spy ace

Chapter 1968 Economic Experts

Chapter 1968 Economic Experts
This point is still very important for future plans.As long as Tong's father does not object, this is basically half done.The other half depends on your luck and your ability to seize opportunities.Because after all, it is almost inadvisable to take the initiative to inquire about any information.

As for Tong's father, the phone call on the street today actually attracted Fan Keqin's attention.It's a pity that there is no way to ask, and even a side-by-side method is not appropriate.If it arouses the other party's suspicion, you may still be able to say that you are curious if you ask directly.Of course, this curiosity is also fake, but at least it can be explained.There is a score or two of credibility.

But if you want to ask insincerely, it will be bad food.The other party thought about it, you asked this, it must be a temptation, and a cover-up method, but what are you covering up?It is because you must have a problem, so you will cover it up.It was as if in order to hide the sound of his footsteps, he bent over and knelt, and walked forward stealthily.If you walk generously, you can still explain, but if you sneak around and play with high legs and light feet, it is tantamount to telling the other party that you must have a problem.

Fan Keqin recalled everything that happened today, and first confirmed his situation, which must be safe.In addition, the character design is also very good.Progress can be said to be a key step in buying.Although I couldn't find out the content of that phone call, overall, it was definitely a success.

After summing up, take a little shower and go straight to bed.The next morning, Fan Keqin tidied up in the bathroom, and put on the suit and windbreaker Miss Tong had customized for him.Then I sprayed on some of the cologne they gave each other yesterday.It was a shame to leave the house.

He found a tofu nao stall on the street. He was looking for a tofu nao stall in the north, which was salty.Then I ate two biscuits with this tofu brain, and breakfast was settled.In fact, the dispute between salty and sweet is just a joke of later generations of netizens.Who would take it seriously.To put it bluntly, this thing depends on your needs.Southerners actually eat tofu nao as a dessert.In many areas in the north, tofu nao is regarded as a side dish, and it is eaten with staple foods such as sesame seed cakes, which saves trouble.Basically, there are two things, so there is nothing to argue about.

Arriving at the company, shortly after returning to the office, Miss Tong came to the door.The big beauty is in a very good state today. She may be her sweetheart. She met her father yesterday and made the relationship clear, so when she is in a good mood, her state is naturally very good.In addition, the makeup is very suitable, anyone who looks at it must be fascinated.

He was still carrying a food box in his hand, which was placed on Fan Keqin's desk.Fan Keqin opened it, but there were Shanghai Xiaolongbao and two side dishes of mussels.I knew that I would not eat sesame seed cakes and tofu nao.

But Miss Tong brought them all, Fan Keqin said with a smile: "This is a bit too much, I can't eat it."

Miss Tong got bored beside her and said, "I'm afraid you don't have enough to eat." She leaned against Fan Keqin like a plaster.

But Fan Keqin must understand this feeling, and finally being with his sweetheart, how can he not be bored!

Fan Keqin stretched out his left hand, wrapped his arms around Miss Tong's waist, held a small bun with chopsticks in his right hand, handed it to Miss Tong's mouth, and said, "Come on, let's eat together."

Miss Tong didn't eat it, but the steamed stuffed bun was right next to her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and tapped it lightly, then hurriedly took it back, a little embarrassed, and said, "I've eaten it, you can eat it."

"Have you really eaten?" Fan Keqin asked.

When Miss Tong saw Fan Keqin asking herself, she stared at her mouth with a blush on her face, and said, "Well, I really ate it, you can eat it."

That's right, Fan Keqin is working again.It's still the same principle, men and women who have just been together are naturally very attracted to each other.That's why he played the trick of "look at each other's lips".But on the other hand, Miss Tong is indeed too attractive, and Fan Keqin is a master of experience.Therefore, if you want to play a good show, you must first really put yourself in it, so it is not pretending.

Although he ate a bit too much, Fan Keqin still ate all the breakfast of love brought to him by Miss Tong.And Miss Tong really liked Fan Keqin so much, she leaned against him all the time, watching her sweetheart eat.

After finishing eating, Fan Keqin covered the food box and put it aside.Still holding Miss Tong in his arms, he said, "Let's not eat tomorrow morning, let's eat together. How about it? I'll bring it back directly if I want to eat."

"Yes." Miss Tong readily agreed, and said, "I want to eat... porridge."

"I'm dizzy. Why don't you take what you want to eat." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll see if I can find preserved egg and lean meat porridge to bring you here tomorrow."

Miss Tong smiled and said, "Yes, yes. Let's have breakfast together in the future."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, as if remembering something, he asked, "What time did Uncle Tong get home yesterday? What did you say to you? Huh?"

This is a good opportunity, because we just met yesterday, and Father Tong went out again.And now I am Miss Tong's lover, and I am very concerned about Miss Tong's lover, so I naturally want to ask Tong's father about his attitude.This is very normal.However, in Fan Keqin's words, he didn't ask Tong's father about his attitude.Instead, the phrase "what did I tell you" will give people a psychological guidance.There is a certain chance to say something other than "Being a friend, passing the father's test".However, it will not be suspected.Because who is a friend, after meeting the parents, if you don’t ask your partner the next day, what is your elders doing to you?

Sure enough, Miss Tong was a little embarrassed, and she was a little embarrassed, so she was not easy to answer clearly, a little deliberately pretending to be confused, and said: "Just... just tell me, I suddenly went to see some...an economic expert who just arrived, and...then said, let me tell you that you don't mind."

Her embarrassment revealed more information.Even though it was just an unintentional sentence, it was completely different in Fan Keqin's ears.

Economic experts, if they are ordinary people, even if they are economic experts, they just answered about Shanghai, and there is no need for the director of the Finance Department. He is at home to receive his future son-in-law at night, so he has to go out to meet him.Therefore, the arrival of this economic expert must have something important to do.And economic experts, as the name suggests, must be things in the economic field...

(End of this chapter)

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