spy ace

Chapter 1942 New Department

Chapter 1942 New Department

But Lu Xiaoya, and all the audience in the movie theater except Fan Keqin, laughed out loud.After two lines in a row, after Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya came out, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.I didn't play any flirtatious anymore, so I had a meal at the cultural restaurant next to the cultural station.

When you get home, continue to show your affection.Of course, it's not for show to others.They are in love, but the place of love is distributed in every place of the home.In the words of Fan Keqin: There must be a big picture!Every place must not be missed.

For the next week, Fan Keqin basically had nothing to do. After going to the Security Bureau every day, he listened to Zhuang Xiaoman's report on the progress.The local Hong Kong Island Office Liaison Office has secretly sent a report to Hong Kong Island.In addition, the "actor" who plays the great artist Wan Heng and his wife Zhang Qing has also been cast.

According to Fan Keqin's arrangement, Wan Heng had already composed two songs when he was building the boat, one was "Don't Cry My Friends", the other was "Let's Go Smartly".It fully shows Wanheng's artistic talent.

Fan Keqin finished the score without using it for a long time, and asked Zhuang Xiaoman to forward it to the local liaison office, and let them think of a way to hand over the score to the actor who played Wan Heng.

Speaking of the agent who played Wan Heng, and the two agents who played Zhang Qing.Fan Keqin asked them to show him the information of these two people.Not to mention, these two agents, first of all, are about the same age as myself and Huazhang.In addition, the height and weight are also similar.These are relatively good.

In addition, the faces are very similar. Although the facial features don't look alike, it doesn't matter.As long as there is such a person in Hong Kong who has helped a friend turn a record production company into a profit.As long as there is such a thing, there is no problem at all.

Next, Fan Keqin will basically live like this every day, and listen to Zhuang Xiaoman's report.Then get off work early and go home to accompany Lu Xiaoya.As for the matters on Hong Kong Island, it is really not that difficult to implement them step by step according to the plan.

However, some important things happened during the period. The special investigation department, that is, Huazhang's department, took on two relatively special cases.And they are all suspected of being spies.One of them was grand theft of a vehicle.A total of four vehicles were stolen almost at the same time.The modus operandi is the same.

The so-called consistent modus operandi is because when the four cars were stolen, they all had one characteristic, and there were no witnesses.There are not too many traces of committing crimes.The people below discovered that it was stolen basically at the same time, and suspected that it was done by professionals, so they responded upwards.Finally arrived at the special investigation department.

However, the result of the final inquiry was not a spy.It's really a bunch of car thieves.Two of the gang were apprentices in auto repair.At this stage of the case, Fan Keqin no longer cared about it.Since it's not about spies, I'm not interested anymore.

Another case is the kidnapping case.It was said to be a spy case, but later on, it was discovered that it was a group of real gangsters.It's just a matter of money.At first, it was because the target of the kidnapping was the family members of government officials.It was reported only in case of a spy. If it was a spy, the police would not need to do it, but the Security Bureau would directly intervene.

So quickly, more than a week passed.When Fan Keqin arrived at the Security Bureau that day, he had just smoked a cigarette when the phone rang.

Fan Keqin reached out to pick it up and said, "Hello? Who is it?"

Sun Guoxin's voice sounded through the receiver, saying: "Keqin, after you put down the phone, wait for me in the parking space far away."

"Understood." Fan Keqin said, "I'll go there now."

Putting down the phone, Fan Keqin gave Zhuang Xiaoman some instructions and walked out of the Security Bureau building.To the parking space on the left side of the yard.Sure enough, Sun Guoxin's driver was standing by the car waiting.

"Director Fan." The driver greeted him proactively.

"Hey." Fan Keqin came to him and said, "The seat will be here in a while, how is it? Do you know what's going on?"

"Oh. The boss said he was going out and asked me to get the car ready." The driver replied, "I don't know the specifics."

"En." Fan Keqin casually chatted with the driver for a few more words.He didn't mean to be easygoing.It was Sun Guoxin's driver, who was actually one of his confidantes.A secretary and a driver are actually very close friends of the bosses.

After chatting for a while, Sun Guoxin and Liao Wangkun came out of the building.When he got to him, Sun Guoxin said, "Let's go, take my car."

"Yes." Fan Keqin replied, and sat in the back seat with Sun Guoxin.Liao Wangkun was the co-pilot.Soon the car set off, drove out of the Security Bureau compound, and drove forward along the road.

Sun Guoxin said: "Let me tell you briefly, Boss Dai gave us a mission to select a relatively secret location and set up a new intelligence department. It is used in cooperation with the Meidi family. It is done by our Security Bureau. It has been very good all the time, Boss Dai is also very relieved, and you are a security expert yourself. This is also the reason. Of course, the specific situation must be obtained from the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau, and Boss Dai can explain it in detail."

Fan Keqin saw that Sun Guoxin didn't shy away from Liao Wangkun and the driver, so he explained that it was all right.So I asked two questions.However, Sun Guoxin obviously just received a call from Boss Dai, so I really don't know the details.As he said, the Meidi family took the initiative to cooperate with the national intelligence agency.Together to create a new intelligence unit.Other than that, Sun Guoxin didn't know.

When they arrived at the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau, they drove all the way in. Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin got out of the car and entered the building.Soon came to Dai Yunong's office.

It can be seen that Dai Yunong is still posing, slightly sideways, with his left hand on the table and his right hand hidden underneath.Seeing Fan Keqin coming in, he pointed to the chair and said, "Come on, sit down and talk."

"After the Pearl Harbor incident, the Meidi family regretted it now." Dai Yunong said: "President Franklin#Roosevelt, I communicated with the principal before and wanted to see me. But he is busy, and I am also busy, and it is impossible to meet each other across the ocean. of."

In the opening remarks, Dai Yunong directly got to the point. It turned out that after the Pearl Harbor incident, the Meidi family was shocked by the accuracy of the information given to them by the military commander.Roosevelt really proposed that he really wanted to see Dai Yu.But for various reasons, the two of them really didn't see each other.

Shortly thereafter, the Mijiya Naval Intelligence Office, in order to collect intelligence on the war against Japan, began to propose cooperation with the station chief of the Mijiya Station of the Military Command.

(End of this chapter)

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