spy ace

Chapter 1964 3 Conditions

Chapter 1964 Three Conditions
Fan Keqin was somewhat confident in his narration, and then went on to say: "Some artists in the company have also received some commercial performances. The company's funds are still sufficient, so we plan to make another movie recently. I have already written the script. It's finished. I think within a week, we can start preparing for the crew."

"Oh." Tong's father was a little impressed when he heard this, and said, "So, the company is on track. Xiao Wan, you are very capable."

At this time, Tong Fei, who was opposite, immediately interjected, saying: "Well, Brother Heng is indeed very capable. He writes lyrics, composes music, and makes records. He understands all of these things, such as film scores, scripts, and producers."

This doesn't sound like an introduction to his abilities, but a bit of fangirling.But fortunately, in Fan Keqin's introduction before Tong's father, he could hear that Fan Keqin's ability to control the company is still good.As for the development in the future, for example, as he mentioned, a movie is going to be shot now.These things are obviously still very clear in my heart.It gives people the feeling that they are not fooling around, but that they have their own ideas in their hearts.This is a good situation.

To be honest, Father Tong's requirement for his daughter's future husband is to be kind to his daughter, be responsible and enterprising.From this order, it can be seen that for the daughter, the first is the first.Looking at his daughter's attitude now, he is really caring, and Wan Heng cares about his daughter very much when he talks, even if he talks to him, he will look at his daughter with a smile on his face.This should be a good state.

In addition, the sense of responsibility is the marriage experience summed up by Tong's father.Some people suffer to the death and suffer very painfully. Why?Because they are walking on one leg.I only know how to fall in love and talk about feelings.However, they don't know the responsibility at all.Love without responsibility must be painful, it is a necessity.Only love and responsibility go hand in hand and walk on two legs.This relationship can truly stand upright, walk steadily, and go far.

From Fan Keqin's conversation, Tong's father could feel that Wan Heng was stable and responsible.

As for professionalism, why is it ranked last in Tong's father's heart.The first point is that he is a man himself.He knows that once a man is busy with his career, correspondingly, he will spend less time with his lover.Father Tong survived a lot of ridiculous remarks, saying, you are busy with your career and doing business, but you can't spend more time with me.

Father Tong scoffed at this sentence.Because this is a false proposition at all. People who are busy with their careers must be working hard to run their own companies or busy with their jobs most of the time.There is only so much time for a person. For example, to discuss a business, the other party happens to be free during vacation, you say you don’t want to talk?To accompany your family?how can that be possible! !If you don't talk about it, you may lose a lot of money, hundreds of thousands, millions, can you afford to lose?Even if you can, but how many times can you lose?once?Or twice?In this case, isn't it a joke that you ask your lover to stay with you instead of discussing business.

Those who seem to handle their careers and families perfectly.Actually, do you think it's really that perfect?no!It's just that the person in the family understands.The other half may feel in their hearts that their lover is busy with their career and neglects themselves, but they will still support their lover's career first.Therefore, with your eyesight, you will feel that the family and career are handled perfectly.Otherwise, those who are busy with their careers, or their careers will never improve.Or just ignore one end.Because you can't spare the extra time to use it.No one can change this.

But having said that, the reason why Tong's father ranks his career at the bottom is also because he even has this point.It is impossible to say that career and family are balanced.Therefore, as long as you have a little bit of ambition, you will not be nothing.In this way, it is impossible to neglect one's own daughter.The other most important point is that the Tong family is very rich.You don't need to be too ambitious.

Like now, Wan Heng's working child father thinks it is very good.Although he doesn't know much about the entertainment industry.But making records, writing lyrics and composing music, etc., these things can be done at home without even going to the company.So in this way, the other party will have more time to spend with his daughter.

Therefore, to sum up, Tong's father was very satisfied with Wan Heng's first meeting with him as his daughter's boyfriend.As for the future, it needs more contact to understand better.As for setting up a test, that's really unnecessary.A truly mature person will observe people in life.Setting up a test?Bullshit.It's so childish.For example, we have all heard a story. When applying for a job, an old man passed by and didn't know that he had lost money.Then the other applicants kept the money for themselves, and only one of them took the money back...

This is very speechless.What a fucking childish story.Similarly, as long as it is a human-made test, it is fucked.Can human nature stand the test?not necessarily!Because some people are determined.But the main thing is that the test you set artificially will also artificially create a false result.For example, using the story of losing money, I applied for a job, and my main purpose was to get successfully hired by the company.

So at this time, an old man's money was transferred, why didn't I return it to him?The result I want is not the money falling on the ground, but the success of getting a job.Also, it's just too coincidental.Why did an old man drop money when I was applying for the job?Besides, is there any monitoring here?Has anyone else seen it?So how could I be so stupid as to keep money for myself?Ah, no way, this is a game.The one who set up the game is a stupid boss, there is such a boss, hehe!Maybe I can use him.

look!In the end, you failed the test!The person hired by your company may still be a person with dark attributes.Of course, the test mentioned here may be too simple.But the meaning is the same.Man-made bureaus must have traces to follow.In Gaoming, it is unavoidable, the person you invite may be a dark person.

Therefore, it does not mean that human nature cannot stand the test.The correct statement is: human nature does not need artificial testing.Even if it is a test, let life test him.

(End of this chapter)

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