spy ace

Chapter 1952 Open your heart

Chapter 1952 Open your heart
Maybe after a movie is released, it will still receive some scattered dividends for several years.Also, don't think there's no piracy these days.Although it is said that movie copies are really expensive in this day and age.However, there are also pirated copies.

For example, in a certain place, we heard that your movie is selling well, so we also introduced it.After the show is over, I will indeed give you a share, but then, I took the copy and went to a movie theater in another city to secretly show it, so I can keep all the box office shares for myself.

Fan Keqin looked around at everyone, and said, "This Saturday, call the director and Lao Zhen, and let's go to the cinema together."

This proposal was immediately supported by Ms. Tong. As for how to let myself sit with Fan Keqin at that time... Ms. Tong thinks that this problem should not exist. Zhang Shan must know that he is only for Fan Keqin Face, so as long as I come forward, Zhang Shan will definitely be able to arrange it clearly.

Zhang Shan will definitely support it, even though his company is called Film Singing Production Company.But before that, I didn't shoot any movies, I just rented out some equipment.Therefore, the movie "Dead End" is the first one produced by his company.As the boss, how could he not go?

This is especially true for Bai Fengtai, who immediately expressed his desire to watch the film produced and written by Mr. Wan.Then he would find topics and ask about filming.In this way, Fan Keqin could bring the topic to Miss Tong again, or some things she was interested in, without compromising.For example, recalling some interesting incidents during the filming, being attached to Miss Tong, the food of the crew has improved several grades and so on.

This is also the case, and Miss Tong feels that the "frequency" of herself and Fan Keqin are very compatible.

There were several lawyers there, and after getting the definite answers from several "bosses and shareholders", it was naturally very fast to draft the contract.It's just the specific share allocation. After that, the three companies will need to find a professional person to calculate the amount of their respective contributions.

For example, the various equipment produced by the Shanghai Film Company and the various local distribution channels need to figure out a detailed cost-effectiveness. To put it bluntly, it is how much these things are worth.As for the two-story office building that the eldest lady gave out, as well as various relationships in other places, how much are these actually worth.After these things are clarified, then it is possible to more accurately calculate the respective shareholding ratios of the three companies.So today they are not signing the contract, but initialing it.This is done so that the business of this company can start to operate now.Don't wait.

After the signing, Zhang Shan suggested with a wink that he wanted to celebrate.Everyone naturally agreed, and went out together, found a high-end restaurant, and began to eat and drink.

But Zhang Shan was very winking. At the dinner table, he kept chatting with Bai Fengtai. Where are the brothers from? In the future, the brothers will need to take care of this business.In short, it is similar to these words.Zhang Shan knew how Miss Tong treated Fan Keqin, no, he started to actively create some conditions, and talked to Bai Fengtai more, then Miss Tong would chat with Wan Heng.

Seeing Zhang Shan winking, how could Fan Keqin not seize the opportunity.Chatted with Tong Fei about some daily conveniences, and even occasionally commented on the dishes, or the company's future development. I and Miss Tong worked in the same office building. If there was any problem, it was very convenient to communicate.In addition, I will go to the office building tomorrow to see where my office is, where the artist's training room is, and how to arrange it.Actors and singers' practice rooms, what is needed and so on.

Miss Tong is actually in a very good condition now, how can I put it, it is interesting for her to talk about everything with Fan Keqin now.After learning of Zhang Qing's unfortunate death, she can be said to have completely opened her heart.Although Miss Tong is really not that kind of bad person, I feel that Zhang Qing died well.In fact, she was also saddened by Zhang Qing's death.But both men and women must be selfish when they experience emotions.They all hope that the other party is their own.So Miss Tong, although she was limited by this age before, she didn't think there was a problem with having more men and concubines.But it's still a little uncomfortable.

But now that Zhang Qing is gone, her slight discomfort is gone.Subconsciously, she even felt that her father had no reason to object.Maybe she didn't think about it too specifically, but subconsciously, she said: "If I want to follow Fan Keqin, then Fan Keqin has a wife. Although my father is very concerned about my feelings in this regard, he will definitely tolerate me." However, the other party has a rich man, so my father will definitely object anyway. But now my father has no reason to object."

In this way, Miss Tong's last worry was gone, and the door of emotion was completely opened, and she really couldn't hold it back.It can be said that what to talk about, what to do together, it's all casual, it doesn't matter at all, okay!As long as you are with Fan Keqin, no matter what you do or talk about, you won't be bored.

But now Fan Keqin's best way to deal with this kind of thing is not to take advantage of the victory and strike while the iron is hot.Instead, let things go along with the time and ferment naturally.If at this time, I deliberately play some ambiguous actions, although there is a high probability that it will speed up the progress with Miss Tong.But don't forget, in Wan Heng's story line, his wife had just passed away and was only buried today.This is a bit too much.Therefore, the method Fan Keqin chose was not to be in a hurry, but to let things develop naturally. In this way, there would be no overkill, and the final result would be a matter of course.

It doesn't take too long to eat a meal, mainly because everyone is concerned that Miss Tong is a woman, and it may not be good to spend too long in the wine party, after all, most women are unwilling to participate in any wine party.But Zhang Shan and the others really thought wrong this time, Fan Keqin came back, this was the first time, Miss Tong wished to spend as much time with him as possible.

But Fan Keqin and his group, after eating and drinking for about an hour, got up to end the meal.Miss Tong can't say anything more.I can only follow Fan Keqin, at the entrance of the hotel, to send Fan Keqin home...

(End of this chapter)

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