spy ace

Chapter 1955

Chapter 1955
How can such a role be played?In fact, there are many ways.Does this thing really use experience life?All you need is observation and imagination.

If you experience life, do you really have someone cut you down?nonsense!The reason is to have observation and imagination.First of all, you can go to the hospital and other places to observe those traumatized people to see how they react, what is the state of walking, lying and sitting after the injury.Then imagination is to put yourself into the role, what kind of pain will you feel after you are injured, and how will you walk, sit and lie down.

Then it is to sort out the logic in the script.Although you were stabbed in the shoulder, the person who cut you was your sworn enemy. During the years when he killed your father, you were filled with hatred.In this case, although the other party slashed you, causing you to have an extremely sharp pain on your shoulder, but the other party killed your father, you will naturally be filled with hatred, and even in a short period of time, with this hatred It makes you able to endure the pain of your shoulder being cut.Coupled with the time of life and death, except for those real wastes, human beings will burst out their potential.So how do you act?Naturally, it is hatred, anger, and pain, but your belief in killing the other party is the strongest.If you want to perform these things, then your performance will definitely be in place.

Therefore, Fan Keqin taught the other party the above theories, in-depth analysis of the script, and how to figure out the psychological activities of the characters. He has no problem at all.And without bragging, Fan Keqin's performance was better than any so-called actor.Because his psychological quality is too strong, and his sense of belief is too strong, so everything he plays seems to be real.

However, it's too real, and it can't be said to be completely right when acting in a movie.According to the role you play and the plot of the script, you should analyze the specific situation and analyze it in detail.Because the movie itself has some plots, you really have to exaggerate a little bit in your performance.

To give a simple example, a famous movie in later generations, Joker.It won the Golden Lion Award, and the actors played really well.But the plot inside, if you want to act too realistically, it's not right.Who would go to the toilet to dance after killing someone?Ordinary people certainly don't. Although the clown says he is mentally ill, you can't say that a mentally ill person must be able to dance after killing someone.

Because mental illness itself is unpredictable and acts illogically.But why dance, and exaggerate physically?This is because it is necessary to express the heart of the character.So this is a good, artistic exaggeration.But this exaggeration is necessary.Therefore, acting is always very real, just like the neighbor's second aunt, it is not acceptable.

Therefore, Fan Keqin began to gradually analyze these artists around these things.Even demonstrate it yourself.It can be said that the brilliant acting skills directly shocked everyone.Even Director Zhan Ruide, who came to observe, was after class, so he must ask Fan Keqin to be the leading actor in his next film.After grinding for several days, Fan Keqin still didn't agree in the end.I just told Director Zhan Ruide that I don't want to do this, and it's fine to act in a movie, and I can still work behind the scenes.Director Zhan Ruide had no other choice, until Fan Keqin agreed to act as an actor's performance consultant for his next play, and that was the end of the matter.

Time soon came to Saturday.In this year, the vast majority of people do not have any Sunday holidays.There are only a few people, such as some high-level executives of large companies, or bosses of certain people, or students of certain schools.There will be Sundays and holidays.Most people, especially poor people, even if you give him a holiday, he is not willing.Because feeding a family is hard enough.Still on vacation?Don't be afraid to starve to death.

However, most poor people don't watch movies. After all, it's to save money. Isn't it good to save money?Even if you buy an extra handful of flour for your family, it will be more affordable than watching a movie.So, in this day and age, movies are not for most people to watch.

Miss Tong came to pick up Fan Keqin again. After the two arrived at the cinema, Bai Fengtai, Zhang Shan, Zhan Ruide and Zhen Qiang had also arrived.And bought a ticket.This group of people also had winks, knowing what Miss Tong meant to Teacher Wan.So naturally let the two of them sit together.No one wants to be a light bulb.Of course, in addition to them, there are four bodyguards of Miss Tong.But these bodyguards will be invisible, so don't worry about them.

Sitting in the last row, ten minutes before the opening, Fan Keqin saw that there were almost a hundred seats in the cinema, and he was able to fill up to [-]%.This number is not bad, and this has not yet started, there should be some people coming over in a while.

Sure enough, around the time of the opening and the last minute, some people came one after another. At this time, the attendance rate was almost seventy-five.It's still very good. Fan Keqin estimated that this has something to do with Zhang Shan's advertisement in the newspaper.Otherwise, the attendance rate this year is really not high.

After chatting with Miss Tong in a low voice for a while, the light on the big screen lit up.People in the cinema no longer talk to each other.When the first scene appeared, the people in the cinema seemed to have been casted by magic, and they collectively let out an "ah".

It turned out that it was the character's reaction after struggling to get up in the water in the bathtub to remove the water blockage in the bathtub.Then, when the characters are dazed, at a loss, and looking around in doubt, the camera also rotates accordingly, giving a picture of the surroundings.

In this era, there are color movies and sound movies.But in China, it is still black and white.And there are no color sound films.That's why the audience reacted so strongly.

But soon, the audience remained silent for a very long time.Seeing this situation, both Fan Keqin and Zhan Ruide felt that this time the movie was stable.Because the movie is good or bad, the more noisy the better, because once you watch it, you will watch it quietly.Even if your new girlfriend or boyfriend is sitting next to you, you will still concentrate on looking at the screen and don't want to talk.

But in Fan Keqin's eyes, this is normal.Some people always say that old movies are so classic.Yes, a classic is a classic.But it must have been in the environment when the movie was shot that it caused a sensation.If you really want to abandon your feelings and show old movies in future generations, how much box office do you think it can sell?Impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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