spy ace

Chapter 1958 The Golden Ratio

Chapter 1958 The Golden Ratio
Just wait for a suitable time to come, but it will become a matter of course.Therefore, for Miss Tong, she is very satisfied and likes it.It can be said that if the current Miss Tong didn't feel better before the time came, she would have treated Fan Keqin in every possible way.

On this day, Fan Keqin just took a vocal class, teaching the company's artists some singing skills when singing, especially the use of breath.For example, when singing, most of them use the qi of the dantian, while ordinary people don't pay attention to these things at all when they sing, they just take a breath and sing casually with their voices.Even if ordinary people sing well, they just control their voices to achieve a better singing effect.

This is not the case for professional singers. The breath comes from the Dantian, so the breath will be more stable and longer.If you have been in contact with professionals, you will know that when professional singers sing and vocalize, their abdomen is always in motion, and sometimes it is tense.This is the use of various breaths when adjusting oneself to sing.

And these days, to put it bluntly, many singers who have become famous also sing with their good voices.The use of breath is still in its infancy.Unlike later generations, so professional.This level of professionalism was not nearly perfected until the 60s and [-]s, resulting in a large number of very good singers.

But what Fan Keqin taught was not folk music, bel canto, or alto or soprano.What he taught was popular singing.To put it bluntly, it is a pop song.After all, he "writes" pop songs.As for folk music, such as bel canto, it is too high-level, and Fan Keqin can't play it.

Just after leaving the classroom, Miss Tong was walking from the hall with a few of her bodyguards.Beside him were two well-dressed people, one old and one young.

Miss Tong naturally smiled when she saw Fan Keqin.When he got to him, Fan Keqin asked, "Are you done? Who are these two?"

Miss Tong said: "This is Master Fangzheng of Mingshi Tailor and his apprentice. Didn't I go out in the morning? Master Fang is here to measure your body and make some winter clothes for you."

"Okay, thank you." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "I really didn't think of this, thanks to you helping me think about it. Take it to my office."

After speaking, he greeted Fangzheng and his apprentice, and then walked side by side with Miss Tong and returned to Fan Keqin's office.Miss Tong sat on the sofa next to her and made a few cups of tea by herself. She came here a lot these days.Then I watched Fang Zheng's master and apprentice start to measure Fan Keqin's body. The little apprentice helped to record, and Master Fang Zheng personally helped to measure.

The real most high-end kind of handmade in later generations, for example, a famous tailor shop in England.If clothes are made there, a piece of clothing costs hundreds of thousands, while the super high-end material and the handwork of master tailors even cost hundreds of thousands a set.And this kind of store needs to be measured many times.

Then, during the body measurement, I will also talk to you about what kind of work you do, what kind of business you do, your family situation, even your level of education, and some of your past.According to them, it is necessary to know who you are, and then according to who you are, even your job, personality, occasions you may attend, education, etc., and then combine them together, and then hand-craft a set of perfectly fitting clothes for you.

Actually?In Fan Keqin's eyes, this was just a gimmick.what?Tailors also need to study psychology. After learning about you, they want to give you a psychological profile?Then combine psychology with making clothes. This is something that even the world's top psychological masters can't do, but you can do it as a layman?nonsense!

It is nothing more than a reason for the rich who can afford it, that is: your clothes are unique.Absolutely awesome, so you pay so much for a set of clothes from us, it's definitely worth it!
In fact, this charge gives you the feeling of "absolute value".There are some psychological techniques in it.But other things, combining your personality, past experience, etc., Fan Keqin thinks all these things are bullshit.What occasion do you attend? You can just say no, for example, I want to attend a high-end business exhibition.I hope to reflect my rigor, and then I want British slimming style and so on.

That way it can be done.So don't think that some rich people think how knowledgeable they are. In fact, he may not really understand. It's just that he thinks that a custom-made suit really fits his body, or that I really need a few suits, so I go Customize, and you're done.And most importantly: they can afford it.

Master Fang didn't ask about these things, but this Master Fang, Fan Keqin has heard of it, and it is definitely the top one among the tailor shops in Shanghai.That is to say Miss Tong came forward, otherwise, she is so busy that she can't even make clothes, so she still visits?Impossible.Even if there are some awesome people, it is enough to just let the apprentice come to the door.

Master Fang was really skilled. It didn't take long to measure Fan Keqin's figure.I checked the record written by my apprentice, and after confirming it, I smiled and said: "Mr. Wan's body proportions are very good. In our body measurement circle, is there a saying called the golden ratio? Mr. Wan is the one I have seen, and his figure is really good. Someone who is in the golden ratio. I believe that once the garment is done, it will work absolutely very well.”

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Ah, thank you. How else do I need to cooperate?"

"It's finished." At this time, Master Fang ignored Fan Keqin, turned to look at Miss Tong, and said, "Miss, Mr. Wan's clothes, according to what we said before?"

"Yes." Miss Tong smiled and said, "Master Fang, please."

"It doesn't matter." Fangzheng said: "Then we will leave first." After saying that, he nodded to Fan Keqin again and left with his apprentice.

Fan Keqin sat next to Miss Tong and said, "What kind of riddle is this with Master Fang? You don't know how to make women's clothes for me, do you?"

"Hehe. Of course not." Miss Tong laughed and said, "I just told Master Fang what kind of clothes I want to order and how many sets I want to order. Don't think I didn't inform you in advance, the material What, I chose it for you in the store before, let me make the decision, can I dress you up once?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin replied with a smile: "Don't really make me a lady's evening dress, or a long skirt or something."

(End of this chapter)

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