter)

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