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Chapter 1940 Relationship Line

Chapter 1940 Relationship Line

Sun Guoxin continued: "What's more, the other party's father is a powerful figure in a financial center like Shanghai. The things he comes into contact with will never be simply related to finance."

Fan Keqin flicked the cigarette ash slightly, and said, "What does the boss mean, let me keep in touch with her?"

"It doesn't matter if it's as simple as keeping in touch." Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "Women, coax them. When you write a letter, tell your heart, send a telegram every now and then to show that you haven't forgotten him, and you still have it in your heart. Let Brothers in Hong Kong Island will help you post photos, so your Wanheng status will be more secure. You can even go to Shanghai every once in a while to maintain your relationship with Miss Tong. Of course Yes, next time you go to Shanghai, you can not bring Huazhang, or you can bring Huazhang without showing up.

In this way, will it go further?You know, like what you said, this Miss Tong really fell in love with you. As a woman, once you fall in love, if you don't do something outrageous, then it's fine. "

It's old from the start...

Of course, Fan Keqin just smiled and said: "Success, I will definitely maintain the relationship with Ms. Tong. But in her eyes, I am married, and it is destined to have no results. In the end, I am afraid that people will still Choose to let go."

"Hey!" Sun Guoxin waved his hand and said, "What's the matter. It's normal for men to be more romantic. The Miss Tong you said will choose to let go, and this problem is easy to solve.

Arrange a scene, anything goes.In this year, the army is in turmoil, and when you go out, who dares to guarantee your safety?I met a bandit, the king of the mountain, the ruthless master of the underworld.Isn't that normal.

Didn't your Wanheng wife, Zhang Qing, go to Hong Kong Island with you to help a good friend?It's so easy to get into this kind of thing.Zhang Qing died unfortunately.Or he got a sudden illness and passed away unfortunately after medical treatment failed.It's easy to go back to the morgue, get a jar of ashes, and then forge a formality or something!According to what you just said, Miss Tong, based on her trust in you, don't say she won't investigate, even if she uses her father's relationship in the puppet government to investigate, there is nothing wrong with it. "

make!Sun Guoxin is determined to let himself get into the relationship with Miss Tong.However, in Fan Keqin's eyes, this was not surprising.It's because Miss Tong's value is really too high.As I said before, the main reason is that her father is the director of the finance department in Shanghai, an absolute financial center. If she only needs to get one piece of information from him, it will definitely be a huge profit.

Sun Guoxin took a sip of his cigar, feeling very happy.This time, when Fan Keqin was on a business trip, he not only successfully killed the number one killer Chen Gongshu, but also got married with Hei Liu, the director of the police department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.It's a very good and huge harvest to even hook up with Tong Fei.How could Sun Guoxin tell Fan Keqin to cut off contact with Miss Tong?

So Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "The identity of the Wanheng you pretended to be is not a problem. Although it is said that the status of a singer... is not much worse than that of an actor, or even worse. But it was the first time you met Tong Da at that time. Miss’s reaction, what I said, I think is very good. The status of a songwriter is much higher. Aren’t you helping a friend in Hong Kong to expand the company’s business now? This friend’s personality, I think, can stand up completely. Let people Really get a company.

This company allows you to technically invest in shares.In addition, this company is really running well.After having you, the company's business has turned into a profit, and because the records you produced are sold well, the company has also transferred a lot of money.But Hong Kong Island...is a small place after all, your friend, I heard from you that you have a good relationship with the big Shanghai Film and Record Production Company in Shanghai.So let you open a new company in Shanghai in order to expand a larger market.Um?This is a business that any sensible businessman will see.reasonable.At that time, you can return to Shanghai with a sum of money logically, and contact Miss Tong generously. "

When Sun Guoxin said this, he looked at Fan Keqin with a smile, and said, "How is it? This way there will be no problem."

"The position is brilliant!" Fan Keqin also smiled and said: "It is logical, I will send a telegram to Hong Kong Island later, and let them arrange it. For the sake of authenticity, I can actually make a few records during the period, and then give it to Miss Tong Mail it back. Write her a letter, one by one, in the letter, describing what I did when I arrived on Hong Kong Island. If this is the case, there will be absolutely no problem. "

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said happily: "Just do it like this. In addition, this time, don't be afraid to spend money. You must set up a real company in Hong Kong Island. In addition, send a person who is capable of business and let him spend tens of thousands of dollars. As a good friend of Heng, make sure this company is dead. Every time you write a letter to Ms. Tong, when describing the company, you should communicate with the boss of the company and ask him to make the company completely Every time you do, the content of the letter looks like.

For example, the letter mentioned that you have helped to produce several records and when they started to be released.These companies must also act accordingly.The time should also be consistent.In this way, even if Director Tong used all his strength to investigate, he still couldn't find out anything wrong.Your identity will also sit on the ground and die!
At that time, when you return to Hong Kong Island, you will not only be a songwriter, but also a boss.Don't worry, when the time is right, after you go to Shanghai, I will personally help you keep an eye on the situation on the other side of Hong Kong Island.In the future, let this company get better and better, and its business expansion will become bigger and bigger. It can also be made into a traitor company that tends to get close to little devils.In this case, the company will grow bigger and bigger.Um?In this way, the matter between you and Miss Tong is not a big deal.In front of his father, you are well-matched.His father must have made things difficult for you because of your problem of concealing your identity. "

Sun Guoxin's ability is undoubtedly reflected at this moment.Fan Keqin had just reported to him about his trip to Shanghai. It can be said that he had completely grasped the focus in an instant, and in such a short period of time, he had sent a continuous line of news that was likely to obtain important information. The whole plan is structured.

What about Fan Keqin?After he docked, he slowly took a puff of his cigar, as if he was considering the plan just now.After a while, he nodded and said, "No problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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